CITIZENS ADVISORY 2013/03/28CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT MINUTES Thursday, March 28, 2013 6:30 p.m. Downtown Community Center 250 East Center St., Anaheim, CA 92805 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Anthony Armas Bill Dalati, Vice Chair Amanda Edinger Sandy Day Martin Lopez Gloria Ma'ae Keith Olesen Vivian Pham, Chair Vic Real John Woodhead, Ex Officio Member COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Larry Larsen STAFF PRESENT: Greg Garcia, Deputy City Manager Robert Tyson, Deputy City Attorney Caroline Morey, Recording Secretary Spanish language translation services are available at the meeting upon request. 1. Call meeting to order. The meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community Involvement (CAC) was called to order at 6:32p.m.by Chair Pham. 2. Flag Salute 3. Approve CAC minutes of the February 28, 2013 meeting Action: Approve minutes. Chair Pham requested a motion to approve the minutes for the February 28, 2013 CAC meeting minutes. Commissioner Armas motioned to approve. Page 1 of 19 Vice Chair Dalati seconded. Ayes — 9 (Armas, Dalati, Day, Edinger, Lopez, Ma'ae, Olesen, Pham, Real) Noes — 0, Absent — 1 (Larsen) The motion passed. 4. Public Comments (Individual audience participation is limited to three (3) minutes per speaker) Action: Public comments on any agenda items or subject matter within the jurisdiction of the Citizens Advisory Committee. Benny Diaz, Director of LULAC California, who lives in Garden Grove said that the community is watching Anaheim during this process. Mr. Diaz strongly supports district elections. He said that LULAC filed over 300 cases regarding redistricting and they have won every one of them. He encourages the committee to consider the possibility of recommending in this very important process the idea of redistricting. Mr. Diaz said he believes that every member of the community should be able to participate by electing a representative of someone who looks like them as a part of this beautiful tapestry. Going against it should be seriously considered. With or without the lawsuit the committee should consider districting. LULAC has representation since 1929 in every state and they are watching you and your recommendations because it's their responsibility. Clara Turner, Policy Analyst with OCCORD, provided a map to the committee and staff showing where the mayor and council members have lived between 2002 -2012 within the city. The smaller houses represent council; the larger represent the mayors. Over the last 10 years there have not been many representatives in West Anaheim and very few in South Anaheim. This could be problematic if council does not keep in mind all areas. This could be problematic over time. The council should be aware of all concerns in the community. In an at large system, they should prioritize the areas where there is the most need, and that would be the majority of the neighborhoods who elect them. This results in a situations where the minority does not have representation. She hopes it doesn't sound like she is knocking the council members because if she were trying to get elected and stay elected, she would also prioritize the issues of the majority voters, and not worry as much about people's votes that weren't very important to her. The data was from fair political practices commissions filings from the candidates' filings themselves and also from the census. If you have any questions, let her know. Commissioner Real mentioned that he believed that the zip codes shown in the west were listed incorrectly or backwards. Ms. Turner indicated there was an error and said she was sorry about that. She said that 01 and 04 were switched. Ron Bengochea, is lifetime Anaheim resident, said he appreciates the efforts and work of the committee. He has missed the last couple of meetings. He is aware there are new committee members and wanted to state that his position is against districting in Anaheim. He thinks everyone in Anaheim can be represented. He said that we heard a presenter mention 1 council member to 58,000. Mr. Bengochea chooses to look at it the other way where he as one resident has one resident has five council member representing him. He is able to communicate with them at any given time. There is email and he can go to council meetings. He thinks everyone has an equal share of representation. He stated that residents are able to come any time to speak at a city council meeting to the city council members. He said that the Page 2 of 19 option of emails in the electronic age provided access to council directly. He stated that these lawsuits are spending money out of the general fund. While we are a big city, a lot of the money is not in the general fund. These monies that are being used for the lawsuits are taking money away from parks and recreation and other city services. There is not an infinite amount of money to cover these lawsuits. So he somewhat agrees with Mr. Benny Diaz, the previous speaker that it doesn't matter where you live to be a good representative, but he does not want someone telling him how to vote. This is a democratic process. If there had been districting in the last election, he would not have been able to vote for the candidate of his choosing. This country is based on everyone having a right to vote. If we spend money on a special election of doing district, the district over in the 92802 would still have muscle where Disney is located. There are people saying that they don't have representation, but they don't state how they are not represented. What are they being denied as residents of Anaheim? They just keep saying they don't have representation but Mr. Bengochea said he'd like to know what they are missing out on. Is it some of the services? Everybody has a right to them. They can come to a microphone at City Council. Now there is a process in place, if there is an issue with language. City Council has addressed concerns and is making changes adding Spanish interpreters. They are trying to work with the public, but if they keep spending money that is going out. That indirectly affects the residents who live here in Anaheim including services. When they want to be heard, people will be heard. They have an avenue to come and share their concerns. Mariana Rivera spoke that she is a resident of the Guinita Community and is a leader there. She addressed many problems and concerns regarding violence in her neighborhood, trying to get speed bumps in her neighborhood for 10 years, needing a community center or park, concerns regarding gang problems with the youth and drugs and the resulting graffiti. She said that there was blood on the streets. She asked that the committee and community look into their hearts to help. She said staff has promised things but not delivered. She invited the committee, council and staff to visit her neighborhood to see the problems for themselves which is located near Paul Revere School. She supports districts. Several committee members expressed understanding and compassion regarding the