CITIZENS ADVISORY 2013/04/11CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT MINUTES Thursday, April 11, 2013 6:30 p.m. Central Library 500 West Broadway, Anaheim, CA 92805 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: John Woodhead, Ex Officio Member Anthony Armas Bill Dalati, Vice Chair Amanda Edinger Sandy Day Larry Larsen Martin Lopez Gloria Ma'ae Keith Olesen Vivian Pham, Chair Vic Real COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Greg Garcia, Deputy City Manager Robert Tyson, Deputy City Attorney John Woodhead, Community Development Director Spanish language translation services are availahle at the meeting upon request. 1. Call meeting to order. The meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community Involvement (CAC) was called to order at 6:37 p.m.by Chair Pham. 2. Flag Salute 3. Approve CAC minutes of the March 14, 2013 and March 28, 2013 meetings. Action: Approve minutes. Chair Pham requested a motion to approve the minutes for the March 14, 2013 and March 28, 2013 CAC meeting minutes. Page 1 of 9 Commissioner Lopez motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Real seconded. Ayes — 10 (Armas, Dalati, Day, Edinger, Larsen, Lopez, Ma'ae, Olesen, Pham, Real) Noes — 0 The motion passed. 4. Public Comments (Individual audience participation is limited to three (3) minutes per speaker) Action: Public comments on any agenda items or subject matter within the jurisdiction of the Citizens Advisory Committee. Commissioner Larsen announced the Citizens Advisory Committee has cost the city $35,571.00 and the lawsuit has incurred cost of $384.668.00 Jennette Lister, long time Anaheim resident & Honda Center Employee and Unite Here, Local 11 member, is advocating for City Council to help with the labor dispute at the Honda Center. She stated Aramark is out and Arena Management has been very dismissive in dealing with employees. She stated this is an example of big business not taking care of employees. She requested the committee advise council that they need to use their political power for the good of the employees and get ahead of the labor dispute. She has placed a petition on Facebook and will spread the word via networking. She explained in detail several problems that they are having with arena management and reiterated her petition to have the council use their political power for the good of the residents and employees of the city. Donna Acevedo, Anaheim resident, Mother of Joel Acevedo, who was shot by police officer Kelly Phillips on July 22, 2012. She stated that her son was beaten, handcuffed and shot in the back of his head. She also mentioned other police shootings where she felt they were wrongfully handled. This is the third meeting that she is speaking on tonight and had several comments. She heard the last meetings comments where Mariana Rivera shared and Ms. Acevedo said she was shocked to hear the committee members didn't know where Guinida Lane is. This is the location where her 2 shootings occurred, one of them being her son. She has spoken at City Council several times and so have many others. She said the council is aware and they are also aware of the harassment and intimidation by police that her neighbors have endured. She met with Council Members Murray and Eastman. She said it was like talking to someone from another planet. She attended Council Member Eastman's coffee event with her 12 year old son at Ruby's , Ms. Acevedo brought up the concern about not enough places for children to play. There are empty lots that have been requested to be a park the year Paul Revere School opened the year her son was in kindergarten. He is now in the 7 grade. Still there is no park; just an empty lot with no positive activities for our youth. Ms. Acevedo said that she felt Council Member Eastman dismissed her concerns. Ms. Acevedo said she does not feel like anyone is listening. She continued saying she doesn't care what the representative looks like, but she wants someone who understands and knows what is happening in their neighborhood and actually cares. She said that there is no transparency in the City of Anaheim and she thinks that you all know this. Clare Turner, Policy Analyst at OCCORD, who has attended most every meeting, provided a folder of handouts for the committee, the folder contained all of the handouts OCCORD has provided throughout the duration of the CAC , should members have any questions, you can contact her. She mentioned two new additions in the front: overview of Anaheim's diversity and how it's changed since the 80's and become much more diverse like most of America. The Hispanic and Asian populations have grown. There are additional census tracts related to demographics of people within. Page 2 of 9 Jeff Latemo, on behalf of nearly 500,000 registered Democrats of Orange County, Chair of Resolutions Committee. They recently passed a resolution on the issue of redistricting and he would like to present that to the committee. He realizes he is a latecomer to this meeting. The Democratic party of Orange County met with Los Amigos, OCCORD, the Orange County Labor Federation and other neighborhood leaders, who are specifically working on electoral reform issues. Their desire all along has been to represent the people in the neighborhoods who believe that they have been