20130509_Public Comment (3)CarofineM: e From Lylyara BogdanoVch Seat Thursday, May 09, 2013 11:15 AM To: Amanda Edinger; Anthony Armas; Bill Dalati; Gloria Ma'ae, Keith Olesen; Larry Larsen, Martin Lopez; Sandy Day; Vic Real; Vivian Pham Cc Gregory Garcia; Caroline Morey; Robert J. Tyson; John Woodhead Subject: CAC Emaifs Attachments: Feedback from a West Anaheim Citizen 5.8.13 Showalter.pdf, Comments for the May 9th meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community Involvement 5.8.13 Chessin.pdf; Keep Anaheim City Council elections AT -LARGE 5.8.13 Chuchua.pdf Dear Committee Members, Attached please find copies of three emails that were received via the cacelectionsPanaheim, net inbox. A hard copy of each email will be included in your packet this evening. Thank you, Lylyana Lylyana Bogdanovich Senior Administrative Analyst City Manager's Office City of Anaheim (714) 765 -4925 Ibogdan avich_a naheim.net www.anaheim. 518!13 Feedback from a West Anaheim Citizen Feedba r om a W est Anaheim Citizen Julie Showalter Duliegrahamshowalter @gmail.com Sent.Thursday, May 09, 2013 7:10 AM To. CAC Elections )= pre -c -r_ to ele<:t t _ e Ai ci?� , ± -:y Coun.;a ] a - !,, -- as opposed to '_ng :e- member_ d!.stri.c_s. I: «c r,)t- want to see r_he council increase in size. I bei'_ eve this best represent all. of Anaheim citizens. Reg d r,�S , Jul -e ShowaLte r es https:i /ci tyofanahei m. neYowa/ ?ae= Item &t = I PM .Note &i d= R g AAAAC I VPPZ %2bAj R 05s�QN Vcl g sbBwAwIdEoQ FC g Tq 1 %2bQYnuL4PFAAAAg 4PSAAAWdEoQ F ... 111 519113 Comments for the May 9th meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and CommunitytnwNement Comments en for the Ma 9th meeting of the Citizens Advisory Com mittee on Elections and Community Involvement Steve Chessin [steve.chessin @gmail.com] on behalf of Steve Chessin [steve.chessin@cfer.org] 5ent;Thursday, May 09, 2013 4:06 AM To. CAC Elections; Gregory Garcia Crreg. I wou bc= g =;at f..i you cou'.d make su.:e that these comments are for,aarded he ~1 r.br -rs o1 :> Ci_t___zo:ns Advisory Comr.i.:tee in time for t.onigtrt' s meei-. i ncl. To the CI'?a.ir, Vier. Chair, and ri.ernbers or the Anaheim Citizens Advisory C,ommitte(, o% I -'',7 ect'I ons, and C oromilni_ :v Involvement: S].x ct V_ oil kTiow rr.e. "nc OtY1e ] oiir o,t you were appointed after I gave illy January 31st tal_]c or.. voting and propor.t:i.onal. j."epresentation; I hope you. watched the Tj.:.deo of my p:ccser;ta i.or. `:'o_ar r;revious reet1ng sh "'h'ed t iz:: ycu :re divided. Iial` of you want to keep Anahe ,rn' . Clz.Y.': '1t::. Sy.aCeI. o:f 7 t: d `'C' d_::..P. C:1 to }CC d.l.. e LeCti ons, and half of you e ections so that undo represented groups can elect carsd_.dar_es o.I- t:nei.r_ ch�.cA_c.c. ve:i_ther sale is ial.i ling to compromise, so you are recommend.�.,ng put:t7.r q l_t. i_o a vote a f Lhe peop.l.e. Presumably each haI_r assumes that tne. peopl - e vii . U side w.t:l'1 L}- c'rTL. Gf cou. - se, only one side can win, an.d the ct_her side w 1_I_ lose. � "Ja'n.t: Y(2 t ;!r:dersi <.rld h.e :_cmp'�orr.' ac:: you are reject Lng. As you know, in a COMOD-)Mi..se, s:.d.e oet..s some of what it wants, buC: not. everything. With c:1i Lhc side e that �s;anL s at - lara, rri . n.ner- take all elections gives iip " winner - 'a __1 cc2lccp Du g c L. s to prevenL the '�alkanization Of Ana "Heirr: .r;tc cz.'..s` r.i.c'.s. "_e i..de 1 waxrts d _s -rice elections g ves up, the conco_ot of districts, but. gei.s an electoral system that enab.':es underrepresented groups to e I e, c cand:i.dates of their choa_ce. It would be wil'i I..n steaCd `✓OU a'`e (I a" 1 9aInh I;ng o''1 a zero garde . z, proposal of cumula!