urgent nature of Ms. Rivera's concern. The committee members asked questions to better understand her concerns and provided suggestions regarding helping Ms. Rivera. The committee asked Ms. Rivera if she had considered becoming a commissioner to help improve things. She indicated she had not been given that opportunity. Vice Chair Dalati and Commissioner Armas requested staff speak with her. Commissioner Armas clarified that districting may not fix these problems and it may take 3 -4 years if there is a change with districts. The committee and staff provided a response. Mr. Garcia indicated that a park was being built in her neighborhood and that staff would be contacting Ms. Rivera to discuss her concerns. Commissioner Armas recommended several departments team up in order to get things done and be present. The slumlord excuse is a cop out and these residents deserve better. Commissioner Armas said he was not familiar with that area and asked for clarification if it was single family or mixed. Mr. Garcia said it was mixed multi - family and single family. Commissioner Olesen addressed the fact that these neighborhoods such as where Ms. Rivera lived are the result of years of neglect from absentee landlords. The even greater issue is that the apartments are offered at market rate yet overcrowding is a prevalent issue in these poorly maintained buildings. People are forced to live in these circumstances and the area is the bain of code enforcement because there is an ongoing need for repairs but the absentee landlords don't respond in a timely manner. Page 3 of 19 Mr. Garcia indicated that there was an issue with speed bumps and that has been remedied. There are many challenged on Guinida Lane . They need the community to continue to be involved so that they can divert the resources to address those concerns. The Neighborhood Councils are a good option for those seeking to give input, also at council meetings. Mr. Garcia asked that Ms. Rivera stay after and speak with staff to address any other concerns that she may still have and indicated that they would handle them accordingly. Chair Pham said the committee may be losing focus and requested they moved back to the agenda. The committee agreed there was much to be done and these are important issues. Eric Altman from OCCORD. Many have asked OCCORD why they are involved in districting when it's normally the Platinum Triangle or hotels that are primary concerns. He said that it is for people like Ms. Rivera, nothing would get done without community involvement. He thinks it's wrong that there's a 10 year fight to get speed bumps and it's wrong if it was promised then not delivered. He doesn't care what part of the city it was, but was concerned that it's wrong that representatives promise things that they may not have the ability to fund. What committee member Olesen said about neglect is true. What he heard Mariana say and countless people who have come to this committee is that they have to fight to get basic rights. Latino voters in Anaheim feel that if they had a representative who lived in their neighborhood and drove over potholes, there might be more impact on change. That's what they are asking for. Commissioner Real said it's important for them to come to City Council and speak about these concerns. Chair Pham said she would like to see San Jose added to the agenda or at the least try to get permission to review a book chapter from Terry Christensen's book since it's analogous to Anaheim. Allene Novain, resident and owns business in Anaheim. She appreciates the work the committee is doing and said knows Mr. Olesen aware don't go to Guinida, Ponderosa, Anna Drive, West Anaheim ABC. If you'd go to those neighborhoods, you would see what is going on. If you looked in those neighborhoods, you would understand whether districting is good or bad. Commissioner Ma'ae said that she lives in West Anaheim for over 10 years and has been exposed, been a part of the experience, and had involvement in the community. She said that you can't be involved and not aware. Mr. Novain said he was making the point because many people her did not seem aware of what is going on in Ponderosa and Guinida. Commissioner Ma'ae said she can only speak for herself but she is aware. Commissioner Armas said as many of us, we work, have families and we go home at the end of the night. So we may not be aware but as volunteers here, they are doing their best and they welcome the input but they are not involved in the city from a staff perspective. Commissioner Real said you're from the west and he's from the west, referring to himself, and we invite people to come from all over the city. Mr. Real said they have put announcements out for weeks and Page 4 of 19 months now. If people come and represent themselves, they will be heard. Look behind you, not many people are here. Ms. Rivera has been here and to other meetings because she cares. If people care, they can come to the meeting. Mr. Real sent an email to 100's of people, and they are not here. Vice Chair Dalati said on his behalf he was appalled and angry that he wasn't more aware of these things going on living here in Anaheim, in the land of the greatest country in the world and they are living in fear. They are scared for their life. Living in America, this is something that needs to be addressed. Mr. Dalati said he is going to do his part to see that they get to the bottom of this. Commissioner Pham asked if there were any other public comments. German Santos said he did not know if you have seen any of his commentary at city council lived for 30 years in Anaheim. The main problem is a public servant integrity problem in the politicians and in the law enforcement. What he saw last night in Orange County, Garden Grove and the police department caused problems Hispanic men are treated with malice and discriminated against. Mr. Santos said he is Hispanic. He seems to feel there is discrimination. He has spoke with his representatives on Anaheim City Council, Garden Grove City Council and Congressional representatives, but there is basically no help to be found. He had been arrested and stated he had many issues dealing with police in Central Anaheim, Garden Grove, Anaheim Hills, OC Sheriff's department because they have developed a fine art of developing problems for Hispanic men with malice of forethought. He said shuffling the chairs of Titanic could cause a huge reawakening. He has spoken to council many times and has no help to be found. There is rioting because there is no help. Commissioner Olesen asked Mr. Santos if he had had any personal incidences with the police department. Mr. Santos said that it was a long story that started when he was an engineer and police were tracking him to Colombia Law Enforcement. Law enforcement is creating the problem. He is a a Hispanic man going back and forth working as an engineer for a company on Katella and Dale going back and forth to Colombia for work but was treated like a gang member. They worked on police tracking projects. When tells story, they don't listen and that is why riots happen. They thought that they could turn someone in that context wrapped up in a story and treat him like a gang member. He has a very serious complaint against the law enforcement agency short of being killed. That's why there is rioting. He doesn't plan to be here much longer. Things are going to get worse. The problem that you have is ten times worse than the problems of the Catholic Church. Ross Romero, 41 years old and has been a resident of Anaheim for 20 years, real estate agent in Anaheim 24 years involved most of that time. He doesn't like threatening lawsuits. By the same token he would be remiss if they didn't look at examples from Modesto, Merced for district and ward elections. Those set precedent carried through the state without challenge. 