CITIZENS ADVISORY 2013/05/09CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT MINUTES Thursday, May 9, 2013 6:30 p.m. City Council Chambers 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805 Spanish language translation services are available at the meeting upon request. 1. Call meeting to order 2. Flag Salute 3. Approve CAC minutes of the April 18, 2013 meeting Action: Approve minutes. Member Real asked for an amendment to the April 18, 2013 minutes. Member Real indicated he would like to see a clarification added to the statement that indicated Mr. Real said he did not wish to participate on the question on the issue of the size of the City Council. Member Real continued that on the issue of electing the mayor at large, he voted yes. Vice Chair Dalati motioned to accept the minutes as amended. Member Real seconded the motion. Ayes — 10 (Armas, Dalati, Day, Edinger, Larsen, Lopez, Ma'ae, Olesen, Pham, Real) Noes — 0 The motion passed. 4. Public Comments (Individual audience participation is limited to three (3) minutes per speaker) Action: Public comments on any agenda items or subject matter within the jurisdiction of the Citizens Advisory Committee. Ricardo Todo, East Anaheim resident. Mr. Todo stated he was here at the meeting months ago. He thought that the process is very expensive for tax payers to have these meetings. He decided to come tonight after reading the allegations that the person appointed by two council members have very negative comments about immigrants. He said everyone is entitled to have their own opinion but it is concerning and offensive as he is an immigrant. He was in favor of council districts not because of the race card. He is in favor of council districts because of the social problems that we are having in the city need to be addressed in a creative way. There is a gang problem in Anaheim. He has never voted republican until the last election. He voted for a Republican because he felt that the person was addressing the problems of the community in a reasonable way. Duane Roberts, 2276 Colchester Drive, a 40 year resident of Anaheim. He would like to congratulate the committee on their recommendation of adjusting the city council start time to a later time of 6:30 p.m. This crucial reform, if adopted by the city council he believes will eliminate an important time barrier that has prevented Anaheim residents from attending council meetings. He said that despite the fact that he may have a difference of opinion from some members of this commission, Mr. Roberts is happy to see that the 5 pm start time is inadequate. Special thanks to Member Dalati who got the ball rolling. Linda Lee Greene, resident for the past 14 years. She lives a few blocks away on Melrose street with family. Her son is an eighth grader at South Junior High. Her faith as Unitarian Universalist Stand for the oppressed, the poor, the disenfranchised, and the homeless. She is also a board member of OCCCO, Orange County Congregation Community Organizing and has worked on issues of affordable housing, responsible development, and homelessness. She believes district elections who give the type of representation. She feels that there would be better representation with district elections with 8 council seats for a just and equitable future in their communities. Pedro Ramadan has lived in Anaheim 32 years near Euclid and LaPalma. He has had his business here for close to 9 yrs. He supports the committee's decision to put this up for citizens to go vote. He supports 8 districts to be well represented and requests justice. Narcisco Guevara has lived in Anaheim for a long time, 35 yrs. He would like to express that he is very happy living here in Anaheim. His children have studied here in Anaheim and continued their education here in Anaheim. The reason he is here tonight speaking is primarily because of his family, his colleagues at work, and his neighbors. He is in support of district elections. He believes that those who have lived in Anaheim for a long time noticed that the growth of city has been immense. He is advocating for 8 districts. He believes what he is doing is what his father taught him. His father taught him to live near and support leaders and in this case, the committee. He hopes the committee will set a good example. Maria Ruiz lives in this city. She spends all her time here. Ms. Ruiz said she likes the city. All this is about her coworkers, her children, her neighbors, everyone who live and work in the city. She was working in Long Beach getting minimum wage. They put it on the ballot and they won. Now she knows why it's important to make districts in the city. She knows it is important to make this city with districts. That is why here talking to committee. We need 8 districts in this city. For fairness, for our ability to have a voice, and it's our right to have a voice. Christopher Smith said he is a single father who works at Honda Center. He received letter this week that his job will be terminated due to Aramark being let go of the contract at the Honda center agreement. They have met as a union with each of the council members to beg and plead for our jobs and it has fallen on deaf ears. They need a voice to help us in the city regarding job retention. Trina (no last name given) works for Honda Center for 17 yrs and has lived here 20 yrs. Her son also works at Honda for four years. She got the same termination notice. They will no longer have a job by end of June. This is their livelihood. There are 2 families out of work. They need someone to care. She thinks that you guys should be able to figure out this worker retention. They have been here at prior meetings talking to the city council and to the mayor. They have not heard anything. She said they worked hard for 17 years to build business up, to support their team. Unnamed female resident said that they really need help with the situation at the Honda Center. Many of these 500 employees need help. Many of these employees have children. What will happen to the economy, will the city let their parents be jobless, finding a good job isn't easy these days. Children won't be able to participate in activities that help them to become good citizens and keep them on the right path. She has a friend whose mom also works at Honda Center. Many kids will not be able to buy school supplies. How can they be successful students without these things. The schools do not have the funds to provide us with these basic materials. Mariana Rivera greeted the committee. Ms. Rivera said she lives in the Guinida Community. She has participated in many of these meetings. Ms. Rivera asked to let the committee know that she had plaques of appreciation for their time and efforts in helping and representing the community to share with them to thank them. She has been participating in all these meetings during the entire process and gotten more involved as a result of coming. She has been able to state her concerns and share her voice. She hopes that her community's voices have been heard and she supports districting for there to be 8 districts. She asked that we hand out certificates that she brought to all committee members as she thanked them for their part in the process. Thank you very much and she hopes that their voices will be heard. Mike Noonan said he is a new resident and works at Honda Center. He received the termination notice that many of the other Honda Center employees have mentioned that his job will be terminated as of July I" He worked for 35 years in asphalt and concrete in management. He never had any problems because the operator engineer teams were very strong. Our union is strong in leadership. They have tried to talk to the owners. As city representatives, we need your support. He is 62 yrs old and can still get another job. He