-. _ve Vo% _nq Uaou I _d have also stopped the lawsuit, which I: know is Of cor c c.r— t-o marry o f you.. Th t _s s ' U at would Nave worked: - =c City cl.:..s _r'c: ;. 1_E_i_r}.._ " rs , :'n gl_'rowi_ng: " 1ca are w ill -rig to settle ' 're awsu.i t ;oy s tchi..ng to cumulative V ' ir�g. You can accept. our o.:FeY', )r you t -a.n contlnu iitigatlon.. 1.t yOU Corltln e litlCEatl.Ori, On(,, O.r l :}�JCi t;' :'._IlgS 6J :';_.1. -- alpen: e— we we , LVail, U3" you TJreV311_. rr; we p.r..'eva :l.%., yol., . ge €: noi:hin7; 4e {(.`r't) brie cl rrfent_ at -large wanner- -tame -all system "If you prevail, you get:: cum.'ala i�i�ye voting anyway, because that will be the remedy we suggest . As you well ]crow, the courts give great deference to the defendant uri.sd :rct -or when_ task'' -oning a voting rights lawsuit remc -dy, and we w7 -I.i, i__nsl_st o, curnu at.l.'le 'voting. We w i 1. 1 explain 't= .i hat curau_atve voting has a long tract record of being used as a remedy for voting rights lawsuits. We will pe.nt to it:s success fuji. .ase .'...n l ocations as ;varied as Amarillo, 'Texas; Port Chester, New York; Poo -r_ia, and over 60 other ;urisdIctions. We will Xpeits to S IDP.Or.. 0Ur pO :i. nt. s. https:l lcityofanaheim .netlowal ?ae= lterl &t= IPM. Note& id= RgAAAACIVPPZ a 2bAjRQ5s)(2N Vcl gsbBwAv ✓IdEcQFCgTq I% 2bQYnuL4PFAAAAg4PSAAAvvidEoQF ... 112 5/9113 Comments for the May 9th meeting of the Citizens AdusoryCommittee on Elections and Community Inwltiement "Yoe; may argrde tYa;. d.istricL elect. -ors are a better remedy than cumulative voting. VIhile we wi]_l d..sague:e wi_ttt than assertion, even -f it were true we law does rot require the best remedy, only an adequate one. And Gurr;zlai -ve vot nq is more that. adequate 'co give the plaintiffs the ability t0 21_eCt C ;a]"d:I.Q`atc,5 Oi t_r'i(?1r C}'C].Ce. "l•�1e bail- aJ_so argue that nce y0ir are, get °Ling the same Cumulative voting sol�2tion ha olieved in sett lo ent :, You have was'l_eci t_he court's Lime in prolonging the 1�,'_t _cxa on and -Mould nol_ be entiLled to a penny more than we +could Y1ave rlegol:iat:ed duri-ng seti_3.emen talks. "So " - ,here you k vo`.ing now, or cumulative vct =v_nq (Or perhaps nothing) later. '"'a re your choice. We hope you will be r_easonabl.e. " You could do i_ha.s . "ou. do have #- J men. to rhangc; your report. You even have time -°or an.other naeel_:r,g, os your report is not due until V.ay 31st. I:. hope you will .rla.vC; t`hc ^ ^. Lvl.,.;_11_n.I'1C?SS 1'C pr0 )CSe, or a�. 7.2ast. Q].5["L.ss, L'10 Compromise of CUt'r.ua17dV xrot":n 5 LnCC-_re.l.y, --- 5'�:eVe CheSS7.;l President, C:aa.i.`:orr _ans for Electora ;_ Refor_rn w W rd . C e r.. C u stc. ^ssin @o cr.org 1 4 '1.6 1c >Yd 'v'ay, Niounta [.:I V:_ Cla 940dr; ;908 1- 2 16- 3 2 22 ivl f6'_ >C 62 - 897 %`hi hops Jlcityofanaheim.netlowal ?ae= Item &t = I PM. N ote &id -Rg AAAAC I VPPZ ° 10 2bAj RQ5s )QNVcl g sbBwAwldEoQ FCg Tq l %2bQYnuL4PFAAAAg 4PSAAAwIdEoQF... 212 5!9A 3 Reply R .epi y AiI -vi r Keep Anaheim City Council elections AT -LARGE Brian Chuchua [mrjeep@pacbell.net] I believe the best interest for the residence of Anaheim is to have B council members, plus a mayor. Let the people vote on this, Not the Council! Our Mayor is correct. Brian Chuchua https:Ilcityofanaheim. netiowa!?ae= Item &a = Open &t = I PNI.Note&id=R g AAAACIVPPZ %2bAj RQ5s >QN Vcl g s bBwAwidEoQ FC g Tql %2bQYnut APFAAAA94PSAAA... Ill