44 board or districts have had to change manner or elections due to those sort of lawsuits from 3 -4 years ago. He would challenge the committee to read those cities stories to understand the law in this state. One speaker said everyone has the right, free will, but what this issue might not be so geo- political, or economic realities of what happens in a city like this. A large group of voters get shut out. Anaheim Hills has far greater representation than other parts of the city. The big issue is fairness that the practices and patterns going on have served to exclude and deny access to what would have been historically under - represented groups. There is a growing Chicano/Latino community in North Orange County and Anaheim. Ms. Rivera did a good job expressing her concerns. If you drive north of Lincoln, look at those roads, see that their neighborhoods near Olive, Sycamore, Sabine. Anaheim Hills and Disney have newer paved roads. Page 5 of 19 Potential CVRA violation, still that we have to spend money to defend the lawsuit. It is potentially a violation of the California Voting Rights Act. It's a shame they have to spend money from the general fund to defend a suit that may be un- defendable. No name given, a lady who spoke and said it was her first meeting. She said she attended her first Anaheim City Council meeting last Tuesday, so she met her representatives for the first time. The last time she voted a ballot, it was like Russian roulette. She lives off Lincoln and half of the neighborhood looks like there is gang influence and the other half is very beautiful. It doesn't feel safe though and she feels she has to get in before nighttime as well as having a vision problem. It's beautiful but doesn't seem /feel safe. In the day time she sees Graffiti everywhere. It's horrible, and not fair to fight for basic services. She supports district elections. She said most officials live in Anaheim Hills and don't see what is going on in the rest of Anaheim. Walter Santes, 6 year resident of both the East and West sides of Anaheim. Where he lives with his two small children who he brought with him, both areas have been under a gang injunction. He understands that there is violence and there are gangs. He has worked in violence reduction the last 3 -4 years. Nothing stops violence like a job and resources. You could have all the suppression you want. When you invite the individuals who have caused the violence to the table; he recommends inviting perpetrators of violence to the table. Bring them to have resources like food and a job. Often times these folks are released from prison and they don't have access to section 8, financial aid or any government service. Often times when you see that box, have you ever had a penalty, you get put in the no pile. If Anaheim would support programs to help those who have been incarcerated and help people who have been through violence and problems like this, it would be a lot more helpful than trying to suppress and arming gang units with all sorts of military type weapons. That is the same thing that Criticized Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa did in Ramona Gardens. When they sent people in there with assault rifles, all it did was result in more animosity. He doesn't understand how the city can give away $158 million dollars to the hotels and yet there are places, on the West side on Brookhurst and Crescent where there have been empty pools for 20 years. He doesn't understand how they can fill up those pools but they can't fill up our pools. It's really a matter of not just representation with districts but people like his children who don't yet have a voice but you need to listen to them, too. Even if they are not ready or able to vote. Many people not able to vote in his neighborhood because they are undocumented. Just because you are not able to vote does not mean your neighborhood does not matter. He thinks that needs to be taken into consideration especially with people of color or who are undocumented because they make up an important part of the economic structure. Thank you. Public comments closed at 7:31 p.m. 5. Receive and File Community Outreach Efforts Action: Receive and file community outreach report, upon presentation of outreach efforts. Deputy City Manager Greg Garcia introduced Ed Velasquez, outreach coordinator, who provided an overview of the city's outreach efforts highlight on the flyer provided. Ed Velasquez spoke regarding the outreach update. He said the outreach continues in utility bills, cable channel, meeting notices/ schedules that are posted at City Hall, public libraries. The meetings are also broadcast on local cable channel ACTV. Mr. Velasquez said he will be attending another round of Page 6 of 19 Neighborhood Council Meetings to invite people to the CAC meetings. He provided a reminder about the sign -up sheet in the back of the room. I've been ask to mention again all those who sign in at the meeting will receive email updates on the sign in sheet at the back of the room. Those names on the sign in sheet will be added to the email list to receive information about the upcoming meetings and what will be discussed. At the last meeting, Commissioner Day asked for Voter Registration Forms to be made available at the meetings and we have taken her request into account. The forms are located at the resource table at the back of the room. Thank you for that. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday April 4` at Katella. (RESCHEDULED to April 11 at 6:30 per Agenda Item #8) Mr. Velasquez recommended people take one with them. Commissioner Armas asked about contacting churches. Mr. Velasquez said they have done outreach through the Anaheim Religious Community Council to connect with churches, temples, and religious organizations within the city. Mr. Velasquez said that the city initially did outreach to the churches and faith based organizations but we might be able to do another round of that. The partnered with the Anaheim Religious Community Council in January to initially get the word out but could be contacted again. Commissioner Real asked if they had been reaching out to PTA's since the next meeting is at Katella High School. Mr. Velasquez said they have been in touch with the district PTA councils and the junior high. They have been reaching out. Mr. Real said that when they began the recovery in West Anaheim, they had a lot of success reaching out to PTA's because the parents are concerned about their children. It was very bad at one point in West Anaheim. At one time there was a drive -by shooting in his neighborhood. They were able to take care of it right away with the help of the city. He recommends invitations be extended to PTA's and maybe get some RSVP's. Vice Chair Dalati asked what the criteria is for you outreach Mr. Velasquez said that any community groups where they are primarily Anaheim residents. They need to be an active group with Anaheim Residents where they would let him come and speak and make a brief announcement, primarily that are already engaged. Vice Chair Dalati said we're not trying to reach out to people who are not engaged or many not be already participating because they are shying away or maybe who feel neglected. Is it in the plan to reach out to people who maybe are not as engaged? Is that in the works. Mr. Velasquez said the utility bill inserts are still being sent out and that has been in the works. Page 7 of 19 Outreach information made available during the meeting and online at www.anaheim.net /CACelections Chair Pham requested a motion to receive and file the report on outreach efforts. Commissioner Ma'ae motioned to receive and file. Commissioner Armas seconded. Ayes — 9 ( Armas, Dalati, Day, Edinger, Lopez, Ma'ae, Olesen, Pham, Real) Noes — 0 , Absent — 1 (Larsen) The motion passed. 6. Presentation from Anaheim HOME — Home Owners Maintaining their Environment Mr. Garcia announced that they are joined tonight by one of the speakers during public comment from last week, by the request of the Chair, to come back and provide a presentation for 15 minutes to give a brief overview of their organization and their work with regard to districting. Mr. Garcia asked Anaheim HOME to come forward and make their presentation. He said the presentation would be followed by a question and answer period. Speaker Summary: Mr. Fitzgerald thanked the committee for the opportunity to give the presentation. He said their presenter who was their PowerPoint specialist, couldn't be there tonight because he had a conflict and was going to church with his family. He was not available to attend tonight so they did not have a formal PowerPoint presentation. The reason this presentation has been limited to 15 minutes is because some of the material is somewhat boring and any longer, some of you might be going to sleep. He introduced himself as Dennis Fitzgerald, voice of Anaheim HOME, Home Owners Maintaining their Environment. The organization has been active for almost 25 years in Anaheim since 1987 and has been promoting district elections in Anaheim in order to stop special interest money from influencing city government. He addressed concerns regarding special interest in Anaheim and how district elections might impact them. He is not authorized by Anaheim HOME board of directors to tell you what to do or what to decide, only to present to you information that may assist your committee. You have been provided a five page Mickey Mouse handout and a list of Disney SOAR Directors. The handout has not been approved by the Anaheim HOME board of directors because several parts were found to be objectionable. He introduced the people involved in Anaheim HOME, their accomplishments and losses. The focus of the group Anaheim HOME is beauty, honor and country and non - materialistic. Many of their members are former Veterans. Mr. Fitzgerald said the Taormina family was a strong special interest 20 years ago, now Disney is. They director of Anaheim HOME who was not present today recommended 7 independent council districts and 7 seats, keeping with an odd number. They believe the mayor should be one of the elected council members so that they get along and have better chance to work as a team. The goal of districting in Mr. Fitzgerald's opinion is to stop special interest such as Disney, trains, and street cars, and Autry Way in Anaheim. Their directors recommended an odd number of districts and at least 7 districts due to the limitations Page 8 of 19 of the 7 seats currently on the council with the mayor being one of the 7 elected council by his peers to increase likelihood of them working together cohesively. Mr. Garcia announced that Mr.Fitzgerald's time was about to conclude. Question and Answer period for Mr. Fitzgerald. Vice Chair Dalati had a questions Commissioner Ma'ae had a question. Mr. Fitzgerald said he wasn't permitted to conclude his last two lines. Mr. Garcia said he was welcome to finish. Mr. Fitzgerald said he had two paragraphs. Chair Pham asked if it was two lines or paragraphs He said it was two lines. Then continued on two read two paragraphs. He said they had much more information regarding district elections available, if you wish to have another 15 minute presentation on districting. Hopefully their Power Point presenter will be available then. Commissioner Armas asked where he came up with the 7 district conclusion. It seems to be an opinion and he doesn't see the formula. No one seems to have the formula for why that number is mentioned. Commissioner Armas asked if experiment Mr. Fitzgerald said no he could not answer that question. Everything would be his own opinion since he was not authorized to speak for the board of directors. He could get back to the committee on that. Commissioner Armas said that he has heard 5 different speakers yet no one has the answer Mr. Fitzgerald said that we're trying to get that across to you that no one has the answer. It's just a big puzzle. Commissioner Armas asked if you would say it's like a big experiment. Mr. Fitzgerald said no but that 5 page handout which was objectionable to the board may be useful in putting that puzzle together. He said that often they get 13 opinions out of the 12 directors of the group. Commissioner Armas said on the East Coast where districting began goes based on population. There it's roughly 145,000 residents per district. If we went by their formula, there would be 4 council districts. Mr. Fitzgerald said that was not related to his presentation. Page 9 of 19 Commissioner Ma'ae said it seems much of your presentation was fictional and very entertaining story that you told. While it's very entertaining, it seems ill informed comments that are not factual. Mr. Fitzgerald said it was well documented if you go to the LA Times. Commissioner Ma'ae said much of what Mr. Fitzgerald said was wrong. You presented at the last meeting that you would have facts and figures. Where are those facts and figures that you said you've worked on for the last 20 -25 years. Ms.Ma'ae said that Mr. Fitzgerald presented himself as having facts and figures. She did not see any. He said he couldn't provide that in 15 minutes but given two hours he could present that. Commissioner Ma'ae said if he had something factual, she would love to see it. Mr. Fitzgerald said if you wanted to give him another 15 minute presentation, that he would provided it then. Ms. Ma'ae declined. There is speculation and facts but she didn't see facts. Commissioner Real asked about 12 board members, 900 members in the mid 90's from Anaheim. 