said that these people are dedicated. The employees of Honda Center need support. His father said this is why he fought at Pearl Harbor that is what he fought for. He said that the city needs districts. He said that they need you to say that you as the city are owner of the building and talk to the owner of this building. The employees need you to say something. Yesenia greeted the committee and said she gave thanks to everyone, all the folks who have come before you and especially for people who have come before you or to this meeting for the first time. She believes it is very important for you to pay attention to their needs, particularly for all brothers and sisters who are losing their jobs and in our community where we have been attacked in one sense or the other. We are requesting that you please support the 8 districts. We have enough issues and we have many folks who have not been able to come here to show their support when the support is needed. We like to work together and recognize in this communities where they have beautiful parks, but how can we be living in these communities as v'ell where there are so many issues as well as problems. Genaro Muneve lives on Anna Drive for 7 years. We're asking to have a person that would represent us so that we may live in peace and have good communication with the police department so that we could work together closely with them and avoid having any problems. Marisol Ramirez has been here a couple times. She was born & raised in Anaheim. Her family has always loved Anaheim. She can't imagine living anywhere else. She loves living here. Her family loves living here. It's not perfect here, but she wants to be a part of changes that are going on. District elections will open doors to so many things she wants to do here. Her mom has worked the same job Fountain Valley for 13 years. She asked why her mom would leave 5 am to go far away to work. Her mom told her because there are no good jobs that pay enough here in Anaheim. There need to be a lot of different resources to all types of races and ethnicity. You have the power to suggest district elections. Ron Bengochea was born at Anaheim General Hospital when it was behind Claudina Street, behind the Kraemer building. He has been a resident of Anaheim for 66 years. He said he believes that it doesn't matter where you live, or the color of your skin, and it doesn't matter the Dumber of districts, that won't give you good representation. It is in the heart of the people that makes them a good representative. He commends the committee for the decision they made to recommend this issue be put to a vote to the residents of Anaheim. That is what our city charter mandates and that's the right process. He asked that everyone who was here tonight, everyone watching on TV, when it comes time in the election, get out and bring your supporters and vote for the process you support. His heart goes out to people at Honda Center. Mr. Bengochea said he was a labor negotiator and he negotiated contracts for over 20 years. It doesn't matter if you have ten districts, or five districts, they can't do anything for you at the bargaining table. He doesn't want to sound negative but these people up here on the council are politicians. It is up to the community to take care of one another. You have to stand up for your community. That's how it gets done because if you rely on the people in this room, it will not happen. He hates to say that but having been here a long time he has seen many changes in Anaheim and the communities have to stand up for themselves. Arturo Ferreras -he served for two years as the South District Neighborhood Council Chair. He said that he agrees with the last speaker, Ron Bengochea that the politicians will not be the ones to solve the problems. He believes that districts will give better representation in the council, however, and help to have someone accountable to us. He believes that the politicians will not solve their problems in the community but if they have someone who lives in that community it will result in better representation. He said each area of city will need specific solutions. Each reason of the city needs specific answers to their concerns, specific solutions. He applauds your efforts over the last six months. You have heard even Anaheim Hills is asking for districts. Everyone is asking for their fair share, for representation, asking that their voices be heard. Everyone needs resources that will go to the community. The city needs 8 city council seats and 8 districts. We want this to be represented in our government because he believes that is what Anaheim is all about. Jose Hernandez said he is a concerned community member. He volunteers at OCCORD. He is pleased that the committee agrees that you understand there is a need for the increase in council seats. He would like to see 8 council seats for 8 districts. He was disappointed to hear of the split vote on district elections and their not recommending districts. He does not feel the community's input was taken into consideration by the few who decided to vote against district elections. Now the voters will decide which is what should have happened from the beginning but we've been spared a diversion mechanism. It seems kind of symbolic that the council agreed to support immigration reform. Now in fact, you must embrace this diversity and welcome this new approach to problems because immigrants and workers, we're one and the same in the struggle. Rosita Gonzales_ She stated that in a few weeks, she will be losing her job at Honda Center. She asked how she will be able to survive. How will she be able to live. She has gone to the council meetings many times, and she felt that she has not been heard. That is why she is asking to have 8 districts so that we can go forward. Monica Young has worked at Honda Center for 17 yrs. She said that they have all been issued their termination letter and said she will be employed until .tune 30. She said after that who knows. She stated that they have asked for the help of the Anaheim City Council. They have refused. She said that is why they need district elections now. They need a voice and need to be heard. With the help of district elections, they could be. She does not want to give up her job in Anaheim. She needs her job and she needs her insurance. Brian Chuchua had attended earlier meetings. He expressed his thanks to the committee members for the work they did. He said regarding your suggestion to council; they may not follow. The Mayor supports districting but the others do not. Mr. Chuchua said he supports 6 -8 council members whether at large or district, it's up to the voters to determine. Dr. Patricia Adelekan is a resident who lives in Anaheim. She has business here too. She brought four pieces of literature that she has in her hands that she brought with her tonight. She said that there is a Universal Declaration of Human Rights- written by Eleanor Roosevelt. The United Nations approved this Universal Declaration of Human Rights for all human beings, no matter where they are on earth about what their rights are. She wanted to call the attention to Right 4 21 which is the right to democracy. We all have the right to take part in choosing our leaders. Right 29, responsibility. We have the duty to protect other people's rights and freedoms. She said, people, all have rights. Read the Declaration of 4 Independence. We all have the right to go where we want to go in our own country and to travel as we wish. Number 14 is the right to seek a safe place to live. