Community Redevelopment 1996/03/27COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MJNi TES March 27, 1996 + 3 ► _ - I" 4 1 4:00p.m. PRESENT: Holguin, Linn, Perreira, Pinson, Renner, Sheldon ABSENT: McMillan STAFF: REDEV. MGR., Brad Hobson REDEV./ECONOMIC DEV. MGR., Richard Bruckner REDEV./PROPERTY SERVICES MGR., Rob Zur Schmiede SENIOR PROJECT MGR., Bob Gorson PROJECT MGR II, Brent Schultz SENIOR SECRETARY, Jan Jensen Commissioner Linn called the meeting to order at 4:05p.m. DISCUSSION: Commissioner Linn referenced the Kaufman and Broad homes and stated they are down to 4 sales a week. He had hoped they would be finished by the end of May. Mr. Bruckner stated their original goal was two a week. Commissioner Renner stated he spoke with the realtor who had the listing on the historic homes on Atchison. They now have four in escrow. A. Anaheim Canyon Rail Station Mr. Bruckner gave a brief background regarding Anaheim Canyon Rail Station located at La Palma and the 91 Freeway. He stated the train provides commuter rail service to Orange and Irvine from Riverside. He noted the train does not currently stop until it gets to Orange. He stated there are three agreements, one each with Catellus, SCRRA and OCTA. He stated they have been attempting to construct a train station in Anaheim as an in -bound a.m. station to bring commuters who live in the Inland Empire to work. A discussion followed regarding the redesign including wind barriers, height of the canopy and the color. Mr. Bruckner stated that the Agency, based on the Commission's recommendation, approved the design. He stated the bid has not been awarded by the SCRRA. He explained the project has been held up due to negotiations with Catellus, the property owners and said further that the station will be located on railroad land, but access and parking will be provided on land owned by Catellus. } �J CRC Minutes - March 27, 1996 Page 2 He noted Catellus is the heir to the Santa Fe Railroad land. He commented that Catellus has had several staff changes including a new CEO. He explained they need a place to drop people off and an easement for 100 parking spaces which will be designed for patrons. There are two types of easements, exclusive and non- exclusive. Once the Agency has signed the agreement, they will get an appraisal of the value of the easement. The Agency will then, over the course of the operation of the train station, be able to deduct any major benefits the train station provides. He sited some examples. He stated the OCTA agreement provides for OCTA to install two ticket vending machines, signage and a communication shelter all at OCTA's expense. The Commissioners inquired about the signage. Mr. Bruckner explained OCTA has a standard sign package which the Agency will modify for the station. The signage has to be worked out with Catellus. The signage will be brought back at a future meeting. Commissioner Perreira asked if they were discussing the concept of the plan rather than the budget? Mr. Bruckner clarified they were discussing the concept only. Discussion followed regarding the build -out of the project. Commissioner Pinson asked how many years the agreement was for? Mr. Bruckner explained the easements are in perpetuity. Mr. Bruckner stated they will not get a firm commitment from OCTA that they will stop in Anaheim in perpetuity. OCTA will run the train as the demand requires. He stated John Lower, Traffic and Transportation Manager, has received grants for a shuttle system and grants to initiate a Transportation Management Association (TMA). The TMA will bring together all the major employers in the area to entice their employees to use the shuttle, with an ultimate goal that the private sector will run the shuttle. Discussion took place about the types of funding that will be generated to help offset the maintenance expenses. Mr. Bruckner stated they can charge for parking, however, they cannot add a surcharge to train tickets. Ultimately, they may go back to the TMA and ask them to maintain the platform and the parking. Commissioner Pinson asked about advertising. Mr. Bruckner stated Mr. Lower has an agreement with a bus shelter company. This potentially would offset maintenance of the bus shelter and other areas. He added there are multiple ways to deal with the maintenance issue. Further discussion took place regarding maintaining 100 parking spaces landscaped and the platform. Mr. Bruckner explained they will provide 50 spaces initially and the platform. The cost of maintenance would be approximately $800.00 to $1,000.00 a month. The cost includes: cleaning, sweeping, painting, maintenance and landscaping, etc. He added their preference is to turn it back to the TMA as part of the whole package. F:\DOCS\DEVSVCS\MINUrES\JJN6416A. DOC CRC Minutes - March 27, 1996 Page 3 Commissioner Sheldon asked what are the estimated numbers of persons who would utilize the station who work in Anaheim? The estimates are 200 to 400 and they have under estimated at other stations. He stated the real benefit