Community Redevelopment 1996/09/25SPECIAL MEETING COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES GREENSIDE CAFE CLUBHOUSE OF THE DAD MILLER GOLF COURSE 430 N. Gilbert Street September 25, 1996 PRESENT: Holguin, Linn, McMillan, Perreira, Pinson, Renner ABSENT: Sheldon STAFF: REDEV. PROPERTY SERVICES MGR.: Rob Zur Schmiede CODE ENFORCEMENT MANAGER: John Poole PROJECT MANAGER: Andy Agle ASSOCIATE PLANNER: Della Herrick SENIOR SECRETARY: Jan Jensen Commissioner Pinson called the meeting to order at 6:1Op.m. DISCUSSION Commissioner Pinson suggested that Item `B" on the agenda be heard first. B. Public Workshop on Brookhurst Commercial Corridor • Presentation by Agency Staff and Consultants 0 Community Input Mr. Zur Schmiede stated Commissioner Sheldon was unable to attend the meeting, however, Mr. Sheldon wanted to relay the follow comments to the Commission and read the following comments into the record: 1. The need for realistic short term actions. 2. Focus should be on improvement /enhancements of public areas. 3. Explore annexation of the unincorporated areas surrounding the Brookhurst project area. CRC Minutes -September 25, 1996 Page 2 Mr. Zur Schmiede introduced John Kaliski, Architect, AIJK. Mr. Kaliski gave an overview of the Brookhurst Corridor and discussed the following: 1. Goals and Objectives 2. Initial Survey and Ideas 3. Illustrative Boards/Initial Thoughts After the presentation, community input was heard. The following issues were raised: • Reuse alternatives for Brookhurst Street between Lincoln and Crescent including the possible use of the area as a park. • Implementation on a "black by block" basis over time. • The need to create neighborhood entrances and identity. • Short-term and long -term solutions to undesirable businesses. • Getting started with medians and other public improvements. Mr. Zur Schmiede asked the Commission to host a follow -up meeting to respond to some of the ideas expressed by the audience. This will result in a better presentation to the City Council. Staff will provide a response to some of the ideas that were brought up by the public, provide some additional information, and come back with some recommendations. A. Appointment of Commissioner to Community Development Advisory Board. Commissioner Holguin was appointed to the Community Development Advisory Board. Commissioner Perreira was appointed as the alternate. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Pinson adjourned the meeting at 8:00p.m. Respectfully submitted, an Jen Senior Secretary F.\DOCSIDE V S VCS\ \IN'U7ESV 1No926A.DOC