Community Redevelopment 1996/11/20 • COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMDIISSION MINUTES GREENSIDE CAFE CLUBHOUSE OF [HE DAD MILLER GOLF COURSE 430 N. Gilbert Street November 20, 1996 PRESENT: Holguin, Linn, McMillan, Perreira, Pinson, Renner, Sheldon STAFF: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMM. DEV.: Elisa Stipkovich REDEV. & PROPERTY SERVICES MGR.: Rob Zur Schmiede • REDEVELOPMENT MANAGER: Brad Hobson PROJECT MANAGER: Andy Agle PROJECT MANAGER: Laura Muna -Landa COMM. SERVICES DIRECTOR: Chris Jarvi PARK PLANNER: Dick Mayer SENIOR SECRETARY: Jan Jensen Commissioner Pinson called the meeting to order at 4: lOp.m. MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ms. Stipkovich stated Disneyland will make a presentation on the Stadium Renovation December 10, 1996, in the City Council Chambers from 3:OOp.m. - 3:45p.m., the Redevelopment Commission is invited to attend the presentation. OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ms. Stipkovich invited the Commission to attend the Nutcracker Holiday events, including the Tree Lighting Ceremony, scheduled for December 6, 1996; the Tree Dedication on November 23, 1996 at 10:00a.m.; and the Holiday Craft Faire on December 7 and 8, 1996 from 9:00a.m. to 4:OOp.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Renner moved to approve the minutes of October 23, 1996. Seconded by Commissioner Linn. MOTION CARRIED (6 -0 -0). Commissioner Sheldon not present for voting. CRC Minutes - November 20, 1996 Page 2 DISCUSSION: A. Community Development Block Grant Ms. Stipkovich gave an overview of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and gave a summary of projects discussed at the November 6, 1996, Community Redevelopment Commission meeting as follows: • South Anaheim Blvd. • Beach Blvd. Adoption • Rehabilitation Loans Housing Rehabilitation Staff • Historic Preservation • Neighborhood Improvement • Rebate Program • ]TPA • George Washington Park Design Ms. Stipkovich stated staff is recommending that the Commission support these requests. Mitch Caldwell and Larry Cooper, representing the Neighborhood Council were in attendance. They submitted a list of projects they would like to see completed. Neighborhood Project 1. Anaheim Colony Zeyn St. Project 2. Anaheim Colony Citron Street Lighting 3. Anaheim Colony Street Light Installation on Walnut 4. Anaheim Colony Clean-up Campaigns 5. Anaheim Colony Tool Bank Program 6. Anaheim Colony Pauline Street There was extensive discussion regarding the $1 million request for Neighborhood Improvements which was proposed in conjunction with matching funds raised by neighborhoods. Matching funds could be raised through Assessment Districts. Commissioner Linn asked for clarification about the staff person for the Historic District. Ms. Stipkovich explained the staff person would have a total cost of approximately $80,000. That person would act in an advisory/counseling capacity. She clarified the proposed Historic Guidelines are voluntary and not mandatory. In addition they would propose to hire an architect on a contingency basis for approximately $30,000 to $40,000 annually. This concept is similar to the program in the City of Pasadena. F`.DOCSDP:SVCSNIrsl. ENIti"o6.'A.DCC CRC Minutes - November 20, 1996 Page 3 Commissioner Linn asked what they were going to do with the $1,000,000 if there is no Assessment District? Ms. Stipkovich suggested if the neighborhoods do not form an Assessment District and cannot provide matching funds , they could fund other capital improvements in neighborhoods that have been requested. However, she stated that the first approach would be to leverage the available funds and provide the greatest amount of improvements. Commissioner Linn expressed his concerns about the Rebate Program with a total budget of only $50,000. Ms. Stipkovich explained rebates are limited to 30% of eligible improvements with a maximum rebate amount of $5,000. She indicated the budgeted amount had been sufficient in the past. Commissioners Sheldon and Holguin indicated they would like to hear from other Neighborhood Councils. Commissioner Sheldon moved to table the recommendation for staff to come back with specific ideas regarding the assessment. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. MOTION CARRIED (6 -1 -0). Commissioner Pinson voting no. Ms. Stipkovich indicated this would be agendized for the next Community Redevelopment Commission meeting. B. Downtown Community Center Andy Agle, Project Manager, gave an overview of the final plans for the Community Center Project. Mr. Agle emphasized that the basic design had no significant changes. A discussion ensued relative to parking. Commissioner Linn expressed concerns regarding adequate handicapped parking including opposition to seniors crossing Center Street from Center Street parking structure, the feasibility of redesigning plan, and ability of seniors to park next to City Hall parking structure. Commissioner Renner inquired about the feasibility of diagonal parking along Philadelphia Street. Commissioner McMillan inquired if Philadelphia could accommodate bus loading. Commissioner Holguin inquired as to the safety of handicapped access from the parking structure i.e., pedestrians and automobiles having to use the driveway. Chris Jarvi and Dick Mayer indicated that handicapped parking had not been a problem in the past and that the Senior Club and Commission approved the plan. Mr. Jarvi and Mr. Mayer indicated it was not feasible to redesign the plan, that parking adjacent to the City Hall parking structure was not feasible because of the drive aisle width, and that if necessary, additional handicapped parking could be accommodated in the north end of the City Hall parking structure. F 1, CCS ,DEVSVCSJIry,"TES'J.