Library 2013/08/15City of Anaheim COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Anaheim Public 500 W. Broadway Anaheim, CA 92805 TEL (714) 765 -1880 FAX (714) 765 -1731 yventura(,&anaheim.net wvom.anaheim.net August 15, 2013 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Per ARTICLE IX. APPOINTIVE BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS, Section 908, of the Anaheim City Charter - The Anaheim Public Library Board shall have the power and duty to: "Within sixty days after the close of each fiscal year, report to the City Council on the condition of the libraries for the preceding fiscal year and on such other matters deemed expedient by the Library Board." The Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees is pleased to have the opportunity to present comments regarding the condition of the Anaheim Public Library System for 2012/13. The Library has a revised comprehensive mission statement: Anaheim Public Library promotes literacy, lifelong learning, and a love of reading through traditional print materials as well as virtual services. Anaheim Public Libraries are community gathering places that foster a more informed and connected community. The Anaheim Public Library promoted literacy in FY 12/13 through a number of activities. Over 93,800 patrons attended special literacy programs such as Read Across America, National Library Week, Summer Reading Program, and In -N -Out Burgers Cover to Cover. In addition, the Library continued to provide its regular programs and workshops, as well as class and school visits, all of which are designed to meet the needs of children, teens, and adults. In the past year, Bookmobile provided 507 stops in 16 neighborhoods and circulated 72,398 materials. The Bookmobile provided uninterrupted service to at risk youth in neighborhoods including Guinida Lane, Anna Drive, and Glcn/Neighbors. Staff hosted 1,089 elementary school classes which resulted in a total of 27,760 student visits. During each of these visits, each student checked out one to two books. The Anaheim Public Library has 160,179 library card holders. Of those cardholders, 130,651 live in Anaheim. This translates to 38.06% of Anaheim's 343,248 residents having a library card. In Fiscal Year 2012/13, the Library began to focus on virtual services, designing and implementing a designated mobile app and launching an eBook collection for patrons. Checkouts /downloads for eBooks rose 577% from November to June. The following is some statistical data related to our virtual services from November 2012 — June 2013: eBook checkouts /download — 5,978 mobile app users — 1,664, online renewals 74,662 ITEM NO. 01 Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees Report to City Council August 15, 2013 Page 2 The Anaheim Public Library is a community gathering place. The staff provides a variety of cultural programs in partnership with the community at no cost to the City. These programs include Day of the Child Celebrations, Asian Pacific Heritage Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Nowrooz — a Persian New Year Celebration, Turkish Delight, and Behind the Veil. Attendance at these cultural programs was over 4,000. The Anaheim Public Library has aggressively pursued alternate sources of funding in order to provide its services. In fiscal year 2012/13 we secured $231,613 in grants and donations. The grant and donation funds enabled the Library to offer additional services and programs to the Anaheim community. As there is not a designated grant person for the Library Division, we are proud to say that a number of staff members wrote these grants in addition to other responsibilities. In summary, the 2012/13 fiscal year for the Anaheim Public Library saw continued growth and development of services despite city -wide budgetary concerns. As always, Library staff and the Library support groups were essential in maintaining the momentum to continue moving the Library forward in its ever - evolving path to better serve the citizens of Anaheim. Respectfully submitted: Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees . "r Laurie Crawford, Chair M. Edwards P. Emery G.Garcia T. Lowe A. Lujan C. Bryant D.R. Heywood L. Mathisen S. Oftelie