Community Redevelopment 1995/10/11COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSIO�'� � w 41 F October 11, 1995 4:00 p.m. U d PRESENT: Linn, Renner, Holguin, Pinson, ABSENT: Perreira, McMillan, Sheldon STAFF: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Elisa Stipkovich REDEV./ECONOMIC DEV. MGR., Richard Bruckner REDEV. MGR., Brad Hobson SENIOR PROJECT MGR., Bob Gorson AFFORDABLE HOUSING, Christie Reiff PROJECT MANAGER, Andy Agle SENIOR SECRETARY, Lynette Granger Commissioner Linn called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. MINUTES: Commissioner Pinson moved to approve the minutes of August lb, 1995. Seconded by Commissioner Linn. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -0). Commissioner Linn suggested that if any absentee member's have corrections to contact Lynette directly. MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS: The following two meetings were noted by Mr. Bruckner: 1) a special meeting of the Redevelopment Commission to consider the Community Center plans will be held jointly with the Senior Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Community Services Commission on Wednesday, November 18 at 5:00 p.m; and, 2) the TRW Grand Opening is tentatively scheduled for November 17 at 3:00 p.m. Commissioner Linn noted that we will be out of town on November 8, 1995. DISCUSSION: A. South ofRomneya Revitalization Project Mrs. Stipkovich presented the project asking that the Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Housing Authority approve the South of Romneya Revitalization project. She noted that pursuant to the Negotiation Agreement, a Disposition and Development Agreement had been negotiated. She introduced Steve Raight, architect for the project. He explained the Concept Plan for the project. Mrs. Stipkovich noted that the interior and exterior of most of the buildings are severely deteriorated. She also said that area has some of the highest code enforcement violations within the City. There was discussion regarding relocation of occupants. �, F:I ROCS IDEVSVCSIMINUTESU.GN5A19A.DOC October 11, 1995 -Minutes Page 2 Commissioner Linn asked about subsidized units. Mrs. Stipkovich passed out some information regarding funding sources for the project. She went over the terms of the agreement and explained the funding issues. She noted that all rents are to be maintained at affordable rates in accordance with tax credit laws. Commissioner Holguin asked how overcrowding will be controlled. Mrs. Stipkovich stated that restrictions would be placed on the number of occupants, and a common management firm would enforce these restrictions. Commissioner Linn asked if a preference program for local hospital employees could be arranged. Mrs. Stipkovich stated that there is a priority for anyone who lives or works within Anaheim. Commissioner Renner asked if eminent domain has been used to acquire property in that area. Mrs. Stipkovich answered no, but that it does remain a possibility on a few parcels. Commissioner Renner moved that the Community Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Housing Authority approve the South of Romneya Revitalization Project. Seconded by Commissioner Pinson. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -0). B. Anaheim Plaza - Approval of Design Development Drawings Mr. Hobson presented the project that was a request for approval of design development drawings for Anaheim Plaza Phase I, pad `B," conditioned on the incorporation of additional plant material and graphics along the west elevation. He noted that the pad will house three tenants, Airtouch Cellular, a men's clothing store and a party supply store. He described the plant materials being used on the project. He introduced John Mills of Leason Pomeroy, the architect for the project. Mr. Mills presented and described the elevations in detail. Commissioner Pinson moved that the Community Redevelopment Commissioner recommend that the Redevelopment Agency approve Design Development Drawings for Anaheim Plaza Phase I, pad `B," conditioned on the incorporation of additional plant material (hedges and trees) and graphics along the west elevation. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -0). C. Anaheim Canyon Station - Approval of Design Mr. Bruckner noted this item is being presented to the Commission as a result of their comments at the August 30 Commission meeting. He asked that the Commission recommend that the Agency approve the conceptual plan for the station design and landscape design for the Anaheim Canyon Station, a Metrolink commuter rail service station. Mr. Gorson and Joe Labasco of Boyle Engineering described the new canopy design in detail noting that the Commission's comments of lowering the canopies, adding wind screens and additional bus shelters have been addressed in the revised drawings. Mr. Labasco addressed the issue of graffiti because of the additional of wind screens. Commissioner Renner asked about the size of the ledge on the beams and his concern regarding pigeons perching there. There was discussion regarding this issue. Mr. Gorson and Mr. Labasco described the landscape plan. F: \DGCS\DEVSVCS\MIN TES\LGNSA19A.DCC October 11, 1995 - Minutes Page 3 Commissioner Holguin moved that the Commission recommend that the Agency approve the conceptual plan for the station design and landscape design for the Anaheim Canyon Station, a Metrolink commuter rail service station. Seconded by Commissioner Linn. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -0). COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Renner asked about the Arts Advisory Committee Meeting. Mr. Bruckner noted that a time will be confirmed soon. Commissioner Holguin gave the other Commission members an update on the master plan of the Community Center. He also asked about Home Depot. Mr. Bruckner noted that negotiations have not been completed as of yet. Commissioner Pinson commented positively on the telecommunication presentation given by Commissioner McMillan at a prior meeting. She also commented positively on the existing pine trees near the Ice Rink asking if there are going to remain there. Mr. Bruckner described the work being done in that area. She asked for an update on Fry's Electronics. Mr. Bruckner stated that they are to close escrow any day. Mr. Bruckner updated the Commission on the Northrop site stating that Security Capital has recently purchased all 53 acres and currently has a lease with RSI, Inc. He noted that Security Capital will be building a large industrial use facility there. Commissioner Linn asked for a more detailed budget report from the Agency and a summary of Kaufman and Broad project costs. Mr. Bruckner noted that staff will provide that information to the Commission. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Holguin moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Linn. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -0). i itte fully subm Granger ecretary F:\DOCS\DEVSVCS\MINUrESULGN5Al9A.DOC