Private Industry Council 1996/03/28 ANAHEIM PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL _ i CITY OF ANAHEIM 201 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. hrii ova 2ND FLOOR CONFERENCE CENTER t, MARCH 28, 1996 MINUTES Call to Order The PIC Chair, Paul Bostwick, called the meeting to order at 3:40 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bob Nelson. Roll Call The PIC Chair asked the PIC members to introduce themselves to the audience. Present Absent Staff Jill Bolton Bob Cashman Ruben Aceves Paul Bostwick Cheryl Holt Anita Martin Tom Brown Marie Moreno Al Parsons Dick Clark Don Natenstedt Marge Pritchard Dianne Edwards Wally Rodriquez Rita Slayton John Geisbauer Bob Zonitch Tom Harris Frank Jacobson Charles Kurtz Tom Kurtz Mike Neben Bob Nelson Roy Odom Larry Slagle Ray Torres George Williams Presentations 1. A presentation on the One Stop Career Center Technology was given by Mike Whelan, Senior Systems Analyst, and Robb McIntosh, Systems Program Manager of the City of Anaheim. 2. PIC member, Dianne Edwards, Director of Adult & Employment Services, gave a presentation on the Welfare Reform. A:\AMN6402A.DOC 1 Consent Calendar Action Item #3 Ratification of four PIC reappointments and six new appointments to the Anaheim Private Industry Council. The PIC Chair pulled this item so that the new members could join the PIC Board following ratification. Larry Slagle moved for approval and Tom Harris seconded. Mike Neben abstained since he was one of the appointments that moved from private sector category to public sector category. The motion passed. The new members; Nicole Lorenz, Bank of California, Sheila Mosey, Mosey's Production Machinists, and Tom Brown, Disc Manufacturing, joined the members and gave a brief introduction of their background. The other two new members, Joanna Rodgers, Employment Development Department, and Jan Billings, Anaheim Union High School District, were not able to attend the PIC meeting. Approval of Minutes The February 22, 1996 minutes were moved for approval by Dick Clark and seconded by Tom Harris. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. There was no discussion. Consent Calendar Action Item #1 1996 -98 Job Training Plan and Title III Substate Plan Summary. Frank Jacobson pulled this item for further discussion. He stated that in reviewing the Demand Occupation List, an area should be added for multi media. Marge Pritchard concurred. Ruben Aceves stated that any questions or additions to the Plan would be welcomed through April 12, 1996. The Chair rephrased the motion to add multi -media occupations to the Demand Occupation List. George Williams moved for approval as amended and Dianne Edwards seconded. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. Consent Calendar Action Item #2 Title III -40% Application for FY 1996 -97 One Stop Career Center. Dianne Edwards pulled this item for further discussion. She stated that she noticed that in the description basic services under other information, there was reference to it being a multi- agency /multi - services partnership and Department of Social Services is listed as other potential services rather than one of the partners. She asked Marge Pritchard if this was because the focus of the grant application is related to dislocated workers rather than the generic one stops. Marge Pritchard stated that yes because this is a Title III 40% grant. AWMN6402A.DOC - .... -... 2 Bob Nelson stated that on the earlier presentation of the electronic infrastructure, he noticed that on the 40% there are significant funds for expansion. He asked Marge Pritchard what the relationship is of what was presented and what this grant will do. Marge stated that this grant will maintain the system since the original funds covered the initial start -up costs needed. The new funds will be used for any maintenance and additional upgrades and software needed as well as bringing any new partners on board as they are identified. Frank Jacobson asked what happens if we do not receive the $900,000. Do we have a Plan B. Rita Slayton stated that the normal allocation of funds would carryforth the program and the additional funds would be an expansion for additional individuals and services. Tom Harris moved for approval and Mike Neben seconded. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. Non - Consent Calendar Action Item #1 Extension of 1995 Summer Youth Service Providers Subcontract Agreements. Ruben Aceves stated that we are asking the PIC to approve last years summer youth subrecepients to run the program again for 1996 contingent upon funding. He stated that word was received from the Department of Labor through the State that they anticipate Anaheim to receive 70% of last years funding or approximately $845,000 for this years summer program. He stated that this was not an allocation but preliminary planning estimate figures to begin working with. Ruben stated that he has met with the providers, AUHSD and ROP programs, and they will be doing some preliminary outreach and recruitment activities to gear up the program in anticipation of new funds. He stated that there is approximately $225,000 that went unspent last year that will be added to our anticipated new allocation. Bob Nelson asked Ruben if the $845,000 was a realistic figure or just a planning figure. Ruben stated that this was just a best guess at this time. Marge Pritchard stated that the State released some numbers so that each agency could start working on the program but she also stated that the Congress is still debating about the summer and the extensions and if we will have a program or not. Marge stated that the Chief of Police sent a letter to the elected officials stating how much of an impact it would have to Anaheim if there was no summer program which serviced 500 youth. A wMN64O2A.DOC 3 Mike Neben asked Ruben Aceves why there was $225,000 left from the