Private Industry Council 1996/01/25 ANAHEIM PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL CITY OF ANAHEIM 201 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. 2ND FLOOR CONFERENCE CENTER JANUARY 25, 1996 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The PIC Chair, Paul Bostwick, called the meeting to order at 3:40 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bob Cashman. ROLL CALL Present: :.... Absent Jill Bolton Dick Clark Ruben Aceves Paul Bostwick John Geisbauer Anita Martin Bob Cashman Tom Harris Al Parsons Peggy Crawford Cheryl Holt Marge Pritchard Dianne Edwards Charles Kurtz Rita Slayton Frank Jacobson Tom Kurtz Don Natenstedt Marie Moreno Mike Neben Wally Rodriquez Bob Nelson Mike Sofia Roy Odom Ray Torres Larry Slagle George Williams Bob Zonitch APPROVAL OF MINUTES The October 26, 1995 minutes were moved for approval by Peggy Crawford and seconded by Bob Nelson. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. There was no discussion. A :\AMN6207A.DOC NON - CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION ITEMS #1 -3 Action Item #1 - Recommendation to approve the additional JTPA Training Vendors for Program Year 1995 -96. Bob Nelson moved for approval and Don Natenstedt seconded. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. There was no discussion. Action Item #2 - Recommendation for approval of PIC Scholarship Awards. Bob Cashman moved for approval and Peggy Crawford seconded. Peggy Crawford asked how many applicants there were. Bob Zonitch stated that there were over 300 applicants and the three chosen will each be receiving a check for $500. Peggy Crawford asked if the youth were JTPA participants. Ruben Aceves stated that the criteria was that they had to be former JTPA participants. He stated that there was a very structured application package that the Committee developed which required not only the youth, but the former worksite supervisors, educational official, and also the case manager to provide written references. The youth also had to complete a written essay on why they felt they were deserving of the award and their aspirations for their continued career and educational achievements. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. Action Item #3 - Recommendation for approval of Annual PIC Support Letter for the Orange County GAIN Program. Bob Nelson moved for approval and Larry Slagle seconded. Dianne Edwards abstained. The motion passed. INFORMATION ITEMS 1. Unemployment Statistics - Peggy Crawford stated that she didn't bring any statistics with her but she stated that the Anaheim office has been very busy since the holidays. 2. Training Contractors Performance Report - Bob Nelson asked whether the placement outcomes included recent school grads which may account for some low placement numbers or if some schools simply had poor outcomes. Ruben Aceves indicated that the placement results are based on final terminations and confirmed the low placements as indicated on the report. Don Natenstedt asked Ruben if those statistics were based on the first 90 days after they graduate. Ruben stated that in order for the SDA to get a placement credit all placements must be captured within the first 90 day window after the training completion date. Don also stated that on his monitoring review that morning, he learned that some may have been hired after the 90 day window and as a result we get no credit. Ruben indicated that Long Beach has been successful in placing individuals but unfortunately some occurred after the 90 day window which are not reflected in the report. A:\AMN6207A.DOC Don Natenstedt stated that during his monitoring review that morning of California Learning Center (CLC), it was discussed that Fullerton College offers the Certified Network Engineer training program and is one in which CLC is also going to apply for. He stated that the PIC should question CLC's past success in the program before funding another vendor providing the same training program. Ruben indicated that past performance is a key evaluation factor used in the review process. Frank Jacobson commented that lnfotec Development Inc. has had 2 final terms and 2 placements which shows that they must be doing something right although their enrollment numbers are low. He stated that maybe the vendors should be brought together to share ideas and discuss problems and solutions with each other. He believes that vendors share a common understanding of how the system works and if schools are having a problem then the whole program suffers. Marge Pritchard agreed with Frank and stated that she was concerned about the low placements and even though the base number is small, 1 placement lost within our timeframe is extremely difficult and hurts JTPA tremendously. She asked Ruben if poor performers are put on notice. Ruben stated that vendors with low placement results are put on notice and are aware that they have to start producing before they can see more training referrals. Roy Odom asked Ruben if the qualifications of the clients being enrolled into a particular program are equal or is there something about the client base itself that would influence their ability to be placed at the end of the program. Ruben stated that all things being equal, all clients must meet certain school admission standards in addition to completing an objective assessment to assist in their career plans and to assure the most appropriate training possible . Marge stated that many times the client will have a school in mind of where they would like to go. She stated that client choice is a very big part of it. 3. Monthly Fiscal Report - There was no discussion. COMMITTEE REPORTS ByLaws - No report. A revision approved at the October 26, 1995 meeting was passed out. Economic Development - Don Natenstedt stated that