politically disenfranchised for a long time who want to solve this issue. They are very clear on the manner of disenfranchisement which they have endured for a long time. They are very clear on what it is going to take. He provided copies to the commissioners of the resolution and wished to highlight a few specific requests: He recommends 8 single member districts, he stated that 8 is the number that clearly allows the various socioeconomic political groups, not just in Anaheim Hills, but in the central city and in the west side, long neglected communities. Stop the incessant practice of carpet bagging by calling for anyone running in those districts elections to have lived there for the prior six months and remain in that district for the entire time of their term. They would like districts to be drawn by a panel of judicial officials, either retired or not. They encourages that this whole process be implemented for the 2014 election cycle. They understand that there are significant forces out there that are trying to push this to 2016. Finally they ask that all public officials in Anaheim and those endorsed by the Democratic party support this resolution. They also ask that democratic elected officials to come out in support of districts, in writing. They believe that OCCORD has done an excellent job. Mr. Laterno cautioned the committee that without a voice of fair representation, this city is a powder keg. He stated the phrase without justice, there is no peace for anyone in the city and that's not good for anyone. Ron Bengochea, lifetime Anaheim resident, he said he appreciated Mr. Larsen's recap of the expenditures that have already taken place in this process. Some of your may or may not know. He is against the idea of re- districting and districting in Anaheim. He thinks everyone has representation. He takes offense to some of the comments of the previous speaker. Mr. Bengochea has been in West Anaheim all of his life. He feels like he has fair representation. Yes, their streets are bad but they are bad all over. Where you live and what you look like does not make a good leader. It's what's in your heart. He thinks that the concerns that the city is facing and the quickest way to resolve this is to get people involved and registered to vote. He has heard many comments that they have no voice. When asked, they don't show up at council meetings. There have been some people showing up at council meetings that are getting involved. There is Spanish translation now as they are getting involved which is a positive improvement. Proper registration and getting involved is the quickest way to get your leaders in there. Mr. Bengochea has a problem with the idea of districting and being told who he needs to vote for. He is curious to understand about areas that have districts. His experience with districts is that they still have the same problems. There is still inner fighting among the council; same as what is currently going on with council. There is no real quick fix. The monies that are being spent on lawsuits that are being used from the general fund are monies that could have been used for the parks and community services, libraries, and things that they are talking about. The city only has so much money. The streets are repaired per budget. Everything is done per the budget. The council and department heads work endlessly to get those budgets refined and honed to do what they can to represent all the residents of Anaheim the best that they can. There's never enough. It's the same as your household. No matter what your household budget, it seems like you're a $100 short at the end of the week especially if you have kids at the end of the week. It is hard to manage and work and do those things. To say you don't have a voice and you're not represented, Mr. Bengochea finds that hard to believe if you get involved in your community. If you get involved with your community, the best way is to work in there, face the issues as a community and take care of the issues. He understands some of the problems and concerns, but this process of districting is not going to cure those. The solution has to come from within the community. Page 3 of 9 Duane Roberts, long time Anaheim resident 2276 Colchester Dr., 40 year resident of West Anaheim. Mr. Roberts is in favor of districts and advocating for 5 to 9 member council with a move in the City Council start time to a later time. In response to the last speakers comment regarding attending council meetings. It is a good suggestion but Mr. Roberts recommends a later council meeting time so more people are able to attend. He also requested a move of the start time to later than 6pm. He suggests making them more accessible. Eric Altman, OCCORD, There are three more meetings left. Certainly those of you serving on the committee and staff should be commended for your service. These have been long meetings with complex issues, political sciences lessons learned. All that is behind you now and you've got to make some decisions. A word as you move to make decisions, as someone who has attended all the meetings, you have a pretty good group of people who are in favor of increasing public participation. That seems pretty obvious and everyone is in support of increasing public participation. It is important when you consider those type of