Parks and Recreation 2013/01/23PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California January 23, 2013 MINUTES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Crawford, Vice Chair Manes, Commissioners Vadodaria, Brennan, Huitt, and Lappin COMMISSIONER EXCUSED: Commissioner Navarro STAFF PRESENT: Lynn Smith – Community Services Manager, Larry Pasco – Parks Manager, Pamela Galera, Principal Project Planner, Wendy Solorio – Community Services Supervisor, Eleanor Granflor – Sr. Secretary CALL TO ORDER –Chairman Crawford called the meeting to order at 5:47 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE –Chairman Crawford led the Pledge of Allegiance. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATIONS A.Written Communication – None B.Unscheduled Oral Communication from the Public – None APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Chairman Crawford presented the November 28, 2012 Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. There being none, Chairman Crawford accepted the minutes as presented. ACTIVITY REPORTS A.Recreation and Human Services Activity Report – October/November – Lynn Smith presented the report. Lynn Smith clarified the annual Recognition Luncheon for volunteers will be held on March 20, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. and invitations will be sent this week. B.Parks Activity Report – November/December – Larry Pasco presented the report. Larry Pasco stated that the months of November and December are slow growth months for plant material in parks and the contractors were able to complete extra projects. Chairman Crawford reported that the Anaheim application for smartphones has been updated to include new city parks. Larry Pasco stated the application has been updated to include all city parks. Chairman Crawford questioned if the contractors update their employees with safety training. Larry Pasco stated City employees continue to attend regular safety training and it is the responsibility of the contractor to update their employees with safety information as required by law. Vice Chairman Manes questioned if City staff is involved with the annual homeless count. Lynn Smith reported the County of Orange completes an annual point and time homeless count and City facilities are used to train the volunteers involved with the count. Lynn stated the Poverty Task Force is involved with the homeless count and will also complete a count for the City. Larry Pasco stated City employees reported locations of homeless to assist the Poverty Task Force of where they can complete the count. C.Recreation and Human Services Park Ranger Report – November and December – Lynn Smith presented the report and answered questions regarding the homeless at parks and curfew. /dDEK͘Ϭ ϭ Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes January 23, 2013 D.Parks Capital Project Progress Report –Pamela Galera presented the report, provided updates, and answered questions on the following projects: Five Coves – Staff continues to work with property owners to extend Anaheim Coves, on the property owned by the Orange County Water District on the west side of the river from Lincoln Avenue north to Frontera Street. Staff is looking into grant opportunities. Anaheim Coves – North entrance has been temporarily closed due to problems with gas mains under the road that the Gas Company is fixing. Miraloma – City purchased an existing building on property to build a family resource center. Project will be prepared to go to bid. Paul Revere Park – Construction documents were submitted for plan check. Staff applied for additional grant funding. City staff plans to hire an artist to create an art piece at the park. Schweitzer Park Playground – KaBOOM! project to replace and upgrade the playground. Build Day is scheduled for March 4. Volunteers are welcome. th Schweitzer Park Restroom – The project to enlarge the existing restrooms will go to bid this spring. Ross Park Expansion – Staff is working with the Anaheim Family YMCA to build a gymnasium. Soil remediation continues. Pelanconi Park – Staff is researching additional grant funding. SCE Various Sites – Staff continues to negotiate with SCE to obtain adjacent park property to enlarge park land. SCE easements include property areas next to Maxwell Park and the corner of State College Boulevard and Cerritos Avenue. Vice Chairman Manes questioned the mural located at Little Peoples Park. Larry Pasco stated he is currently working with residents of the area to improve the park and also clarified that the mural is not on park property. E.Senior Citizen Sub-Committee Report – Commissioner Huitt reported the following: Social Security has a new informational website. Those receiving Social Security benefits must sign up for direct deposit or be signed up for a Social Security debit card. The Social Security debit card program has been placed on hold until March 31. st Office on Aging (County of Orange) has updated their website www.officeonaging.oc.gov. Health & Nutrition Committee will be providing a 1-page informational sheet with resources for senior citizens. South Orange County Senior Summit will be held soon. – None NEW BUSINESS INFORMATIONAL ITEMS– Chairman Crawford reported the Friends of the Library are sponsoring the annual Mystery Author’s Luncheon on May 17. th Vice Chair Manes reported the following: The Anaheim Bulletin has a new format. Any informational items must be submitted one week before to be published in the Anaheim Bulletin. Anaheim Muzeo has a new exhibit starting January 26. th Two upcoming programs will begin to help teens with college financial aid. Various alumni events throughout Anaheim are going on. Theater events are ongoing in local performing arts theaters. Cultural Fair will be held in Downtown Anaheim on February 2. nd Fundraising seminar for non-profit organizations will be held in Irvine. ADJOURNMENT – Chairman Crawford adjourned the meeting at 6:47 p.m. Ϯ