is getting trips off of the 91 Freeway and making this an attractive area for business to locate in. He added without access to the area, it is not competitive. Commissioner Linn asked what the estimated monthly fare would be from Riverside to Anaheim? Mr. Gorson answered approximately $134.00 a month. In addition, through a grant from the TMA, transportation from the rail station to a patron's business would be free for the first 18 months. The rail station would be served by four different buses and 2 routes - -one going east and one going west. Commissioner Perreira asked about the time frame. Mr. Gorson answered the bid is good for 90 days. Contractually they must start construction within 10 days after the contract is awarded. There is a contractual maximum of 180 days. They anticipate opening in the summer. Commissioner Perreira moved that the Anaheim Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Redevelopment Agency (Agency) approve the terms of the following Cooperative Agreements between the Agency and the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA), the Agreement between the Agency and the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), and the Agreement between the Agency and the Catellus Development Corporation. Seconded by Commissioner Sheldon. MOTION CARRIED (5 -1 -1). Commissioner Holguin voted no as he had concerns regarding maintenance costs. PROJECT UPDATE Mr. Bruckner gave an update on the Kaufman and Broad Project. Mr. Bruckner stated the Kaufman and Broad Project is doing quite well. They are looking at amending their agreement in the near future. They will bring it back to the Commission to talk about additional townhouse in -fill projects in the downtown area in dealing with the project area on the north side of Cypress, east of Olive. Commissioner Linn asked about Chapman University Law School. Housing appears to be an issue. Mr. Bruckner stated housing was a concern, however, their highest priority is building costs and working out an equitable arrangement for parking which the Agency controls. Commissioner Sheldon expressed his concerns that he did not see 50% of the students from Chapman University Law School moving to the downtown area. Mr. Bruckner indicated the assumptions were provided by Chapman. Mr. Schultz gave an update on UCI. He explained the architects should have a site plan and a budget soon. They will bring the concept plans back to the Commission once they receive the plans from the architect. F.\DOCS\DE V SVCSIMINUTESU JN6416A. DOC CRC Minutes -March 27, 1996 Page 4 Mr. Schultz gave an update on the Area 5 housing sales. Kaufman and Broad sales representatives say they are currently averaging 4 -6 sales a week and they expect to be sold out by August. Mr. Zur Schmiede stated they have been working on a potential Downtown Business Association. They had a couple of kick -off meetings at the end of January. Subcommittees were set up to deal with events, marketing and the organization of a potential association. There will be a meeting held at UCI Extension Center, on April 4th, located at 411 Broadway. They have invited Rich Bradley, President of the International Downtown Association, and Steve Gibson, President of the Downtown Riverside Association, to give the group an overview of what their options are. They have received a positive response. Commissioner Sheldon asked what the budget was to do this and Mr. Zur Schmiede answered the Agency's contribution is $25,000. This may not be a sufficient amount both in terms of dollars and duration of support. Commissioner Perreira asked what the $25,000 would be spent on and Mr. Zur Schmiede responded that in general for marketing and events. Commissioner Linn asked about the status of the agreement for the Chamber. Mr. Bruckner explained that the Chamber has had a draft for months. Agency staff spoke with their staff and they indicated one of the Board Members is dealing with it. The Agency is waiting to meet with the Board. Commissioner Perreira asked about the SAVI Sign Program. Mr. Zur Schmiede stated the SAVI Sign Program was approved by the City last summer. They are waiting for Yorba Linda. He had asked for their cooperation to implement the directional sign program. He is hopeful this will move forward soon. Commissioner Pinson asked about the Post Office. Mr. Zur Schmiede stated they have a meeting scheduled with the contractor on April 4th to go over issues concerning completion of the drawings. The contractor should be on the site for grading within 6 to 8 weeks. He noted this bid does not include the demolition of the old Post Office. The old Post Office will not be demolished until the new Post Office is built. F: \DOCS�DE V S V CSUMINIIIESV 1N6416A.DOC CRC Minutes -March 27, 1996 Page 5 ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Pinson moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Perreira. Meeting adjourned at 5:30p.m. MOTION CARRIED (5 -0 -0). Respectfully submitted, an Jensen Senior Secretary F:IDOCS'DE V SVCSIMIMTIESVIN6416A.DOC