summer program last year. Ruben stated that they had one month less to work with during the operational phase of the program last summer because of late funding notification. Larry Slagle asked if no money was received would the program still continue with the carryover money. Ruben stated that yes it would but only about 70 youth could be served. Dick Clark moved for approval and Bob Nelson seconded. The vote was unanimous. The motion was passed. Information Items 1. Unemployment Statistics - Paul Bostwick stated that he noticed a headline of unemployment rate of 4.6% and that Northrop was laying off 2100 people at the same time. Marge Pritchard stated that JTPA was notified today that Ciba /Hexcel was laying off 156 individuals. Marge also stated that the unemployment rate for Anaheim was 5.3 %, the County was 4.6% and the State is 8.1%. Paul Bostwick also stated that Ellie Jordan would be making a presentation at the May meeting regarding the unemployment statistics and labor market data. 2. Training Contractors Performance Report - No discussion. 3. Monthly Fiscal Report - No discussion Committee Reports BvLaws - No report. Economic Development - The Committee did not meet. No report. Marketing - No report. Membership - The ratification of new members was approved on the Consent Calendar. No further report. Monitoring & Evaluation - The Committee did not meet. No report. Planning & Analysis - The items were approved on the Consent Calendar. No further report. One Stop Career Center - The presentation was given today. Marge Pritchard stated there will be an Open House on May 16, 1996. A:WvIN64O2A.DOC 4 School -To- Career - Mike Neben stated that the Committee met on March 21, 1996 and worked through issues outlined in the packet. Mike stated that the next meeting would be April 10, 1996 at 3:30 p.m. He also stated that the County received approximately $1.5 million dollar grant from the Federal Government under the School -To -Work legislation. He stated that the Anaheim proposal was not funded but Anaheim is part of the Vision 2020 Coalition and he and Frank Jacobson attend the meetings and will try to get some share for Anaheim since Anaheim agreed to support their coalition. Mike stated that he is still waiting to hear about the Urban /Rural grant portion which Anaheim submitted. JTP Manager's Report Marge Pritchard stated that she and Bob Cashman had two successful meetings in Washington D.C. and Sacramento. Marge stated that in the Washington outlook, there is nothing to report since there is no new Federal legislation. She stated that there might be something by the end of summer that will address what a private industry council should be doing -- looking at a much broader picture; what other kinds of funding should the PIC be responsible for other than just JTPA funds. She stated that this is still in the conference committee and still being debated. Marge felt that she and Bob did make some kind of headway since they met personally with Senator Feinstein and Bob spoke to her directly from an employer's perspective about the issues of hiring a youth and facing unemployment stats at the end of the summer. Marge stated that Senator Feinstein immediately addressed her legislative assistant to write a memo to the committee to see what can be done. Senator Feinstein asked Bob specifically if the PIC would generate some language that could be presented to her and she would be very interested in seeing what she could do to take that forward. She was very concerned about summer not being funded. Marge stated that they met with very receptive ears and concerns in Washington and Sacramento. She stated that the elected officials in Sacramento appreciated all the education that was viewed. She stated that they liked the Return on Investment approach that the PIC has taken. She stated that they do see a role for private industry councils. Marge stated that they would like to be kept posted with faxes and letters and appreciate local visits. She stated that Curt Pringle's office asked that a breakfast be put together for all elected officials sponsored by the PIC and prepare ahead of time what our issues and concerns are so that they can be updated on those issues. She also felt that if the other two PIC were invited that it would be more effective. A:\AMN6402A.DOC 5 Chairman's Report Paul Bostwick stated that back in December he and Marge went to Sacramento and met with about 30 other private industry councils talking about what they wanted to see in the federal legislation. He stated that out of this meeting came a document to be signed by the local elected officials and to be sent to the Assembly, Senate, and Governor's offices in Sacramento. Paul distributed this and asked the PIC members to look it over and come back next month and adopt it or make any changes and hopefully put it together for City Council ratification and then on to Sacramento. Paul stated that he and Marge met with the other two PIC and their Directors and came up with a formation of a task force that would deal with the issues as they come forward. He stated that Santa Ana and Orange County PICs have already adopted this paper and are carrying it to their elected officials. He stated that this new task force will have 3 members from each PIC and meet once a month. He stated that April 1, 1996 will be the report from the State Job Training Coordinating Council that will be coming out setting some guidelines. Paul Bostwick stated that he was sorry that Marie Moreno was not at the meeting since she was recognized by City Council as one of the five US Hispanic Women of the Year. He stated that the PIC would congratulate her at the next meeting. Comments from the PIC - None Comments from the Public - The audience introduced themselves to the PIC. Adiournment - The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Submitted by: Anita Martin, Secretary AMMN64O2A.DOC 6