Community Redevelopment 1996/07/17COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES July 17, 1996 4:00p.m. PRESENT: Holguin, Linn, McMillan, Perreira, Pinson, Renner ABSENT: Sheldon STAFF" ECONOMIC DEV. "MGR., Gay Forbes PROJECT MGR. II, Brent Schultz SPECIAL PROJECTS MGR., Christie Reiff HOUSING COORDINATOR., Lauren Lolli SENIOR SECRETARY, Jan Jensen Commissioner Pinson called the meeting to order at 4:00p.m. Commissioner Pinson thanked Commissioner Linn for his service as Chairman. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST A discussion took place regarding the International Downtown Association - Action Plan Presentation. The Commission expressed several concerns regarding the report Mr. Zur Schmiede explained that a public presentation of the Action Plan had occurred earlier in the day. He stated a Steering Committee is being formed. Commissioner Perreira requested the names of the members on the IDA panel, a list of those individuals who would be serving on the Steering Committee and a list of their activities. In addition she would like regular updates by staff as to the status of the organization and how the Commission would provide input. Commissioner Pinson asked that this item be placed on a future agenda for followup. MINUTES Commissioner Linn moved to approve the minutes of June 26, 1996. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. MOTION CARRIED. (6 -0 -0). Commissioner Sheldon absent. /+I CRC Minutes - July 17, 1996 Page 2 MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Pinson reminded the Commission that the first train would be stopping at the new Anaheim Canyon Station on August 5, 1996. DISCUSSION A. Participation in the 1996 Mortgage Credit Certificate Program Christie Reiff, Senior Projects Manager, gave a brief presentation on the Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) Program. She explained the program is used to encourage home ownership. She stated the Redevelopment Commission has recommended participation in this program in prior years. She asked the Commission to recommend participation in the 1996 Mortgage Certificate Program. Commissioner Linn moved that the Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Redevelopment Agency approve participation in the 1996 Mortgage Credit Certificate Program. Seconded by Commissioner Perreira. MOTION CARRIED (6 -0 -0). Commissioner Sheldon absent. The Redevelopment Commission adjourned to City Hall, Public Works Department, at 4:40p.m. The meeting reconvened at approximately 4:50p.m. B. Presentation: Review of Caltrans Widening - (No Action Required) Russ Maguire, Deputy City Engineer, gave an overview of the I -5 corridor south to north. There was a brief question and answer period. No action was taken. AJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:28p.m. Respectfully submitted, .lL� an Jense Senior Secretary F^.DOCS\DE V SVCSINITNU[ESV JNo716A. DOC