92802 area lost due to attrition. If the group has spent years studying districting, Commissioner Real asked if they considered at- large. Commissioner Real asked if those members from Anaheim. Mr. Fitzgerald said mostly from Anaheim and surrounding mostly 92802. They have had representatives speak at council meetings such as Curtis Striker. Jeff Hirsch spoke at every meeting. His position at City Council Meetings. Commissioner Real and Dalati asked questions. Mr. Fitzgerald didn't answer. Commissioner Dalati indicated he had been involved in city for years and Disneyland gives $90 million to Anaheim from Disney. Mr. Fitzgerald said that Walt Disney himself was an exceptional person but when he died it got bad. Employees were paid minimum wage and it's gotten bad since 1983. There are over 25,000 workers getting paid $10 -11 per hour. How can they live? It requires a government subsidy. They get subsidized housing. Chair Pham thanked him for the presentation and said that she had hoped her would provide better documentation for his studies in Anaheim to show what was going on. Page 10 of 19 7. City of San Jose memo outlining the history of their electoral system. Action: Discussion. The committee discussed the memo and read the information provided. Chair Pham thanked Mr. Garcia for the outline and wanted to share some thoughts on this item. Chair Pham indicated there are similarities between San Jose and Anaheim in regard to the civil unrest, issues with the police, minority leaders didn't feel represented, and similar demographics, San Jose formed a similar committee and put it to a vote. Chair Pham read some quotes from Mr. Christensen's book. Following reading Mr. Christensen's quotes, the item was opened for discussion. Vice Chair Dalati mentions Amanda Edinger and wished to welcome her. Mr. Garcia made the formal introduction that she would be filling the last vacancy on the committee. The commissioners extended a warm welcome to her. Commissioner Day had emailed reporter Scott Herehold who was a staff writer for the San Jose Mercury News during the time of the change to districting to ask some questions about the impact of the changes and what the city looks like 30 years later. Mr. Herehold respects Dr. Christensen and shared information about what he observed. She read a letter her sent to her regarding the request for information on their transition to districting. Commissioner Day asked that the committee consider this is a decision that will impact long term to our children and grandchildren. She hopes to consider the possible long term results and is grateful for the many speakers they have had while this committee has convened. The question remains, should they go to districting, what does it look like when it's finished? She also cited some issues that a Long Beach resident had with regard to districting and not being fairly represented because of how the boundaries were drawn. Ms. Day made the comparison it's like a master chef never tasting the food he creates. It's important to consider what this would look like if they did opt to move to districting, long term to 20, 30 , 50, 100 years from now and consider deficiencies. She understands they have been informed by many experts that there is no perfect system. She also cautioned the other committee members that she heard be careful what you wish for. Commissioner Day hopes that they Come together as a body and study the cities who have adopted districting so that they can learn a lot from them. Chair Pham said that she couldn't agree more and felt that it was very important that they do more in depth research like what was done in San Jose which is why she forced this item on the agenda. Ms. Pham said she had to disagree because she'd only read political scientists books, and newspaper journalist regarding the reason why districts came about. There was civil unrest. There was a police shooting at a traffic stop that created civil unrest. The minority leaders felt they did not have a voice. From hearing public comments, she repeatedly has heard that their voice is not being heard. She takes that with heavy concern. She said the committee listened to Mariana for 15 minutes but what about the hundreds of thousands of other residents that feel the same way. She takes it very seriously too. With the last presentation Dr. Hill provided information that cities like Anaheim tend to move toward. Page 11 of 19 She is not saying let's follow the popular vote. It helps the residents if they feel they have a voice and are represented. She said right now there are a majority of citizens who are saying they do not feel represented. That is a concern. Commissioner Armas said he would like to see more on districting too. He said there have been several experts but not one has given them a solution or a plan. They all could not provide a conclusive recommendation when questions about specific recommendations. They provide neutral answers. There needs to be some fact checking on the information that is given to the committee. We're getting one side and some of it seems to be wrong. There are two sides to every story. Mr. Armas said the first person we heard, would be considered an expert because he has lived it for 36 years. He probably has been fact checked quite a few times. Chair Pham said she would like to get that name. Commissioner Day said it was Scott Herehold and spelled it out for the committee. He has been covering San Jose for 36 years. Commissioner Armas asked if Mr. Herehold was still active. Commissioner Day said yes, he writes for them today. If you look up San Jose Mercury News, he has been covering news and you can see him online. Commissioner Armas asked if there is a way he could come down. Mr. Garcia said if that is what the committee would like. Mr. Garcia said we are running out of time. As our next speaker will lay out. There is a process that we'd like to move forward with. If the committee would like more information, if this gentleman is someone they would like to hear more from. Commissioner Armas said he personally would like to hear someone with an opinion. Someone who has lived it and reported on it. There have been many speakers and no solution. If he were given 15 minutes maybe he could enlighten us. Commissioner Ma'ae also mentioned considering Santa Ana as they are right next door, have districts and at large voting. She would like to see what that model looks like and how it's been working after 10 years. Chair Pham concurred. Chair Pham also brought up the point that a writer versus a professor; that anecdotal evidence is not the same as peer reviewed evidence. This has been researched time and again. Dr. Christensen lives in San Diego where they do have districts. Commissioner Lopez would like to add to that journalism versus actual facts is questionable. He said that hearing from Mr. Scott versus what is in books, is just one