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country, we all have the right to runaway to another country to be safe. We all have the right to be safe. Tina Quintana. We live in Anaheim. If we had representatives that really represent the city, we would not have 500 employees in the city of Anaheim who are losing their jobs. We went to the city council, and we asked them to pass a worker retention law. If they passed that law it means that people would not be out of work. What that does for the City of Anaheim, you've just lost taxes for half those people that work in Anaheim and live in Anaheim. Further, being an Anaheim resident, she said that if she had a representative who truly represented her, I wouldn't have to worry about taking the bus, when I can sit down and wait for the next bus. This committee needs to stop wasting time and put it to a vote of people of Anaheim. As this is getting frustrating, you need to do what it takes and she is recommending 8 districts. Chair Pham closed public comments at 7:32 p.m. 5. Receive and file the report on Community Outreach efforts Action: Receive and file community outreach report. A motion was made by Member Ma'ae to file the community outreach report. It was seconded by Member Lopez. Ayes — 10 (Armas, Dalati, Day, Edinger, Larsen, Lopez, Ma'ae, Olesen, Pham, Real) Noes — 0 The motion passed. 6. Overview, presentation, discussion and approval of Committee's report. Action: Facilitated by Steven Lynn. Mr. Lynn said tonight, he hoped would be the final state of the process. You received the draft report for a few days now which is a compilation of the work you did over the last two meetings. He would line to do two things this evening: First, is to ask you if there are any factual errors in the draft, He defined factual errors as incorrect information in the report that should be addressed, so that you would agree to the draft as being factually correct. Is there anything you would like to address in the report so that you have a report that you agreed is factually correct. Second, is there anything you still wish to discuss before you make a final judgment on whether or not to submit the report in that form to the mayor and council. Member Real said the issue page 5 top of page, the first item, the top two bullets: Member Real stated that he wished to abstain from voting only on the number of seats. He corrected the report and said that on the second item that was voted upon regarding electing the mayor at large, he had voted yes and therefore it should have been a unanimous vote. Member Armas added that he would like to see the actual vote count like where the minutes are stated so that they can see the number of votes for each item as well as who voted for or against it. Mr. Lynn indicated to be consistent staff will add the votes to each recommendation. Member Day addressed the page 3 -4 testimony and asked that on the list of experts that they remove Dennis Fitzgerald as being an expert. He was put on the agenda under the presumption that what was stated but he never advocated one way or the other. He was not an expert as listed with the other experts. In her opinion, she stated that he wasn't at the same caliber as the other presenters. Mr. Lynn asked to clarify if Ms. Day wished to have him removed or if she wanted clarification regarding what he spoke about. Member Day said he wasn't an expert. She thinks he should be removed as a speaker because he did not address the issues he was put on the agenda for that night. Member Ma'ae said that he stated he was neither approved by his board to make any recommendation to hand out his handout. Mr. Lynn asked if you are agreeing with Member Day. Member Ma'ae said yes she believed that he should either be removed or clarified that he misrepresented himself. Chair Pham said she was okay with removing him. Member Olesen said he had the same thing highlighted. He said that the individuals noted in their field were experts invited by staff as experts in their field. Mr. Fitzgerald is a community member who was given a little longer to speak. He was most certainly not an expert. Mr. Olesen said and I don't believe he claimed to be. Mr. Lynn asked is there anyone who would object removing this individual from expert and he would fall into the comments. Member Larsen asked if there was an expert litmus test, there were speakers he didn't necessarily agree with who spoke. Should we remove them as well. Mr. Larsen was asking why is this a big issue is what he is trying to understand. Member Ma'ae stated that Fitzgerald said he had districting information yet he clearly stated on record that neither his handout nor presentation had been approved by the board. Lynn said we will remove the one name from report. Mr. Lynn asked if there were any other factual changes. Member Day said this is an item that she would like to discuss further regarding factual changes on page 5, the third item: - On the issue of encouraging voter registration, the committee was split on the specific role of the city. They recommend the following: • Continue to remove barriers to voter registration through the activities of city staff (as they currently do), and • CAC members Armas, Edinger, Larsen, Olesen, and Pham supported removing barriers to voter registration • Take more affirmative action by creating a community outreach committee. • CAC members Day, Dalati, Lopez, Ma'ae and Real supported creating a community outreach committee What concerned Ms. Day about that part was that the commissioners who supported affirmative action by creating a community outreach committee (Day, Dalati, Lopez, Ma'ae, Real), it sounds as though they are in favor or barriers which is not the case. Mr. Lynn said that the discussion centered on the role of the city. What the discussion was that the city only had one role which was to remove barriers. Community groups and others took a more active role to make things happen. To Ms. Day's point, it should not be inferred that those who did not vote in favor were not in favor of the removal of barriers but it was on the city's role not whether the barriers should be removed. Member Day said she wants to be sure for the others it does not sound like they favored barriers. She said Mr. Lynn's clarification was correct about the city's role not whether or not you thought barriers ought to be removed. Member Day affirmed that was correct. Mr. Lynn said the language should reflect that no one was in favor of barriers. Member Real page 5, the last item. The opening statement reads on the issue of what cost - effective language assistance program that would encourage. He said that he gets lost on what the cost is or what is cost effective because we never discussed language or prices. Mr. Lynn asked if it would it be more accurate to strike the words "cost effective." Member Larsen asked how the wording was originally stated. Deputy City Manager Garcia said that is how the original resolution reads. Member Real said page 2 had the phrasing and if this is indeed the verbatim wording of the resolution. It is undefined by committee and by the resolution. Member Larsen said that he believes cost - effective is used here as a general term to be determined and nothing here is defined. Member Armas asked if that was also in regards to what we were mandated by the OC Registrar. Member Dalati said that also on page 6 it asked for the city to maximize the use of social media was one of the recommendations but he doesn't see it on there. Mr. Lynn said it was discussed by the group but he doesn't believe it was voted upon. Member Dalati said that it was written on there. Mr. Lynn said he did write it on there but it wasn't voted upon. Mr. Lynn asked that you hold that thought and that you may ask your colleagues to adopt that as an addition, too. Mr. Lynn asked if there were any other factual changes. He said he would like to move to Phase 2 of the review. I want to caution you about a couple of things before we start. There is always an opportunity for people based on more information, time or whatever, to have a different opinion than they did 2 weeks ago. I don't want you to disregard the work of the committee by getting this far in the process, as it's been hard work getting to this place, and by having these recommendations in front of you. The purpose of phase 2 tonight is to perfect the document. Things you may wish to say to the mayor and council are included and things that you don't want to say are not included. He wants to ensure that the document you provide to mayor and council is factually accurate and that secondly it accurately reflects the work of the committee to the mayor and council. If there are any issues you would like to revisit and re- discuss I encourage you to do so now. Member Ma'ae would like to revisit the hybrid district option as there was quite a bit of confusion during our conversation and she thinks that it got very confusing. Mr. Lynn asked to clarify when Member Armas offered 1 of 2 generic hybrids on your list. There are essentially two general ways of doing a hybrid. 