recommendation to consider what Professor Dr. Hill said from Cal State Fullerton, that Anaheim actually has really good voter participation, the question is not how you make something bad into something good. You have something good, so how do you keep doing good with what you're doing. There are probably some things that you could do with considering meeting time of City Council, you heard recommendations from NALEO and the League of Women Voters, many good things that they can support you in. The way you get to consensus may be that you agree on some of the things the public supports. Again, he commended everyone for their participation in the process over the last six months. Public comments closed at 6:55 p.m. 5. Receive and File Community Outreach Efforts Action: Receive and file community outreach report. Outreach information made available during the meeting and online at www.anaheim.net /CACelections Chair Pham requested a motion to receive and file the report on outreach efforts. Commissioner Ma'ae motioned to receive and file. Vice Chair Dalati seconded. Ayes — 10 (Armas, Dalati, Day, Edinger, Larsen, Lopez, Ma'ae, Olesen, Pham, Real) Noes — 0 The motion passed. 6. Overview, presentation, discussion and possible decisions on the Committee's recommendations Action: Facilitated by Stever, Lynn. Mr. Lynn reviewed a series of notes on the board which reviewed the 5 items that the committee has been tasked with in the City Council's resolution. He reviewed these items in reverse order and will conclude the review list at the April 18 meeting. Recommendations for the draft are listed below: Page 4 of 9 Mr. Steven Lynn provided a brief introduction and reiterated the rules that were adopted at the last meeting. . Review Rules of Facilitation Process 1. Have some fun 2. Learn something new 3. Take a risk 4. Own your own words 5. Announce & Run your agenda 6. If you find a fault, offer a fix 7. Give the respect you expect 8. Share the air 9. Unanimity, consensus, majority, plurality 10. The facilitator runs the process The committee will review each of the points and come up with a final recommendation for each of the five tasks the council has mandated. Tonight, the committee will be working from the bottom up, starting with the last recommendation. The committee will work through each recommendation set in the same manner, to be explained momentarily. The committee will meet again next week, April 19 at the same time for a work session. Then a final draft will be created for final review on May 9. 5. Other techniques, approaches, methods, or alternatives that, in the estimation of the committee, should be considered by the city council or recommended to groups or agencies with the ability to act to promote the participation the racial and ethnic minorities in the electoral process. - Alter the City Council meeting time to 6:30pm Other recommendations were 7pm by Vice Chair Dalati, 6:00 by Commissioner Olesen, Leave it at 5 suggested Commissioner Real. Commissioner Olesen cautioned that if the start time is too late; it will create the same problem on the back end that people cannot stay until 11 pm, 12 am or 1:00a.m when meetings run long. A consensus to recommend altering the City Council meeting time to of 6:30 was agreed upon. - Increase the number of neighborhood council meetings in the range of 6 -12 It was recommended that quarterly was too infrequent. Commissioner Olesen spoke regarding the fact that some commissioners recommended more Neighborhood Council areas that these areas were drawn based on guidelines provided by HUD and therefore, it may not behoove the city to have more than 4 due to funding and specific guidelines that should be met. Commissioner Larsen mentioned that many of the meetings have not been well attended and he is not certain that this would help improve the process. Commissioner Ma'ae said that an increase in the Neighborhood Council Meetings and possibly increasing the NCM district (as there were 6 when she was a chair) might improve the response to those speaking out saying they do not have a voice or feel heard. This would provide an outlet for them to be heard and gain assistance with neighborhood problems. Someone voice that they should be monthly. Commissioner Larsen asked what would stop a community from starting a community meeting or having staff there. Mr. Garcia said that nothing would stop that and some of these requests arise organically. Commissioner Edinger raised the concern that you may want to select a number that is a reasonable commitment such as 6. The facilitator suggested that the committee might want to suggest a Page 5 of 9 recommendation of a range. Commissioner Day responded to Commissioner Edinger and recommended monthly because as a busy person and parent, if she does miss a meeting she is able to attend the next monthly. The facilitator clarified the committee's job is to make the recommendation. There are many possibilities as to what the council may do with those; that is not the primary concern. Commissioner Olesen mentioned that one of the key purposes of these Neighborhood Council Meetings was to establish federal block grant dollars and where they are allocated. Facilitator asked if that was the correct forum to impact electoral process. Mr. Woodhead said that was indeed the primary purpose regarding federal funding. They may serve more than that. The Committee agreed to recommend increasing the number of neighborhood council meetings in the range of 6 -12 meetings annually. - City to establish protocols to collaborate with civics organizations (such as League of Women Voters) to inform voters about voter information and when appropriate conduct candidate forums. Chair Pham requested a motion to adopt the above listed recommendation for Item 5. Commissioner Real motioned. Vice Chair Dalati seconded the motion to make the recommendation. Ayes — 10 (Armas, Dalati, Day, Edinger, Larsen, Lopez, Ma'ae, Olesen, Pham, Real) Noes — 0 The motion passed. 