person's opinion. The similarities they had a committee, went through a review board similar to us and at the end they recommended districts for a reason. They likely had extensive public representation as we have had. Mr. Lopez said he felt it was important that the committee really listened to people in Anaheim. Some people say Page 12 of 19 don't change it. Some say be careful what we are getting into. Some say I have five council members representing me. In regard to Long Beach situation, he understands the challenge the person had in Long Beach with regard to where the person lived. There are five council members in Anaheim. We have hundreds of people who are in the community who don't feel they have a voice. It's really important that people listen. He hasn't heard anything different from experts regarding being careful what they recommend. He said that many at large systems have been forced by the courts to shift to districting. It's important to listen to everyone when they make the decision. Chair Pham said if they are going down that route with hearing Scott Herehold, she thinks they should have whole panels of San Jose long term residents who have experienced it so there are varying opinions. Unfortunately Dr. Christensen couldn't be here. If Mr. Herehold is available, if they are choosing that options, past politicians, residents would be important to be included. Commissioner Day said that many politicians were actually students of Dr. Christensen so Ms. Day said she is not sure if that would work out. She thinks it would be interesting to reach out to Dr. Christensen because he helped develop the election system in San Jose, if he had to do it all over again, what might he do differently. What might he have added or deleted. Chair Pham asked Mr. Garcia is Dr. Christensen had an opinion when he spoke with him or if they just reviewed the facts. Mr. Garcia said they went through the facts of his story and they went through the history. Once he told them the outcome, they discussed his availability. Unfortunately he wasn't available but did refer them to a few other people to get some good information. They can definitely reach out again and ask the question that Commissioner Day posed. Vice Chair Dalati mentioned the City of Compton also went through a similar process and switched to districts. Could staff or committee reach out to them for additional information? Mr. Garcia invited the City of Compton to City Council when they did a workshop on this topic. Mr. Garcia was not certain of the date but it is all on video online and as homework, we could have the committee members watch that first and get an understanding. The representative from Compton explained the entire history of how the situation came about, how the lawsuit came about, and the details. Mr. Garcia encouraged the committee to watch that video, if you as a committee have any additional questions we could provide those to them to get additional information. Chair Pham requested sending the committee the link to the video. Vice Chair Dalati asked if that could also be shared with the public. Mr. Garcia said yes they could provide that link. He also said in addition to Compton, Menifee went through this and had speakers on both sides of the districting debate. They discuss the CVRA, and aspects of it all as well as the practical aspect of moving from one system to the other. Chair Pham requested a 5 minute break. 8. Overview, presentation, discussion, and possible decisions on the Committee's deliberation and recommendation process Page 13 of 19 Action: Presentation by Steven Lynn, Facilitator Chair Pham asked staff, Mr. Garcia, to introduce the facilitator, Mr. Steven Lynn. Mr. Garcia asked for quiet and for the public to take conversations outside. As the committee nears the end of the process, it is important that the committee make some decisions. It is a difficult decision. Everyone recognized that. They want to provide a process that is fair and moves the decision along. Staff determined that bringing a facilitator that is neutral with no opinion on the topic. He does have experience in working with these type of groups and has advice on how the committee should move forward in the process of accomplishing the committee's recommendations. In talking to numerous experts and previous speakers, they were fortunate to find Mr. Steven Lynn. To provide a brief bio, Mr. Lynn was the Chair of the Arizona State Independent Redistricting Commission from 2001 -2011 in that capacity, Mr. Lynn was a presiding officer of that commission and conducted more than 100 meetings and hearing. In addition to his service on the committee, he worked in the community processes for most of his career as a Social Service Planning administrator, and has served as a consultant to municipalities to over 50 municipalities in California, Nevada, Arizona and Puerto Rico. Mr. Garcia would like to address the committee to discuss his process which includes possibly adjusting the committee's time schedule, should the committee agree to approve it at the conclusion of the presentation. That would be staff's recommendation, as well. Mr. Lynn thanked the committee for their time and commitment as volunteers working on behalf of the community. What they have done is quite admirable. He stated that touching on a discussion point from earlier that one of your jobs is to separate opinion from fact. Mr. Lynn discussed some facts such as the committee's task on recommendations on 5 very important areas with the deadline at the end of May. So as much as you will deliberate the ideas in front of you, you have the responsibility as committee members to go back to the council with a set of recommendations regarding your charge. That recommendation is the sum total of your thinking on this topic. However, it is not the final word. The final word will be a vote of the mayor and council and possibly a referral to the people of Anaheim to possibly vote. Your job is to provide the best recommendations based on information presented to you and your own opinions. As outlined in the presentation handout, Mr. Lynn continues by discussing the process, establishing rules and reviewing the possible timeline. You may not arrive at a unanimous decision; but it is still the committee's responsibility to put forth recommendations by the designated deadline. The recommendations should address all the 5 areas in the original mandate. Mr. Lynn went through the handout discussing his recommendation to include all committee members in the process in order to come to a decision and ultimately meet the committee's charge. (See handout for details.) Presentation handout made available during the meeting and online at www.anaheim.net /CACelections The time line included the following which Mr. Lynn presented: Cancellation of the April 4`" meeting. Meeting on April 11 & 18 to embark on step two as outlined tonight. April 25th meeting would also be cancelled. Page 14 of 19 Reviewing a final draft of recommendations on May 9 "'. This would still allow some time in May should there be