Community Redevelopment 1996/10/09COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES October 9, 1996 4:00 p.m. PRESENT: Holguin, Linn, McMillan, Perreira, Pinson, Renner, Sheldon STAFF: EXEC. DIRECTOR/COMM. DEV., Elisa Stipkovich REDEV./ECONOMIC DEV. MGR., Richard Bruckner REDEV./PROPERTY SERVICES MGR., Rob Zur Schmiede REDEVELOPMENT MANAGER, Brad Hobson SENIOR SECRETARY, Jan Jensen Commissioner Pinson called the meeting to order at 4:00p.m. MINUTES Commissioner Perreira moved to approve the minutes for August 28 and September 5, 1996. Seconded by Commissioner McMillan. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -1). Commissioner Linn abstained and Commissioners Sheldon and Renner were not present for the voting. Commissioner Holguin moved to approve the minutes for September 18, 1996. Seconded by Commissioner Perreira. MOTION CARRIED (5 -0 -2). Commissioners McMillan and Renner abstained. Commissioner McMillan moved to approve the minutes of September 25, 1996 with corrections and additions. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. MOTION CARRIED (6 -0 -1). Commissioner Linn abstained. MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Zur Schmiede stated a report on the Brookhurst meeting and other commercial corridors in Anaheim will be presented before the City Council some time in November. The presentation was originally scheduled to be heard on October 8, 1996. CRC Minutes - October 9, 1996 Page 2 A. Holiday Tree Commissioner Holguin inquired about the cost of the Holiday Tree. Ms. Stipkovich stated the cost of the tree is $15,000, however, Disney is donating the funds. She stated the Agency will incur costs to complete the landscaping. Mr. Zur Schmiede gave a brief overview of the proposed improvements to the circle in front of Disney Ice. He explained the circle will be bermed to about 5 feet and the tree will be planted in the bermed area. Planting was originally scheduled for early November, however, the tree will probably be planted mid to late October. Once the tree is planted, they will get ready for the Nutcracker Festival in the month of December. The plan does allow for some fund raising opportunities. There will be some additional lighting that will feature the tree and the Girl Scouts will be involved in planting poinsettias. Discussion took place regarding the height of the trees surrounding the sequoia. Pine trees are an option, however, concern was expressed that the growth rate of the pine trees is faster than that of the sequoia. Commissioner Holguin expressed his concerns regarding the shock process that normally takes place at replanting. Ms. Stipkovich stated the nursery has agreed to make sure that the tree would live through the replanting which includes a six month guarantee. There was an option to buy a longer term guarantee, but the cost was prohibitive. The Parks Department will monitor the tree. Commissioner Sheldon moved that the Community Redevelopment Commission review and approve the design scheme for the landscaping of the Holiday Tree Circle located on West Harbor Place across from Disney ICE. Seconded by Commissioner Perreira. MOTION CARRIED (7 -0 -0). B. Downtown Update Ms. Stipkovich provided background on the Visioning Session. Over one hundred people attended the meeting. There were approximately 8 groups that gave input, came back and submitted their suggestions regarding the type of usage they would like to see. The consultants, Steve Gibson and Frank Fuller, F.A.I.A., have consolidated their suggestions and would like to report back to the group and the Commission, particularly on design issues. They asked Frank Fuller to incorporate into a Site Plan the ideas discussed in the Visioning Session. It was suggested that they use the October 23, 1996 Commission meeting for a workshop, and that individuals who attended the Visioning Session and the Steering Committee attend the meeting. Ms. Stipkovich wanted the Commission to be involved in any physical changes that might take place in the downtown. The workshop will be for the Commission to hear input from the community. The workshop will be used as a forum for discussion and no action will be taken at that meeting. F' \DOCS\DEVSVCS\MINUrES\JJNoB0I A.DOC CRC Minutes -October 9, 1996 Page 3 Commissioner Renner stated he attended the Palm Springs Village Festival which takes place every Thursday. The Village Festival is advertised in the Visitors Guide as a tourist attraction and it is very successful. Ms. Stipkovich stated the Commission's role becomes very important when suggestions are made regarding public open space or a structure that might be used for public events. Other suggestions are structures that provide protection from sun and rain so events could be programmed year round. The programmatical requirements for downtown will be addressed by the Downtown Anaheim Association. Redevelopment's role is geared towards the physical infrastructure improvements as well as the land use opportunities. The Commission agreed to host a workshop to follow -up on the ideas discussed at the Visioning Session. Commissioner Linn stated the Commission never saw the final plans for the Post Office and he was concerned about traffic circulation. Commissioner Pinson indicated she was also concerned about the mail drop off. Mr. Zur Schmiede explained that the Site Plan the Commission saw was the one that was bid - -they did not have full construction drawings at the time it was bid. Commissioner Linn inquired about the landscaping agreement with the Post Office. Mr. Zur Schmiede explained the Post Office will not to join the owners association, however, they agreed to their own on -site landscaping. If the on -site landscape maintenance does not meet the standards set forth by the Agency, then the Agency reserves the right to maintain it for them. Mr. Zur Schmiede further explained the Post Office did agree to pay into the overall common maintenance although they will not be a member of the owners association. C. Shorb Wells Negotiation Agreement Mr. Zur Schmiede gave a presentation on the proposed Shorb Wells Negotiation Agreement and commented that the Agreement provides for a minimum target purchase price of $2,000,000. He stated in May of 1996, the City Manager's Office asked the Agency to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) on the City owned portion of the Shorb Wells site. They received one proposal from Gangi Development Company and Hopkins Development Company. The proposed Negotiation Agreement is the result of staff discussions with Gangi/Hopkins. There is an adjacent parcel that is owned by the County of Orange. The Agency is going to work with the County to incorporate that site although it is not a requirement. A $5,000 non - refundable good faith deposit is required. F:IDOCS\DEV S VCSIMINUTESV JN6BOI A. DOC CRC Minutes - October 9, 1996 Page 4 Commissioner Linn moved that the Commission recommend Agency approval of the proposed Negotiation Agreement with GangilHopkins Joint Venture for development of the Shorb Wells Site. Seconded by Commissioner Sheldon. MOTION CARRIED. (7 -0 -0). D. Workshop/Policies and Procedures - Develop and consider proposed policies and procedures for the Community Redevelopment Commission. Peter Lewis, staff and Commission discussed procedures to develop and consider proposed policies and procedures for the Community Redevelopment Commission. No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:30p.m. Sincerely, Jan Jens Senior Secretary F1D0CS\DEVSVCS\MDR ESVJN6B01A.DOC