Community Redevelopment 1996/10/23 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES October 23, 1996 4:OOp.m. PRESENT: Holguin, Linn, McMillan, Perreira, Pinson, Renner ABSENT: Sheldon STAFF: REDEVJECONOMIC DEV. MGR., Richard Bruckner REDEV. MGR., Brad Hobson REDEV. PROPERTY SERVICES MGR., Rob Zur Schmiede SENIOR SECRETARY, Jan Jensen Commissioner Pinson Called the meeting to order at 4:10p.m. MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Pinson announced that on December 10, 1996 at 3:OOp.m. in the City Council Chambers, the City Council will conduct a workshop on the redesign of the Anaheim Stadium. The Redevelopment Commission has been invited to attend. Mr. Zur Schmiede stated they are proposing to schedule a follow -up meeting on the • Brookhurst Corridor plan on November 20, 1996. The Agency will be asking the Redevelopment Commission to host the public community meeting. DISCUSSION: A. Downtown Vision Update Commissioner Pinson stated the format for the Downtown Vision Update is an information session. No action will be taken. Commissioner Pinson introduced Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director, Community Development. CRC Minutes - October 23, 1996 Page 2 Ms. Stipkovich gave a brief overview of the Downtown Association. She introduced the Chairman of the proposed Downtown Association, John Machiaverna. She asked Mr. Machiaverna to give them an update on the status of the Association and the Steering Committee. Mr. Machiaverna stated the Steering Committee's first order of business was to create a Mission Statement. He read the Mission Statement into the record. He stated in the next couple of weeks they will be meeting with other businesses and property owners to secure their support for the Downtown Anaheim Association. The special events marketing subcommittees will be meeting in the near future to discuss a marketing plan and to develop a special events calendar. Upcoming events are as follows: Fall Festival, October 26, 1996; Holiday Tree dedication; Tree Lighting ceremony December 6, 1996; Holiday Craft Faire, December 7 -8, 1996; and the Nutcracker Holiday Festival December 6 -8, and 13 -15, 1996. He handed out brochures. Ms. Stipkovich stated they are meeting today to discuss the Visioning Session and to have Frank Fuller, Architect, give a report regarding the Visioning Session. She explained that the Redevelopment Commission is the entity that handles all of the land use and design control issues for the Agency. The City Council, who is also the Redevelopment Agency, relies very heavily on the opinion of the Redevelopment Commission. Ms. Stipkovich introduced Frank Fuller, Principal Architect with Elbasani & Logan Architects. Mr. Fuller gave a review of the updated plan for the downtown and summarized the purpose and intent of the September 11, 1996 Downtown Visioning Sessions. A summary of the community's ideas and suggestions which were presented at the Downtown Visioning Session were distributed to those in attendance and is herein made a part of the record. (See attached Downtown Anaheim Visioning Session Recap). Mr. Fuller responded to questions and concerns regarding his updated plan for downtown. Commissioner Linn suggested we capitalize on Anaheim's German heritage. Commissioner Renner asked what Koll was looking for in terms of a tenant mix and how long does their development contract run? Ms. Stipkovich stated they are currently speaking to a couple of office users. Koll has development rights to bring in specific projects by the end of next year. The Agency has been working with Koll to obtain more flexibility on that deadline and to give the Agency the right to negotiate with anyone. F`DOCS \DEVSVCS\1l1M IESUJNoB05A.DOC CRC Minutes - October 23, 1996 Page 3 Commissioner Renner stated he likes the idea and the concept presented, however they still do need the ability to market some of the properties. He would like to see some cost estimates. Commissioner Pinson asked if they still had the option of the Science and Discovery use? Ms. Stipkovich indicated that is still an option. Commissioner Holguin inquired about the Freedman Forum and future use of the theater. A brief discussion ensued about the status of the building. Ms. Stipkovich stated the next step would be for the Commission to formerly make a recommendation. Staff will come back to the Commission with more specific phasing and cost estimates. Commissioner Pinson asked how Commissioner Renner saw the plan accommodating the Museum? Commissioner Renner stated he envisioned a similar type of open air public area that would be a shared use or gathering place for the Museum visitors as well as adjacent development. He shared his concerns regarding the Museum handicapped access. Discussion closed. No action taken. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: Commissioner Linn asked if the Police Department had anything they could consider that would enhance their downtown program? Chief Gaston commented on activities in Palm Springs. Commissioner Perreira stated this is a great plan. She was particularly interested in the cost aspects. Commissioner Holguin commented the financial impact would help the downtown area. Commissioner Renner stated he has been wanting to see something like this for quite some time. The Agency has his support. Commissioner Linn suggested in the future, if the Commission is to make a recommendation, that it requires four (4) yes votes. Commissioner Linn expressed his concerns regarding the handicapped access for depositing mail at the new Post Office. F:\DOCSIDE V SVCS\MINUtESV INoB05A DOC CRC Minutes - October 23, 1996 Page 4 Mr. Zur Schmiede explained there will be drop off boxes installed. The building itself is completely handicapped accessible. Further discussion took place regarding the original size of the site. Commissioner Linn had some further concerns regarding the new Post Office. Commissioner Pinson suggested this item be agendized for a future meeting. Commissioner Linn would like more information on the handicapped parking at the new Community Center. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Perreira moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:20p.m. Seconded by Commissioner McMillan. Respectfully Submitted, an Jens Senior Secretary • F: \DOC S1D E V S V C SUN INU[E SU JN 6 B05A. DOC