the need for the committee to meet again before the final recommendations were due, yet still conclude work by May 31s` There was discussion about the process. Questions were asked by the committee. Commissioner Armas asked if they would meet on the 16` and 23r of May. Mr. Garcia clarified that if the committee reviews the draft and finds it acceptable, they may be able to approve it on May 9th and that would conclude their meetings. Chair Pham asked that the committee take a vote and Vice Chair Dalati motioned to accept the the recommendation for Mr. Lynn's process. Commissioner Armas seconded the motion. Commissioner Day said given how tight this schedule is, she did not think it was a good idea to bring in additional speakers at this time. Chair Pham agreed with Commissioner Day. Mr. Lynn replied that you are asking an opinion question about the process so he would respond. Given that the decisions the committee has in front of them to make in front of them, that the committee could listen to speakers on both sides of the issue between now and year end, however, that would not conclude the charge of the committee. His point does not preclude any one of the committee from doing any and all of the homework they would like to do to ensure that when you discuss issues, you come fully prepared to participate in the discussion, to offer points of view and supportive information. Whether you need to schedule additional presentations, is to your comfort level. Mr. Lynn's recommendation is that they get into to the process. If the process dictates at some point that they need more information, that you feel something germane is missing. You could always bring it in at that point before you come to a final decision. He believes you will find that most everyone on this panel has a fairly good idea of what they would like to do and see in that report. Once that is out there. They will determine if there is a consensus, or a majority, or whether or not they need more information. It will evolve. His suggestion would be that he would not recommend scheduling anyone because it will lead to point and counter point in discussion. Vice Chair Dalati said he felt he was ready to tackle this. Commissioner Armas agreed. Commissioner Lopez asked if a member was absent, how would that be handled and they needed to vote. Would they be able to vote. Mr. Lynn said let's discuss as a committee since it is your rule within procedure. His suggestion would be that unless someone could declare they had a problem with these meetings, it is extraordinarily important that all members of the committee be present. It is extremely important in the discussion for everyone to hear one another's thinking to come to a conclusion when determine A or B. He would recommend everyone be here rather than making an exception outside of the bounds of the rules that were just said. That is his opinion. Page 15 of 19 Mr. Tyson, requested the floor. He stated that as a part of California open meetings laws, a member must be present in order to vote. They could not vote if they were absent. A proxy vote is not possible under laws. It would be important for all members to be present. There are a series of meetings. If you miss one, it does not prevent you from voting at the next meeting when you are there. Commissioner Real stated he had a conflict May 9 date because he will be in Washington, D.C. and he can't get away from it. Can the committee continue without his presence. Mr. Tyson said that if they had a quorum of 6 members present, they could continue to hold the meeting and do business. Mr. Tyson said, while it may be extremely burdensome, if the committee was open to the option of access by phone, and if it is noticed in advance and if the place where they are listening from is also open to the public, that might be an option for a member to call in. There are some other rules you have to follow to do that. Chair Pham said that if they were making their decisions in April, the May 9 th meeting would primarily be reviewing the draft. Mr. Lynn suggested that by the 9 th of May most of this should be settled, so that you could go to Washington with a clear conscience. Chair Pham said she was pretty sure that Mr. Larsen would be present for the upcoming meetings since he was not here this evening. Chair Pham asked if any members had any concerns with any of the aforementioned dates set in April. All agreed. Vice Chair Dalati affirmed he still held the same motion. Commissioner Armas again seconded. Ayes — 9 ( Armas, Dalati, Day, Edinger, Lopez, Ma'ae, Olesen, Pham, Real) Noes — 0, Absent — 1 (Larsen) The motion passed. Mr. Lynn said that he was looking forward to working with the committee. He said he felt they were already on the right track in that even in their decision makings they were having fun and heard laughter. He looks forward to helping facilitate the process on April 11 when they will get to work. Chair Pham thanked Mr. Lynn and stated they look forward to his help. 9. Committee Communications Action: Closing comments. Chair Pham opened the closing comments by asking the committee members to be mindful in the process of making this time well spent. She ask each committee member with 2 months to conclude, how do they want to spend their time, how will ensure their time is well spent? She asked that they be mindful of how they want to be remembered because they will be in history books and what they accomplished in Anaheim. Has anything you heard surprised you? How do they want to fulfill their mission? Page 16 of 19 Vice Chair Dalati said the Mr. Tyson told them that they could not get together outside of the public meeting so they don't discuss everything or violate any laws. Otherwise, he would invite everyone over for dinner. The committee laughed and said they could do that just not to talk issue but to have Italian food. He said maybe after the process is complete. He emphasized the importance of remembering that as a committee, they are not to each other's enemy. They are simply a group of people who love, and care about Anaheim, and want to make it a better place. He respects each member of the committee and thanked each person from the bottom of his heart. He said that he isn't trying to please anyone here but said he will vote his conscience. He hoped they would listen to their heart to make a better Anaheim. Hearing the disturbing presentation from Ms. Rivera earlier; here is someone saying our kids are dying or living in fear. It's a scary thing and it's important that the council do something to help resolve these urgent issues. It's important not to ignore these concerns by city staff. These issues need immediate attention by council and city staff. Some of this might be included in their report. Mr. Dalati reiterated if there are no conflicts from city staff, he said that he would like to include what they heard as a part of their report to see that it is addressed in order to present solutions. He would like to include them in the report. Commissioner Armas said he thanked the City Council for giving us this great