RA2001/08/28ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA- ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING AUGUST 28, 2001 161 123 165 The Anaheim Redevelopment Agency met in regular session. Present: Chairman Tom Daly and Agency Members Frank Feldhaus, Lucille Kring, Tom Tait and Shirley McCracken. Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Dave Morgan, City Attorney Jack White, Secretary Sheryll Schroeder, Executive Director of Community Development, Elisa Stipkovich. A copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency was posted on August 24, 2001 at the City Hall inside and outside bulletin boards. Chairman Daly called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 5:44 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Anaheim City Hall, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: NONE. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 1 - 4: Chairman Daly moved approval of Agency Consent Calendar Items 1 through 4, seconded by Agency Member Kring. Motion carried unanimously. ,, Waive the owner occupancy requirements contained in the Second Mortgage Assistance Program loan agreement by and between Ester Poole and the Redevelopment Agency. , Award the Agreement for Public Work to the lowest responsible bidder, American Heavy Moving & Rigging, Inc., in the amount of $113,480 for the relocation of four residential structures and authorize the Executive Director to execute the agreement. , Award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Hillcrest Contracting, Inc., in the amount of $300,920.12 for the Raymond Retarding Basin Perimeter Improvements, make certain findings for Agency funding for said Improvement as provided in Exhibit "A" and approve and authorize the Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency to execute the agreement by and among the Orange County Flood Control District, the Redevelopment Agency and the City (Continued from Agency meeting of August 21, 2001, Item 1). Council Member Tait noted that staff had talked to the County about paying more of its share and he was concerned about the bid. He believed that it should be more of an equitable distribution and he asked to continue the item for one month. Mayor Daly seconded the motion and asked to understand the impacts of the continuance on the bids that had already been processed. He asked what the prospect of receiving additional funding from the County was; what were the contacts with the County, what was the promised follow up with the County. Executive Director of Community Development, Elisa Stipkovich, said that the bid was good for forty-five days and she believed that this was the fortieth day and that the bid commitment would be lost. She said that this was a difficult project to receive bids on and the period had to be extended in order to receive bids. The response from the County staff level, she said, had been a $28,800 commitment to the project. She explained that the $28,800 had not been voted on by the County Board of Supervisors. She said that what was on the agenda was awarding the entire amount from the Redevelopment Agency and then the Agency would be reimbursed the $28,800. She asked that the County staff put more into the project because the Council had deferred the item and their response was that the fence was on their property and the other improvements were not technically on the County site, but on the City's right of way or public portion. She said that County Supervisor Coad's Office had previously been involved in the project and staff asked Dean Olson of the Supervisor's Office to talk to Supervisor Coad to see if anything could be done. Mr. Olson's response was non definitive and he said Supervisor Code would take it up with the staff. Director Stipkovich said that it would take one month before it would go on the Supervisor's agenda and there was a time frame and the County could reimburse the Agency any amount that they wanted. Council Member Tait withdrew his motion for a continuance and asked staff to seek additional funding above the cost of the fence. Assistant City Manager Morgan said that staff would handle that and as a further suggestion, he said that a letter should be drafted for the Mayor's signature requesting additional County support. He believed it would have an impact. Mayor Daly asked if the City Manager's Office had spoken to the County Supervisor's Office and Assistant City Manager Morgan said that they had and without success at this point in time. He said that when the City Manager's Office had gone back to them with Council direction, it had made a difference and that he would try again. Mayor Daly believed that Council had waited long enough and it was time to go forward with the improvement. He said that the results could be seen at East Street and La Palma Avenue. Council Member McCracken said that there was a problem along the City's right of way, a large drainage pipe and she asked if it would be part of the cost. She said that if the rains came someone could be injured in the drainage pipe because it was available to the street and it needed to be repaired and covered over. She noted that there was no sidewalk on the north side of the street and there was a bus stop at the corner of East Street and La Palma Avenue. She believed that the City's responsibility was maybe more than fifty percent and that some repairs should be made. 161 4. Approve minutes of the Redevelopment Agency meeting of August 21,2001. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chairman Daly moved to adjourn the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, seconded by Agency Member McCracken. Motion carried unanimously. The regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency adjourned at 5:50 P.M. Sheryll Schroeder, CMC/AAE Secretary, Anaheim Redevelopment Agency