Telecomm Policy Committee 1996/02/15 A ! i TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES E u 0 _t i (, i FEBRUARY 15, 1996 The agenda having been posted on Friday, February 9, 1996, the regularly scheduled meeting of the Telecommunications Policy Advisory Committee (Committee) was called to order by Chairperson Paul McMillan at 4:10 p.m., on Thursday, February 15, 1996 in the Gordon Hoyt Conference Center, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California. Committee Members Present: Chairperson P. McMillan, P. Boydstun, B. Whorton, D. Stanton, F. Feldhaus. Committee Member(s) Absent: W. Wiseman, T. Daly, J. Mayer Staff Present: E. Aghjayan, M. Bell, L. Moses, J. Spalding, V. Tiwari, K. Thalman, G. Anghel, G. Broeking, P. Grimes, S. Frazier, R. Howell. Guests Present: Renney Senn, SpectraNet Joe Dale, FCI Paul Brestyanszky, FCI Greg Hurst, Freedom Communications Ginger Neal, Orange County Register 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no comments from the public. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 21, 1995 The minutes of December 21, 1995 were approved 5 - 3 ABSENT. 3. SPECTRANET NEGOTIATIONS STATUS Staff updated the Committee on developments concerning the negotiations process between the City and SpectraNet (SNI). The due diligence process began with the hiring of a consultant, John Spalding, to act as the Telecommunications Project Manager throughout the negotiations with SNI. A City Negotiating Team was also formed consisting of representatives from the City Manager's office, City Attorney's office, Community Development, Public Utilities, Public Works, and consultants from the financial, legal and technical field to provide input for the negotiations. The City Negotiating Team met with SNI in January to kickoff the negotiations. There have been eleven financial, legal and technical meetings so far to scope the project and identify issues that need to be dealt with during the negotiations process. There have been nine meetings with various City departments to determine their needs and requirements. These meetings will be ongoing. A Universal Telecommunications System (UTS) agreement will be drafted for a pilot project in Anaheim that will assess the marketability and acceptance of the UTS on a limited basis, serve as a test site that will be incorporated as part of Phase I construction, will include some City services, will provide early revenues to the City, will assist in the formation of the feasibility analysis, and will test the economic viability of the UTS from the perspective of a third party expert in marketing analysis. The pilot project will be comprised of proven technologies that will prove that the system is effective. Requests for 1_ 56 proposals for conducting the feasibility analysis of the UTS were issued with responses submitted by five different firms. Interviews with and ratings of the various firms will take place in order to select the finalist by early March. The high -level design of the UTS has begun, in addition to the planning and design of the pilot project. Preliminary marketing of the UTS has begun to various businesses inside and outside of Anaheim that might be retained in Anaheim or attracted to relocating in Anaheim because of the UTS. The following schedule was developed for the due diligence process and proposes the following: - Defined the responsibilities and relationships between the City and SNI in January. - Completion of the UTS Participation Agreement for the Pilot Project in March. - Completion of the feasibility study May through June. - Compliance with regulatory/legislative requirements by June. Establish ownership /legal structure by July. Obtain Committee recommendation and City Council approval of the agreement by July or August. Complete financing package and obtain funding by September. Begin construction of the UTS in October 1996. - ISSUES ADDRESSED: A question was asked as to how the operation and maintenance of the system and the billings to customers will be handled in the pilot project. Renney Senn of SNI responded by stating that the project is still in the development stage and the specific answers cannot be given at this point. He stated that the tools available for the pilot project (software, power of UTS) will be more limited than the full capabilities of Phase I, but there will be significant capacity and benefit to the end users that will provide an idea of the actual market response to the UTS. The pilot project will be a precursor, in a limited way, in terms of what kinds of services will be provided and how they may be sold to a broader audience. The pilot project will be a significant size project so that it can be seamlessly incorporated into the actual UTS. R. Senn explained there are two major phases in the construction of the UTS that consist of numerous target phases within those. The first phase will include the major commercial /industrial customers and City facilities and the second phase will include the balance of the businesses not included in Phase I and all of the residential users. The pilot system should be functioning and users (approximately 250) signed up by mid- summer 1996. The Police and Fire Departments have expressed that they would like to be part of the pilot project. The pilot project will enhance the financing of the overall project by virtue of having something in place that is actually a reality. The pilot system will alert competitors that it makes sense to use the City's UTS and its capabilities instead of spending their money on installation of a system. Staff added that Renney Senn and other SNI representatives have been actively working with staff in developing the economic development strategies for working with customers that will use the UTS. A letter will be prepared soon and distributed nationally that will demonstrate the unmatched capacity and capability of the City of Anaheim's UTS. The UTS will be a significant tool for business attraction and retention. 