opportunity. There are great people here both on the committee and as a part of the city staff. There are many different views. How they got here is somewhat irrelevant. It is an important thing to discuss this and hear people's feelings and see where people are at. He thinks there is a great overlay representing each part of the city. Mr. Armas said he believes they can do something very productive and maybe trendsetting as lots of people are watching us and threatening lawsuits. They need to each think about what they are doing and formulate their own perspectives and be open to everyone else. It is important to be able to take a little criticism and not get offended by it. He thanked staff for the opportunity, for providing everything they need and looking forward to working with Mr. Lynn. Commissioner Real thanked the audience despite the fact many are gone. He would like to continue to see more participate. He thinks with the facilitator they will come to a decision fast. Commissioner Olesen said that he heard a couple things that he found quite disturbing. Mr. Lynn mentioned that he thought everyone here had an opinion. When Mr. Olesen made that comment himself, he was chastised by the audience. That was exactly the point Mr. Olesen was trying to make. Mr. Olesen said that if you didn't know about the political structure in Anaheim, you might not have volunteered to do this (serve on the committee). The other things Mr. Olesen said that really bothered him and he didn't recall who said it was the individual who said everyone had a right to be represented by someone who looked like them, he really hoped that wasn't true because if he had to find someone who looked like him he would be in trouble. Commissioner Olesen all that being said he echoed what many others said. It's an interesting process, a fascinating process. It's both annoying and very exhilarating. You usually get involved in this kind of process because you're upset about something. 99% of people who get involved; it's because they're mad about something. That's great because that's how things get done and how things get fixed. People participate. He said he doesn't recommend making everyone mad in order to get them to participate, but that's how it happens. One note of caution, with the handouts we've been receiving such as the handy handout from OCCORD, the independent expenditures were omitted from this last election which would completely skew that last graph and make it 180 degrees from what was presented did. Similarly with the graph today, he doesn't know if the election results weren't in past 2002, but if they were added to that chart, you would get a very different picture as well. Facts are great things depending upon how you interpret them and present them. As far as the whole idea of academics not having an opinion, Mr. Olesen said Page 17 of 19 that having spent far more time in that world than he cares to admit to, that is the beauty of academia, reality is not an issue. None of it matters; because it's theory. Thank you all. He has enjoyed being part of this and he's thinks the committee is going to do what they're going to do. Commissioner Edinger said thank you for welcoming me. She said she has a good deal of reading to do in order to catch up. She thinks that the committee is representative of the city itself, and hopefully they will come to a consensus or outline in the report at least a starting point for them to make improvements to the process. The others welcomed her. She thanked them. Commissioner Day thanked everyone for coming out including staff and Mr. Lynn. She looks forward to the next meeting As a reminder, many people may not be able to make the meetings, but you can watch them online. As they reach the end of the process, it's really do or die time and it's important to hear from everyone. They want to hear from every citizen. The committee does read your emails. As a reminder, you are welcome to send the committee emails to provide feedback or express your point of view. It's very important to get that feedback. She encourage residents to provide feedback so that they can take it into consideration. The public can also email staff and the email will get to them. She also wished everyone a Happy Easter. Commissioner Lopez said he wanted to recognize and thank the public for coming, particularly, Mariana for coming and for her courage. It's so important that you are here when many others have left at the end of the meeting. He wanted to praise those who took the time to stay for the entire meeting. You are also investing important time because you care about your community. This is important to you. We are listening to you and based on all of your comments, Mr. Lopez said he is forming his own opinion. He respects everyone's opinion. That is what democracy is about. He is happy to be a part of this group and have worked with most of you for a few weeks now, and he is looking forward to the next step. Commissioner Ma'ae said that it's important to her that people think about what they are going to say before they say it. Just because someone comes up and says something; that does not make it truth. It does cause her personally to get a bit excited. That being said, she especially wanted to thank Mariana for pouring her heart out today. Commissioner Ma' ae said that she really felt everything that she said today and she could see and hear the pain. Ms. Ma'ae said her heart goes out to Mariana and the people in her community. She knows and understands that type of suffering. As Mr. Lopez said " I see you" and she said that she understands the importance of being heard. She values everyone who has come out to these meetings. Being able to potentially change our history and represent the city and all of her fellow citizen is something she does not take lightly. She considers it a huge honor and wants to thank everyone for their part. Chair Pham said that the committee has gone through a long process, lots of presentations. Ms. Pham thanked staff for all of their hard work as she recognizes it's been countless hours of meetings, phone calls with experts trying to schedule people to present, she understands that it has been difficult, so thank you so much for all your efforts. She is excited and looking forward to the next step where they actually make decisions for recommendations that they put on paper. She wants the committee to be remembered as a committee that respects Anaheim's diversity and ever - changing growth. The city is going to keep growing keep changing .If they don't do anything about it, there is going to be more unrest. Chair Pham said that she wants to see Mariana and her community feels safe. If they can't do that for their fellow citizens, she questioned why they are here. Ms. Pham said she looked forward to Page 18 of 19 the next meeting where Mr. Lynn begins facilitating to assist them as they make hard decisions. Look forward to seeing everyone on April 11 10. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Chair Pham at 9:36 p.m. Page 19 of 19 Respectfully Submitted,