1. Certain number of council members are elected at large and the remaining number of members would be elected from districts. (That issue was discussed in some detail. Member Armas felt the other was the one we should be talking about.) 2. The other hybrid option is the one where you do draw districts, people who live in those districts are nominated from them and then they are elected at- large. Mr. Lynn explained with the second hybrid option the candidates would run in a district in the primary. The two who emerged from primary would run -off citywide. Mr. Lynn said that at some point in the discussion during the April 18 meeting a motion was made to move on from that and the vote was made to move on from that. Mr. Lynn asked the group if they want to further discuss the other hybrid option. Member Real agrees with statement. Mr. Real said that he concurred with Member Armas. He thought they were talking mixed and at -large districting and somehow you eliminated those two and on to the discussion of council seats. Member Real does not really understand how these two points of view were ignored or got eliminated. Mr. Lynn said it was not a matter of the number of six or eight of council seats. It was a method of election that was separate. There were two separate discussions. One was the number of council seats, and two, was the separate discussion of method of election. Mr. Lynn said that was the one where we talked about a hybrid model and at some point got confused, and he doesn't recall who made it but there was a motion that we disregard hybrids completely. Then we moved on. Member Armas said he felt that was his fault because he flip- flopped, not knowing that he had done that. He said he felt he didn't express himself correctly. Member Real said this might have been because they were asked to select the two. Member Armas said he felt it did get confusing. M Mr. Lynn said don't worry about that but I want to give you the opportunity to revisit that if you wish to discuss the other hybrid option, if you wish to give discussion time to the other hybrid option. Member Ma'ae raised the issue and I want to give you time to discuss if you would like to discuss it. Member Lopez believes that Mr. Lynn was clear. We discussed hybrid, and discussed districts and at- large. He felt that Mr. Lynn was very clear so when we made the decision to disregard hybrids when they discussed various different possible options and determined that hybrid was not an option we wanted. Mr. Lopez said he does not understand why we keep bringing it up. We spent an enormous amount of time discussing this at the last meeting. We already voted and it's reflected in the record. Member Larsen agreed. Mr. Lynn said I understand that and I wanted this group to feel that they fully and fairly had the opportunity to discuss every option given to them so that when the recommendations go forward you feel comfortable that it is a work product of the committee. Mr. Lynn said that he did not say you would agree with everything in it but that it would be a fair representation and work product of the committee. That is why we are discussing it now. Member Larsen said we spent six months discussing this and putting it all together. We all agreed and that there was agreement. Chair Pham said she just looked back at last week's minutes and on page 31 Member Olesen motioned to eliminate hybrid voting because he said that it was a result of compromise and often the result of compromise being mediocrity, he recommended eliminating the hybrid options. Member Larsen seconded it. All of us voted in favor of eliminating it. Member Ma'ae said that was right but this is our opportunity to have an open discussion about this document and come to come up with a compromise rather than be a divided board. Ms. Ma'ae went on to say if you are willing to entertain the idea of compromise, why not consider having an open discussion and asked what harm it would do. Member Larsen said we have had open discussion for six months. After the game is played, you don't go back and negotiate the score. Member Ma'ae said so you are opposed to even having a conversation about this. Member Larsen said yes he was opposed to the conversation. Member Day said after that last meeting which was a hard meeting particularly when this issue came up. Ms. Day addressed Mr. Larsen and said I know you said we have had six months to discuss it but really the last meeting was the first time that we really had a chance to deliberate and discuss it as a group. This was the first time we were allowed to deliberate as a group, when it was happening at the last meeting. Ms. Day said that they were encouraged by Mr. Tyson that this is the time and place to have the discussion. From Member Day's perspective when it was happening in real time, it's so amazing to be in this place and you're going through it and the public is here and it's happening. Information for her takes time to process. What she felt happened and what did happen when she went back and watch the movie /video footage later seemed like two different things. So what she did was recalled when Member Armas came out of the gate talking about the hybrid option of the 4 -4 and combination of at large and districts, Ms. Day said she didn't even hear that. She saw that when she watched the video and she remembered that she leaned over to Member Armas and asked if he was talking about the Santa Ana model with wards and districts and he said yes. In her mind, Member Day said she saw Member Armas w e flip when she watched video and he was talking about. Member Day said it seemed we all got confused. What was actually happening is that we were getting a consensus for compromise which started with Member Armas at 1:53 minutes in to the video. Member Armas came out and talked about at large and districts, then once it got refined, he said oh I like that idea more. That seemed to be when we all kind of got confused a bit and it got a little bit harried. At 1:54 Member Real comes in and said he agrees. Then after discussing at 2:18 and everyone knows Member Day supports the at -large option, at 2:18 in the spirit of compromise and looking for a solution in the spirit of good faith, she said she would be willing to look at at -large districts. At 2:24 Commission Ma'ae comes in and agrees. At 2:26 Chair Pham agrees. At 2:33, Member Larsen said that you're not opposed to at large but you didn't really finish your train of thought, so Ms. Day said she wasn't sure where he was going with that. At the end Member Edinger comes in and basically says she is for at large, but at large districts would actually be a reasonable compromise. We were basically getting a consensus as a group, and then it got