4. What language assistance programs would be cost - effective to encourage resident participation in city elections and local government decision making. - Continue partnering with the Orange County Registrar of Voters to provide election materials in multiple languages (as required by law) - Translate election materials or other items into multiple languages - Translation services at all city community meetings (including candidate forums) - Translation services at city council meetings - Spanish language subtitles on ACTV Vice Chair Dalati motioned to accept #4 as is. Commissioner Ma'ae seconded the motion to make the recommendation. Ayes — 10 (Armas, Dalati, Day, Edinger, Larsen, Lopez, Ma'ae, Olesen, Pham, Real) Noes — 0 The motion passed. 3. How to identify and engage community groups that can assist the city with encouraging resident participation in elections and in local government decision making. - City voting official (city clerk) would lead the following: - Work with local community leaders (church leadership, PTA) - Partner with schools - Partnering with major businesses to assist with identifying local leaders - qualify groups (non partisan, non - profit and civic participation groups) Chair Pham requested a motion to make the recommendation. Commissioner Armas motioned. Page 6 of 9 Commissioner Ma'ae seconded the motion to make the recommendation. Ayes — 10 (Armas, Dalati, Day, Edinger, Larsen, Lopez, Ma'ae, Olesen, Pham, Real) Noes — 0 The motion passed. 2. How to encourage voter registration - Committee was split and made both recommendations: - Remove barriers to voter registration as they currently do - Take more affirmative action and create a community outreach committee Chair Pham requested a motion to make the two recommendations. Commissioner Real motioned. Commissioner Armas seconded the motion to make both recommendations. Ayes —10 (Armas, Dalati, Day, Edinger, Lopez, Ma'ae, Olesen, Pham, Real) Noes — Larsen The motion passed. 7. Committee Communications. Action: Closing comments. Commissioner Larsen said that he would like to thank staff for making this all possible. Thanks to the audience for their attendance and to the many who have been at every meeting. Mr.Larsen said that he thinks the lack of attendance reflects the apathy which is one of the issues they are dealing with. Good work from everyone who has participated. Commissioner Lopez said the same. He thanked the audience members who have come to every single meeting. It really shows how much you care and support the community. He agrees that it is important the work done tonight but that next week's meeting will be critical and is the # 1 importance. None of what they discussed tonight is going to matter as much once they make that recommendation next week. Commissioner Real asked to encourage that every person bring a friend, neighbor, or family member who lives in Anaheim to the next meeting. Without the community support and input, they can't do this. Commissioner Real also extended his thanks to staff. Commissioner Ma'ae thanked everyone that they worked efficiently tonight and that they would conclude the meeting by 9 because it was a rare occasion since these meetings have often run quite late. She appreciated the work of the city staff and everyone who has been here in attendance. Vice Chair Dalati echoed the comments of the other commissioners. He also said that the city staff has been very involved. He would like to add that from the prior meeting where the lady commented that they are living in fear and the city has been lenient with those neighborhoods because the city is not doing enough, he said that he decided to visit those neighborhoods. Vice Chair Dalati said he frankly went out to those neighborhoods. Mr. Dalati said he sees that those neighborhoods need a lot of help. A lot of communicating with the neighbors is needed establishing something to help those who are in fear for their life. He wishes he could personally do more, but he is not able to. The people in those neighborhoods are in fear. When he spoke to Police Chief Welter and asked about these concerns, the Chief said that when they are too involved, there are accusations of brutality and finger Page 7 of 9 pointing. Vice Chair Dalati said there was a nice lady today who came forward, and he said that his heart goes out to the woman and her family who spoke tonight who lost their son. He can't imagine how hard it must be to go on losing a child. He understands that they are saying it is police brutality, but he said that he is personally a little lost here. He would like to make a recommendation for the council that may be controversial. He