the Committee met on November 9th and discussed the CDBG Limited Internship Program requested by the Neighborhood Council for funding for special training. This request was approved by the PIC and will still need further approval by the CDBG. He stated that the other item discussed was the One -Stop Career Center at the Woodbridge Center. He stated that the next meeting was March 14, 1996. A:\AMN6207A.DOC Marketing - Bob Cashman stated that the Awards Breakfast was ready to go. All the arrangements have been made and the Keynote Speaker, Curt Pringle, would be available. Membership - Larry Slagle stated that there are four openings. He stated that he has been working with the Chamber for the list of names to submit. He commented that Cynthia Grennan, AUHSD, would be retiring this month and that Peggy Crawford would be relocating to Santa Ana. Larry stated that he should have replacement names at the next meeting. Planning & Analysis - Bob Zonitch stated that the committee met on January 17, 1996 and the three items were on the agenda and approved. School -To- Career - Mike Neben stated that the committee has had two meetings since the last PIC meeting. He stated that the committee members from the educational field have not been present and he felt that it is extremely important that they participate. He stated that the committee has been working on the leadership board and hopes to be issuing invitations within the next few weeks to the leaders in the community to serve on the leadership board for the new initiative. Marge Pritchard stated that the committee has submitted three proposals - two to the federal government and one to the Hitachi Foundation. She stated that a letter was received from Hitachi stating that it was a very good proposal, however, it did not meet the initial criteria for screening. She stated that JTPA will be considered in the next round of funding with Hitachi. Marge acknowledged Roy Odom's letter of support that was sent with the proposal. Marge Pritchard stated that we are still in the running for the federal funds with possible notification in March. The second proposal is ready to go is for the poverty areas. She stated that they were able to identify a number of major census tracks in Anaheim with poverty rates for youth population of over 20% and some over 30 %. She stated that the State does evaluate these grants and the first proposal had a ranking of 13 out of 43 and the second one is 8 out of 24. She stated that Anaheim's proposal is at the ready to implement stage and is the only one from the local area at that stage. Mike Neben stated that Anaheim is still written into the O.C. Coalition's grant proposal for the federal grant as well. A:\AMN6207A. DOC Monitoring & Evaluation - Ruben Aceves stated that the committee did not meet in January but that they are in full swing in terms of conducting the reviews with the PIC volunteers. He stated that they have completed 18 evaluations and there are still openings through February 28, 1996. He asked that any PIC members that had not signed up to volunteer by contacting Angelica Espiritu at 254 -4354. JTPA MANAGER'S REPORT - Marge Pritchard stated that she had put some information in the PIC packet regarding new legislation that was passed at the State level, Senator Johnson's SB645. She felt it would have a great impact on the Employment and Training Workforce Preparation Programs. She stated that this is going to create a report card system and the State Job Training Coordinating Council (SJTCC) has the responsibility to develop a performance system. The SJTCC is going to engage in a series of workshops and community input sessions. One is scheduled for February 5th in Long Beach and she stated that Paul Bostwick has asked the executive committee members to attend if their schedule permits and any others that can attend. Marge Pritchard stated that she is working on a position paper that she will circulate to the PIC members to be forwarded to the SJTCC. She stated that SB645 became law January 1, 1996. Marge Pritchard asked the new members and existing members to please get back to her on a date of availability for a four hour orientation to be presented at the end of February or the beginning of March. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT - Paul Bostwick stated that there was a meeting of the Chairs of the O.C., Santa Ana, and Anaheim PIC. He stated that they agreed on a number of issues regarding workforce development boards and discussed what they would like to see happen. He stated that they will continue to meet and meet with the executive directors in an effort of cooperation and to streamline the system to make it better for the customer and for the vendors. Dianne Edwards asked the Chairman if the planning for the One Stop Center was discussed at the SDA Director's meeting. The Chairman stated that no definitive plans were made and probably will be brought up at the next meeting. Bob Nelson suggested that maybe one of the PIC meetings might be held at the One Stop Center so that everyone can see the layout of the center. Marge Pritchard stated that the center might not be big enough to accommodate all the PIC members and audience but they are planning on having an open house soon so everyone can come by and take a look. A:\AMN6207A.DOC COMMENTS FROM THE PIC - None COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC- The Chairman asked the people in the audience to stand up and introduce themselves. A couple of the vendors offered their facility for a PIC meeting. PRESENTATION A CD -ROM Preview "The Road to Opportunity" was given by Tom Bayard, JTP Assistant. This presentation is to be given at the Annual Awards Breakfast January 26, 1996. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Anita Martin, Secretary A.\AMN6207A.DOC