complicated and kind of exciting here. Member Day indicated if we can't figure this out with there being ten of us then how do we expect the city and voters to consider this and then we went the other way. Ms. Day said after reviewing the video over and over again and paying attention to what actually occurred which is why I felt it was so different from what I thought was happening when I was in the moment to be truthful with you. She realized that the committee was actually working together as a group and so she's happy that Member Ma'ae brought this up. Member Day recognized that after reviewing the video. Mr. Lynn said and part of the confusion might be in the terminology. When you say at large districts it kind of sounds like you spliced the two things together. That may have been confusing. This is a hybrid model which nominates by districts and elects citywide. Mr. Lynn said I think that is the one were talking about considering discussing right now. Mr. Lynn said that he believes that is the one that Member Armas intended to talk about. Member Armas said he may have confused himself. Mr. Lynn said he appreciated Member Day going back and looking at record. At the time, Mr. Lynn thought there was the beginning of some consensus of thought and she appreciates the thought that it is "settled ". He appreciated that but it's not actually settled until you approve this document and this document is a draft. It is open for discussion until you approve it as a final document and that is where we are. Vice Chair Dalati said since it is something that we voted on already; he thinks we should take another vote if we want to carry on or not. Mr. Lynn said that is fine and he was just going to ask for a show of hands to see how many people are interested in giving that option more hearing. The following Members indicated they wanted to discuss further: Member Edinger Member Day Member Armas Member Ma'ae Member Real Mr. Lynn asked who did not wish to discuss the hybrid option and the following members responded: Member Olesen Vice Chair Dalati Chair Pham 10 Member Lopez Member Larsen Mr. Lynn said it was the same five as before, and you're split again. Member Ma'ae it is discouraging trying to work toward a compromise and consensus and work with the different ideologies and toward finding a middle ground. Chair Pham said text could be added to the document to indicate hybrid options had been discussed. Member Ma'ae concurred that would be a good idea. Chair Pham said that she would be open to discussing it but once we began to discuss it she was reminded of Santa Ana's model and she works in Santa Ana. Member Pham said she does not like that model. Chair Pham said it could be added to the document to indicate hybrid options were discussed. Member Day said we are here to discuss. Member Dalati asked Real where he stands. Mr. Lynn said we are here to make decisions. He thanked them for bringing it up. He asked if they would like to move on since we are trying to get decision point. Member Real said we have a report and it will be presented to city council for presentation to voters. Whether we agree if hybrid, or at large, or the districts is way to go, it is not up to us to determine that. Mr. Real said that we have to put some sort of a statement in the report that hybrid was discussed. Mr. Lynn said you can present 3 options to the city council At large District Hybrid model Chair Pham said on page 4, we could add that after discussion of hybrids there was a split vote and it could be included. Mr. Lynn asked the question being do you want to add hybrid to recommendation to city council add to ballot choice with the others. Mr. Lynn asked to take a vote by hand vote of who would like to add hybrid as the third option where the city council districts provide a primary process and then the general election is city wide. Member Dav read the vote and said that there are people who support at large but do support hybrid option which is a form of district elections. Commission Ma'ae stated that is what we are saying - are we going to add the third option. Member Lopez asked if we need to have 3 options. Mr. Lynn said no you don't have to have three options. You don't have to have two options. The critical piece is that the thought was we might have gotten a consensus on a single option. That didn't happen. The method of election is the critical recommendation of the mayor and council. Yes, people are interested in other things, but the critical piece is the method of elections. We are at a stalemate. Lynn you did vote unanimously, correct me if I am wrong, to add both at large and district 11 Do you want to add another option? Member Day said she does want to add another option. Member Larsen said nothing they do here tonight is binding on anyone. Member Ma'ae disagreed with Member Larsen. Member Day said what Mr. Lynn said is fair solution that he is proposing. Mr. Lynn corrected her and said that he is not proposing anything. Member Day supports adding hybrid as a third option. Ms. Day asked what's wrong with suggesting these are three solutions that we recommend as a body. Member Lopez after 6 months sitting behind this chair, he wants to thank all the residents for coming and all those who supported district elections. We heard many people talk about that and ask for that. I understand keeping at large. Mr. Lopez said that never heard anyone suggest hybrid system. He doesn't understand why this wasn't discussed last meeting since there were many opportunities. We made at large or district elections. He said it is on the minutes and he asked next meeting are we only to review the draft Is the purpose of next meeting to review and do typographical errors but not to change rules of game. Today he said he believes that this discussion is a waste of time. If he had one person speak on hybrid system. He said that even we had a hard time understanding hybrid. He said it would be disastrous. Mr. Lynn said he believes Mr. Lopez was accurate in his statement. However, the one caveat to that was that in reviewing the minutes of the last meeting, he felt there was sufficient confusion on the part of the committee, on the hybrid issue and not many others. When they did discuss hybrids there was significant confusion about which model we were discussing. Mr. Lynn said he agrees with Member Lopez in that this is not the time to open the discussion. This one was different in that there was confusion in the discussion and Mr. Lynn said that he wanted to clarify it. Member Lopez said you asked us for a show hands keep discussing and there were 5 of us who said quit the discussion, so why are we even doing a vote. Member Day said you want to let the people vote. Give them 3 options. Anaheim voters are smart. Why would you want to limit Anaheim voters? Member Real said this is his understanding that he feels that neither at large or by district will give voters what they want by equal representation. His point of view was that if we went with the hybrid, they would have 4 people at large and 2 by district. Give the districts to the people. The best of both options would be available. It would give people the best option for people to select somebody from their own ranks. On the other way they have no guarantee to get somebody from their own district. Mr. Lynn said the thing you are introducing Armas introduced then recanted that. That was not the one he wanted to talk about. The one he wanted to talk about was nominate by district and elect city wide for all council seats. There was some confusion. Member Armas said that is correct. He was under the impression this wouldn't be etched in gold. Mr. Armas we would just be adding another option to allow them to choose. It was a 5 to 5 vote. Mr. Lynn said at some point you are going to