`0a2 -A.DOC CRC Minutes - November 20, 1996 Page 4 Mr. Mayer further noted that the potential for diagonal parking on Philadelphia had been discussed with Traffic Engineering and that buses could park on Philadelphia. Mr. Agle noted that 5 additional handicapped spaces will be provided in the Center Street parking structure near the elevators (for a total of 13) and that drop -off areas exist on the south side of Center Street). Mr. Jarvi reiterated that the handicapped parking plan as presented to Council would be reviewed for alternative solutions. Commissioner Renner moved that the Community Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Redevelopment Agency approve the final plans, authorize solicitation of construction bids, and approve the funding approach for the Downtown Community Center. seconded by Commissioner Perreira. MOTION CARRIED. (7 -0 -0). C. Workshop - Brookhurst Commercial Corridor Commissioner Pinson introduced the Commission and guests. She gave an overview of the meeting to discuss approaches to solving problems in the Brookhurst Corridor Area. Mr. Zur Schmiede gave a review of the background from the September 25, 1996 Community Redevelopment Commission meeting. The project area was adopted to respond to concerns regarding crime, blight, predominance of alcohol and adult oriented businesses. Mr. Zur Schmiede introduced John Kaliski, Architect for AIJK. Mr. Kaliski discussed his role and examined land use and the physical design of the area. He discussed the 3 prong approach to resolving issues: Short Term (3 to 4 months) Signage guidelines; streetscape plan; and development guidelines; undertake coordinated Code Enforcement targeting problem uses and properties. Mid Term (1 to 2 years) Examine Land use control through use of Redevelopment tools, i.e., design for development. Long Term (2 yrs beyond) Implement specific projects which would serve as a catalysts for further development. Land Use Ideas (1st thought): • Commercial uses along Brookhurst would remain in short term • Brookhurst Street would retain its existing Scope and Scale • South of Ball uses become overtime "Neighborhood Serving Commercial Uses" F DOC CRC Minutes - November 20, 1996 Page 5 Land Use Ideas (2nd thought): • Long term conversion of "strip" commercial to residential uses • Neighborhood Serving commercial uses would begin to cluster around intersections longer term Mr. Kaliski discussed potential design options or typologies that could be used with various alternative land uses. Streetscape Concepts (N. of La Palma to S. of Ball • Off Fwy south go through "tunnel of trees" (median and parkway trees) sense of leaving freeway. • Crescent & Ball Road - very strong landscape treatment at corners • Use different tree types to convey different themes • Commercial areas to have medians • Encourage identification and enhancement of neighborhood entry points Kaliski encouraged comments from the audience. PUBLIC COMMENTS: What is time frame? Mr. Kaliski said the plan could be adopted by the Community Redevelopment Commission and Agency within one year and implement improvements near Brookhurst Jr. High. What is implementation strategy? Mr. Kaliski - Design For Development would guide future development (development criteria). Implement a demonstration streetscape project with Caltrans, school and/or new development. Mr. Zur Schmiede discussed a focused response to Code violations. Ms. Stipkovich discussed a long term solution to look at residential uses. Ms. Stipkovich stated Code Enforcement could be utilized to ensure businesses are legally operating (short term); also prohibit further authorization of liquor licenses for new businesses (part of Design Development Guidelines). What is density of proposed housing? Mr. Kaliski stated Zoning calls for one house on 2,400 - 3,000 square -foot lots Three- thousand (3,000) square -foot house sizes? Mr. Kaliski - No, more like 1,500 square -feet. If lower density is sought, the number of available incentives to property owners is extremely limited. Very low density on these lots does not work financially. Ms. Stipkovich explained that the combination of single- family homes, paired, etc., is possible, all being owner occupied. Apartments are not being considered. cc cEVSVCSWI I-lESV/Noa: -.toot CRC Minutes - November 20, 1996 Page 6 What about open space between Lincoln and Catalina? Mr. Kaliski and Ms. Stipkovich indicated it was a nice idea, but very expensive. Implementation would be very long term. Where is the financing for these improvements? Ms. Stipkovich stated through private property owner investment and tax increment when growth occurs in the long term. What about bike lanes? Ms. Stipkovich indicated they are being considered. What about State /County money? Ms. Stipkovich stated there is none that she knows about that is available. Could traffic problems be solved? Ms. Stipkovich stated yes and we will set up meeting with Traffic Engineering to discuss it. Specific concerns were regarding through traffic in the neighborhood. Suggestions: • Swerve street and shift over about 50 feet to have a very deep side for commercial development (the gauntlet). Mr. Kaliski stated realigning street is too costly. We might as well go with the green space option. • Mr. Kaliski indicated he had discussed with Traffic doing street "bump- outs" to widen area of parkway, but we would lose bike lanes (to add lot depth between Lincoln and Catalina). Conclusion: • Mr. Kaliski will further examine the approaches discussed at this meeting. Redevelopment staff to proceed with finalizing short and mid -term approaches. (Streetscape and Signage Guidelines, Code Enforcement, and options for land use control.) • Explore implementation opportunities (Catalytic Projects). • Develop guidelines for new development. Guide For Development). Commissioner Pinson adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:OOp.m. Respectfully submitted, , 141 � Jens , ior Secretary F `DOCSDEVSVCSWINU ESUJN6BrA.D(x