20130509_Public Comment (2)519113 Anaheim Districting Anaheim Districting Steve Lodge [stevenalodge @yahoo.com] Sent:Tbursday, May 09, 2013 1:22 PM To. CAC Elections [support electing City council candidates at -large so they'll be accountable to ALL Anaheim voters. i oppose carving Anaheim into single - member council districts a I oppose doubling the size of the Anaheim City Council to eight members. Steve Chavez Lodge Anaheim Resident & Voter httpps:llcityofanahe m.netlowal ?ae= ltem &t =IPM. Note& id= RgAAAACIVPPZ% 2bAjPQ5sX 2NVclgsbBwAWdEoQFCgTgf %2bQYnuL4PFAAAAg4PSAAAWdEoQF... 111