have to get a majority to get it done. 12 Mr. Larsen read a quote from the OC Register from Council Member Eastman stated "the more issues you put on the ballot, the more people will get confused." Member Ma'ae stated it's not more issues, it's one more option. It's one issue with 3 options. Why not give the voters as many options as we have available to us? This option would provide them with representatives from their neighborhood districts and that is what we are trying to give here. For the person who wants to be able to vote for the person of their choice from their city, this gives them that option too. This would allow all from their area to vote and have both. Mr. Lynn said with it being 5 -5 has anyone changed their mind. Member Ma'ae said that was whether or not to discuss it. Member Ma'ae said that Chair Pham suggested putting this on the report as a third option. Chair Pham clarified that she had only asked to put on the report that basically people wanted to discuss the hybrid and half did not. Member Larsen asked if it would be appropriate to call for orders of the day. Mr. Lynn said that just means follow the order of the agenda and move on. Unless there are E of you who wish to add the hybrid option, we will move on. Member Day asked to appeal to her colleagues; the idea of proposing options for the City of Anaheim voters, at large /districts is reasonable option. One of three. Why take away the option. Why do you want to limit them when they have the opportunity to choose. The quote Member Larsen read was not helpful at all. Member Day said that she believes in these people in this room and in the people that are watching. Why wouldn't we want to give them choices. Why are you afraid to give people choices. It seems most diplomatic they can offer. All these are recommendations, where is the fear. She understands you believe in single member districts and applauds you for standing up for that. Member Dalati brought up lawsuit and said to Ms. Day that she is forgetting about that. Member Dalati said without that lawsuit I would be with you 100 %. In the end, it does not matter if the people of Anaheim vote. The court can decide. Member Ma'ae disagreed and stated that you can't change the charter without vote of the people. Mr. Lynn said remember the charge: You are making recommendation to the mayor and city council. The council can do with it as they see fit, which means accept it, reject it, modify it, and ignore it. The council is looking for your best thinking as a committee. Committee discussed adding a 3` option hybrid but did not come to conclusion on recommending. Let me suggest it doesn't solve the issue but would at least be reflective of the discussion. Mr. Lynn would recommend that the committee discussed adding a third option which was a hybrid option but could not come to a majority decision as to whether to recommend it. Member Day said that is the same as the other two items that are being proposed. As a group they are equal. We already decided that. Member Ma'ae said that nominated by district and elected at large. They called it the at large district options. Mr. Lynn recommended they call it something else. 13 Chair Pham said she does not want it on the ballot because people are going to be so confused. Someone asked for the technical term. Mr. Lynn said it is nomination by district, election at large. Mr. Lynn said that there was not a consensus so they would be moving on. He asked the Chair if they were ready to approve the draft. Member Day interjected and had a discussion with Vice Chair Dalati Vice Chair Dalati is for districting except for at large election of the mayor. Member Day asked for them to finalize. Mr. Lynn stated that hybrid was eliminated. Member. Ma'ae addressed the comments from the audience. They are disrespectful. Vice Chair Dalati agreed that it has been difficult. Member Ma'ae went on to state it is really disrespectful to hear the way you in the audience are mocking. It really is disturbing. This is not easy. She is trying to do something that she believes is a compromise for the people of Anaheim. Because not everyone thinks like you, or wants what you want. We can agree to disagree. This does not make me any better or worse than you. This does not make anyone any better or worse. Vice Chair Dalati said he agrees with what Member Ma'ae is saying and that the audience should not think that anyone cares any less about Anaheim or the people of Anaheim than you do because they think differently. Please give the individual speaking some respect. Thank you. Member Day asked to pass out the document with her recommended edits and provided a copy for staff and all committee members. She said that at the last meeting Mr. Lynn recommended that if we had any changes that we put them in writing. Member Day continued that she would like to amend the language to say that " the City of Anaheim should make reasonable efforts to expand and explore opportunities for Anaheim citizens to register to vote by continuing to work closely with the Registrar of Voters and their programs already in place that encourage eligible voters to register and vote." Member Day said the difference would be that as you recall we had the discussion in the process and study. This was something that she wasn't clear in the process, but as she studied closer, she had missed what Member Edinger and Olesen were stating about the dangers of overlapping. Member Day said what she was trying to say was that with a committee or something very pure like Sister City commission, for example, when you have a group of volunteers, now that there are potential dangers with respect to city oversight with elections to that degree. So rather than overstep it seems reasonable to change the language as she stated. Mr. Lynn asked if you recommend that language be substituted for that entire section. 14 Member Day stated yes, please. Chair Pham asked if they would need to vote on it again. Mr. Lynn said to Madam Chair, that if you are going to change something that looks like a recommendation, then you are required to vote on it. Member Day it's really opinion it's the same language that has already been affirmed by Armas, Edinger, Larsen, Olesen and Pham. It's phrased a little bit different and not using the words removing barriers. It is basically saying "expand and explore opportunities." It's more positive language. It's a confirmation of position of Armas, Edinger, Larsen, Olesen and Pham already had at that last meeting. Chair Pharn said she is a little wary of the language `Make reasonable efforts to "expand and explore. "' At what cost to the City of Anaheim are we going to do reasonable efforts to "expand and explore ?" Chair Pham said that was why she voted the way she voted, at what cost to the City of Anaheim are we going to make reasonable efforts to expand and explore. Member Day indicated that she would like to remove her name from voting in favor of an outreach committee. Mr. Lynn said Member Day would need to make a motion to amend that section by removing her name. Member Day asked to point out one thing. At this time there were 5 people who were in approval for removing barriers and we have 5 people for community outreach. She said if she is moving over to the other column that would be a majority. If the group is not willing to entertain that, then she would want to scratch off community outreach committee. Mr. Lynn reiterated so Member Day wishes to amend her vote to not being for community outreach to voting yei for a removal of barriers. Mr. Lynn said to Member Day that he was sensitive to make Member Day's vote accurate to your position. The group has made it clear that they are not going recast each of these recommendations based on new language that was not discussed before. Member Edinger asked Mr. Lynn if members can change their vote. Mr. Lynn said you can revote anything as a group. Mr. Lynn said he did not see a majority wanting to do SO. Member Edinger said it is fair to remove Member Day's name if it is an issue she no longer supports. It is only fair to grant that. Many agreed. Member Lopez and Larsen disagreed. (Item 1)Motion to amend Member Day's vote from supporting creating a community outreach committee to supporting removal of barriers. Seconded 2 °d Member Armas. 