said that he believes there should be a recommendation for a civilian commissioner to overlook the police department. He requested his colleagues on the commission consider it as a recommendation to better determine if the actions of the police are too lenient or brutal. Vice Chair Dalati recommended thinking about this possibility to consider. Commissioner Day wanted to share some information regarding police that she requested regarding police response times. At a prior meeting several people commented that other parts of the city such as East Anaheim received preferential treatment and faster response times, but upon gathering facts, the opposite is actually true. Commissioner Day reached out to Police Chief Welter and asked that they provide some statistics relating to average response times for the 4 different areas of the city. The information received was as follows: Area Number of Priority 1 (911 Calls) Response Time in Minutes 1 — West 2252 8.65 2- Central 1782 8.49 3- South 1255 8.61 4 -East 618 9.78 People have asserted that the East Anaheim area has a higher level of policing, when actually it has fewer with a longef average response time. Commissioner Day also requested information regarding the number of officers that are on patrol during the swing shift time from 2:30 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. Area Number of Officers on Duty — Swin2 Shift 1 — West 4 2- Central 4 3- South 3 -4 4 -East 1 -2 It has been said in public comments that the police favor East Anaheim when the truth is it's the opposite Commissioner Day also thanked Chief Welter for his service as he recently announced his retirement. She also wished to thank City Manager Bob Wingenroth for his service as he recently announced he will be leaving. Commissioner Day thanked everyone for being here. Commissioner Armas thanked all the staff and facilitator, Steven Lynn for helping them to accomplish their job. Mr. Armas said that he is somewhat astonished the through the process based on what he has learned, he's changed his mind. He came in feeling strongly one way and has shifted the other way with the more that he has learned and been educated by the speakers. He said the discussion has been great. He appreciates everyone's input. Special thanks to Mr. Lynn for facilitating and promoting the great discussion. Commissioner Edinger thanked everyone for their time and participation and she looks forward to next week. Commissioner Olesen said he's just about run out of comments. He did wish to respond to Vice Chair Dalati's comment regarding Police. Commissioner Olesen said that he understands what everyone is saying and many of the comments people are making, sadly, do not have anything to do with what the Page 8 of 9 committee is charged with addressing. He wanted to mention regarding the lady who spoke from Guinida Lane which Mr. Olesen said he knows exactly where it is and has been there many times. These are all issues that are not going to be impacted by the recommendations the committee makes or ultimately what the city council does. Those are mostly issues that require a change in priority in the city in general. What results from this group are not going to impact them one way or the other is his opinion. They are incredibly important. He would encourage everyone when this committee has run its course, to stay involved and participate in helping to solve some of those incredible important issues. Chair Pham thanked the staff for all your hard work as it's been an incredibly long process. She realizes a tremendous amount of work has gone into the process. Chair Pham thanked Mr. Lynn for all his work because they accomplished a lot tonight and she didn't think they would get through that, especially the first one. Ms. Pham reiterated that next week they will have an important decision to make regarding districts. For her personally, she feels it's the important decision that they will recommend. She has some very passionate and compassionate fellow committee members. Chair Pham said that Mr. Dalati wears his heart on his sleeve. She asked the committee to think about the following questions: How do we want to finish? How do we want to be remembered? For her, she feels they have heard from residents who are participating and are involved in the community but that they do not feel represented. Do they want to be known as the committee who acknowledges the problem Anaheim has and has faced? Do they want to be known as the committee who has the foresight to adapt to the ever - growing and diverse population, socio and economic and racially diversity that they have. Will we change with this every growing city or we going to be known as a committee who is going to turn a blind eye to the pleas from their fellow residents. They have a few committee members who have joined late in the process, but thank you so much for being involved. Your input has been greatly appreciated. She is sure they have reviewed the presentations. She encourages everyone for next week to come in with an open mind and heart like Commissioner Armas said, with discussion her opinion has changed as well. Let's keep the dialogue going and she looks forward to next week. 8. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Chair Pham at 9:07 p.m. U1111 LLGU, Caroline N Recording Page 9 of 9