4. FORMULA CONSULTANTS, INC. (FCI) PRESENTATION Staff advised the Committee that the next two presentations would show them the types of unique services that can be offered on the UTS by various companies. Joe Dale, President of FCI gave a presentation outlining the type of services that FCI will be able to offer on the UTS including: - Primary service of remote data backup, restoration of computer data, internet access and information repositories. - Distance learning capabilities, telemedicine image repository. - Internet services that include application development, data warehousing, World Wide Web server in operation, multiple listing real estate data, and an Anaheim based system for world -wide access. - Robust backup of workstations and servers. - Intelligent host controlled backup for single transfer of data copy and unattended workstations. 57 Quick and easy data restores. - World -class tape units and robotics. Safe -site disaster storage options. Joe Dale explained the benefits of FCI's services including: - Backup services that can provide a new revenue stream to Anaheim. - Immediately establishes Anaheim as attractive to data sensitive businesses. - Prestige of technical leadership. - Services are consistent with Anaheim's telecommunications guiding principles. - World -wide data access capabilities from Anaheim. 5. INTERACTIVE ON -LINE SERVICES - ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER Ginger Neal from the Register gave a presentation on the services they would like to provide on the UTS. The Register and the Anaheim Bulletin could provide all the information on -line that they currently print for readers in Anaheim. A number of the features in the Bulletin could be expanded over time, if the information is provided by the City and local businesses and organizations including: CITY HALL City Council reports that include the entire agenda and the votes. - Commission's reports. - Building permits currently available. - Street sweeping and trash collection schedules. - Recreation classes currently available and their fees. - Senior citizen center events and classes. SCHOOLS - School Board meeting reports - PTA meeting schedules and minutes. - Homework helpers and hotlines. - District and individual school test scores. School event calendars. NEIGHBORHOODS - Neighborhood Council meetings and agendas. - Council newsletters. Hearings and proposals on federal block grants. Clean -up schedules. Paint Your Heart Out activities. Anti- graffiti programs. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - Council events. Convention Center, Stadium, and Pond events. - Disneyland events. Freedman Forum events. - Movie listings. - Cable TV listings for Channel 3. - Reviews of local and area restaurants. SPORTS - Organized sports from T -ball to prep sports. - Parks and Recreation sports. BUSINESSES - Hotel rates and reservations - New business openings. - Promotions and new hires. 58 - Expansions and closures. - Application for conditional user permits. - Chamber of Commerce news. - Shopping and restaurants in town. TRANSPORTATION - Street repairs. - Widening updates. - How to avoid event traffic. - Bus and shuttle schedules. - Metrolink schedules. CHURCHES Standing list and addresses. Weekly sermon topics and church events. MEDICAL FACILITIES Hospital and medical center listings. Classes offered. - Health screenings and flu shots. YOUTH PROGRAMS - Disney GOALS. - Boys and Girls Clubs. - After- school programs. - YMCA information. POLICE NEWS - Full detailed listing of reports taken by police. - Neighborhood watch meetings. - Department phone numbers. • - Status of sub - station plans. SERVICE GROUPS - Listings - Volunteer opportunities. 6. OPEN QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION There were no further questions or discussions. 7. AGENDA ITEMS BY NEXT MEETING E. Aghjayan advised the Committee that staff will give another status update to them at the March Committee meeting. Staff should have an agreement drafted with SNI on the pilot project. Also, the consultant should be selected by the next meeting to conduct the feasibility analysis. More presentations will be given at future meetings on types of services that will be available through the use of the UTS. 8. ITEMS BY SECRETARY No additional items. 9. ITEMS BY COMMITTEE MEMBERS B. Whorton would like to see further presentations on what services, through the UTS, that the City will be able to provide that currently are not provided and some visionary ideas on uses. F. Feldhaus would like to see an additional presentation on how the UTS will benefit the medical field. D. Stanton would like to see how the network that the Police Department had installed a few years ago, 59 which connected various cities, would benefit from the UTS. 10. A motion to adjourn was made at 5:15 p.m. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 3 ABSENT. Respectfully submitted, t u-- Edward K. A hj yan Secretary, Tel ommunications Policy Advisory Committee 60