8 ayes (Armas, Dalati, Edinger, Day, Ma'ae, Olesen, Pham, Real) 2 noes (Larsen, Lopez) Motion carried. Member Day on the idea of identification and engagement. 15 (Item 2)Wording from original report: - On the issue of identification and engagement of community groups to assist the city with participation in elections and local government decision making, the committee unanimously recommend that a city voting official (city clerk) lead the following: o Work with local community leaders (e. g. church leadership, PTA); o Partner with schools; and o Partner with community groups (non - partisan, non-profit, civic participation groups) to assist with identifying local leaders. Member Day's recommendation for amended wording On the issue of identification and engagement of community groups to assist the city with participation in elections and local government decision making, I recommend the language be amended as follows The City of Anaheim should continue its efforts in making voter information (provided by the Registrar of Voters) available to: o Local community leaders (e. g. church leadership, PTA); o Schools by working with existing OC Registrar of Voters outreach efforts to Anaheim schools. Motion by Member Day as stated above to remove: o Partner with community groups (non - partisan, non - profit, civic participation groups) to assist with identifying local leaders. Seconded by Member Edinger Chair Pham said she would take a roll call vote was taken Armas voted yes. Dalati (did not respond) Pham interrupted mid vote and said she wanted to discuss this. She doesn't understand why you would want to eliminate the non - partisan and nonprofit groups from doing the work they do every day to help encourage voter registration and voter turnout. Vote was not concluded and discussion opened. Member Ma'ae said it's removing the specification of a certain organization. She said there are other community groups that don't meet these qualifications that should be considered as well. Her understanding was that Ms. Day is trying to make it less specific and more inclusive so that whatever groups are out there already doing this so we could consider everyone. Chair Pham said that Member Day said to eliminate community groups totally. Ms. Pham said she would like to discuss that further because these community groups do a lot of good work to support voter registration and the things that you would like to see. Member Day said it does not keep them from participating and the city of course makes all the usual items available through the Registrar of Voters already. Her concern is that, she reference Mr. Lynn's rules for facilitation, was a rule regarding being very transparent with our agendas. When she heard the language at first, as it as suggest by the Chair, it seems at face value, to be very positive language. Since then she has recognized that there are groups that are very partisan that fall into that description. It's a danger for the City of Anaheim to do more for those type of groups than any other groups and it does exclude some groups who are longstanding organizations that don't fall under that description. To be fair, so that it doesn't impede them from doing what they already do with information as long as it's available. 16 Ms. Day said she thinks that they do have to be very careful and she thinks that at that meeting when it was being discussed. Chair Pham said that we don't want the City of Anaheim to look like they are in favor of certain groups that may have certain motives or agendas, that was the issue and why we put the non - partisan, non -profit language in there. Chair Pham said we want to be sure the City of Anaheim isn't promoting the Democratic Party. Member Edinger said that she understand that these community groups are going to do their activities whether they have the support or the City of Anaheim or not. She said she would rather these groups be out there on their own without being under the umbrella of the City. Member Edinger said she believes the City's job is to let people know when to vote, where to vote and how to vote and what is on the ballot, to make sure that is available to them. There are other community groups out there that take the time to make voters aware of what the issues are and what the issues mean. To partner with any group may show favoritism that the city may not intend. There was a motion by Member Day. Member Edinger seconded. 5 ayes (Armas, Dalati, Day, Edinger, Ma'ae) 5 noes (Larsen, Lopez, Olesen, Pham, Real) The motion fails. Member Day said the next item is also on page 5 of the draft report. (Item 3) On the issue of what cost effective language assistance programs that would encourage resident participation in city elections and local government decision making, the committee unanimously recommends that the city: • Continue partnering with the Orange County Registrar of Voters to provide election materials in multiple languages (as required by law); • Translate election materials of other items into multiple languages; • Translate all city community meetings (including candidate forums); • Translate all city council meetings; and • Include Spanish language subtitles on ACTV. Member Day wanted to remove the Spanish language subtitles on ACTV and also translate to election materials in multiple languages. She was of the understanding that the city receives those materials from the OC Registrar of Voters and is therefore not necessary. Motion was made by Member Day. Seconded by Member Edinger Chair Pham asked if there was any discussion. Member Ma'ae stated that she believed that the Spanish subtitles were already available on your TV with subtitles and on ACTV, so she doesn't know that that needs to be included. 4 ayes (Armas, Day, Edinger, Ma'ae) 5 noes (Larsen, Lopez, Olesen, Pham, Real) 1 abstention (Dalati — not present) The motion failed. (Item 4) Motion was made by Member Day to remove the language as stated below: o That the city establish protocols to collaborate with civics organizations (such as the League to Women Voters) to inform voters about voter information and when appropriate conduct candidate forums. 17 Therefore the recommendation would read: On the issue of other techniques, approaches, methods or alternatives that should be considered to promote the participation of racial and ethnic minorities in the electoral process: That the city alter the City Council meeting start time to 6:30pm to facilitate and promote participation in the electoral process; that the city increase the number of neighborhood council meetings in the range of six (6) to twelve (12) meetings annually. Seconded by Member Larsen. 6 ayes (Arenas, Day, Edinger, Larsen, Ma'ae, Olesen) 3 noes (Lopez, Pham, Real) 1 abstention (Dalati) The motion passed. Mr. Lynn asked the group if there are any other items that the group wishes to discuss. Mr. Lynn commended Member Day for bringing her requested amendments in written form. Member Edinger had a question regarding voting 6 or 8. Would it assist the council to give a brief description why people chose the number that they did. Mr. Lynn stated that the entire record is available for Council. The report is really a synopsis of the record. Mr. Lynn indicated that the committee has undergone six months of meeting and deliberation and asked the members if they want to have something in the report that discusses the value of the process. It is an open question would you like a statement in there about the process, in general, a short narrative at beginning. Member Ma'ae said that it would be nice to have statement that it was a valuable exercise that would allow you to go in depth on this issue. Member Olesen assumed that it would describe the process. Hopefully people felt it was worthwhile because they sat here and there would be some recognition of the process. Member Armas agreed the educational process was valuable and that it was very insightful. It was valuable infarma6on that the city did provide to citizens of Anaheim. Chair Pham asked if this was collective. Mir. Lynn clarified irciuding something about the value of the process collectively. The Committee agreed to add a statement to the beginning of the report. Vice Chair Dalati would like to introduce motion to expand the use of social media. What page Mr. Lynn asked. Member Dalati stated on page 6. There was discussion about whether to add a bullet about social media. Member Day said that the dity already uses social media extensively. Chair Pharn asked staff if they could can you elaborate on social media for voter registration. Mr. Garcia stated that the city already utilizes the following social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Website and interactive calendar. There is an app for dour phone can view phone in order to communicate with city staff. They are currently our on a more comprehensive city council social media strategy to enhance all those areas. There is a presence right now. 18 Vice Chair Dalati said if that is the case, then there's not a need to add the language. Mr. Lynn suggested that the move to the final vote on approving the entire draft report and asked the committee if this deliberately reflects your work. The motion was made by Vice Chair Dalati to adopt the report as amended. The motion was seconded by Member Real. The vote was taken. 10 ayes, 0 noes. The motion passed unanimously. 7. Committee Communications Action: Closing comments. Member Olesen thank you all. Member Edinger said that she was interested in having your voice heard, listening to your voice, and others. When you look at the city's website less than 100 people volunteered to do this. Commend all for taking time and energy to be a part of this process. Member Armas is privileged to be a part of the Committee and thanks everyone. ?Member Day thank you to City of Anaheim and City Council for providing an opportunity be involved and to engage, learn, to help improve the city. Ms. Day what Member Edinger said. She has served on many projects. This has been the most contentious thing she has signed up for. When she talked with her kids on some things she has undergone, from some of the ugly comments and words presented, they ask why you subject yourself to this sort of abuse. If she doesn't do this, who does? Thank city of Anaheim to serve and offer perspective. Thank you for your time. Vice Chair Dalati thanked city staff for putting up with us. Thanks Steve for doing professional job and Vivian. Thank you to Sandy more than you know for showing your true colors. Mr. Dalati wished to thank all of the members for last six months and to all those who came forward telling what they think. Member Ma'ae thanked her fellow members and said this has not been easy and not popular for some. We have received downright hateful words. There has been a misunderstanding of character and misrepresentation of character. It is a difficult thing to get up and speak for 3 minutes imagine what it is like to do this as volunteers. We are giving our time. Mr. Lynn said own your words. Words are powerful. Just because you disagree with someone does not make it okay to launch a personal attack on them. She just tried to stay true to her, heart. She feels good about what they have done here grown and learned and hope you have learned here. Thanks to City Staff. This is just one of the meetings. Applaud you all of you. Again thank you it has been an honor to serve. Vice Chair Dalati wished to thanks to Mariana for the certificate and recognition. Member Real wished to address in his comments several points that they were specifically asked to take the recommendation to city council. He encouraged people to go out and vote. You can participate in your neighborhood. When you vote, you can go out and vote and be sure to put 100 percent of your effort in. There are various methods of voting including absentee ballots. We all need to be educated. If you don't vote, your vote doesn't count. Get people to vote. Take it upon yourself. Listen. One of the important motions was that the neighborhood council meetings move from quarterly to 6 -12 per year. That is a method by which the city can communicate to each neighborhood, if you don't like what you hear, this 19 can help. Regarding the assistance of the language — in America, English is spoken — learn to speak English for your own betterment. The government is run in English. The city does offer translation. If that's not good enough, ask the city council to make it better. Staff, presenters, I am humbled to have been here because it opened my mind in many ways. Many of these contributed to his betterment. Member Real thanked all the committee members. Member Lopez thanked everyone from audience for coming, giving your opinions and sharing what you want for the city. Thanks to Mariana and the recognition. It was the most important he has ever gotten and will put in living room. He expressed thanks to Steve to making this fun. Thanks to experts. Nine months ago we were at Anaheim High School Auditorium with question posed by Mayor Tait to put this issue on the ballot. At that point, three council voted no. He was looking at the video. Two candidates spoke in favor of district elections: Kring and Brandman. Now it was shocking to see Kring not supporting district elections. It was difficult to understand. It's been an interesting process. He believes the report going back to square one to put to a vote to citizens of Anaheim. Then they formed committee. His respect goes to all for all time away from family. He is happy at end of day that he learned a lot. His opinion is that they went back to square one. Member Larsen has taken the position to listen and learn. He would like to applaud city staff for their great efforts. This was a daunting assignment. Thank you to all fellow citizens regardless of position. He salutes all of them. He believes that committee was put together as a ploy. In his opinion it has been stained by political interest since beginning. He believes it was establish by politicians with special interests to maintain the interest of Disney. For the record he doesn't belong to any group. His city council appointee was no longer on there. His special interest are the committee who receive benefits to Disney free unlimited to Disney. The committee was established only after the lawsuit filed by Los Amigos and ACLU with the purpose being to establish the Hispanics on city council. He believes the committee diverted time away from districting.. He is strongly in favor of voting districts. The Citizens of - naheim alc pick and your job is to administer a cure final cure at the 2014 ballot box'. Chair Pham said m closing that she thanked the city staff and fellow Members here before and after long meetings. To her fellow Members, it's been a long and hard process but we survived and have not injured ourselves. There was lots of input and education that she enjoyed. It was a great exercise of the democratic process. She was thankful and humbled to serve as chair. 8. Adjournment The meeting was aid�ourned by Chair Pham at 9:28 p.m. 20