Parks and Recreation 2013/07/24PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California July 24, 2013 MINUTES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Manes, Vice Chair Brennan and Commissioners Anderson, Huitt, and Navarro COMMISSIONER EXCUSED: Commissioner Lappin and Levy STAFF PRESENT: Lynn Smith — Community Services Manager, Larry Pasco — Parks Manager, Pamela Galera, Principal Project Planner, Wendy Solorio — Community Services Supervisor, Eleanor Granflor — Sr. Secretary CALL TO ORDER — Chairman Manes called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Chairman Manes led the Pledge of Allegiance. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Introduction of New Parks and Recreation Commissioners — Chair Manes welcomed the two new Commissioners, Eric Anderson and James Levy. Commissioner Anderson introduced himself to the Commission. Commissioner Huitt, Vice Chair Brennan, Chair Manes and Commissioner Navarro introduced themselves to Commissioner Anderson. B. Written Communication — None C. Unscheduled Oral Communication from the Public — None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — Chairman Manes presented the June 26, 2013 Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. Commissioner Huitt requested a sentence to be edited to her report regarding the City of Huntington Beach free bus rides for senior citizens. Vice Chair Brennan made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Navarro. There being no further additions or corrections, Chairman Manes accepted the Minutes as amended. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Parks Activity Report — May /June — Larry Pasco presented the report. B. Recreation and Human Services Park Ranger Report — June — Lynn Smith presented the report and answered questions regarding Park Rangers duties, public contact occurrences at Anaheim Coves, and sharing of the Park Ranger Report with others. Lynn also stated there is more activity at City parks during the summer. C. Parks Capital Protect Progress Report — Pamela Galera presented the report, provided updates, and answered questions on the following projects: • 5 Coves & Anaheim Coves — staff is working with property owners on the northern extension of Anaheim Coves. • Anaheim Outdoors — Anaheim Outdoors Connectivity Plan was approved by the City Council. • Anaheim Tennis Center — Construction documents are complete and staff is hoping to move forward in the near future. • Dog Parks — implementation of dog use areas at Olive Hills Park and La Palma Park. • Founders' Park — awaiting notification from the National Register of Historic Places for the Mother Colony and Woelke- Stoffel Houses. • Manzanita Community Center — building will be repaired from fire damage. • New park north of Nohl Ranch Road — staff developed a conceptual Master Plan and will research funding for this project. • Paul Revere Park — project is ready to bid. • Pelanconi Park — received grant funding to restore the natural habitat. • Ross Park — staff is working with the Anaheim Family YMCA on improvements. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes July 24, 2013 • Sage Park — received grant funding to enhance the restroom and playground. • SCE Lease opportunities — staff is pursuing Lease Agreements with SCE for parcels that could provide open space, open soccer play or dog parks. • Schweitzer Park Playground Project — second playground will be installed. • Schweitzer Park Restroom — received grant funding to enlarge the existing restrooms. • Woelke- Stoffel House Roof Replacement — replace roof on the historic house. • Ponderosa Park — architect was hired to replace the Family Resource Center and complete major renovations to the park. • New Park at Park Circle — build a pocket park in the neighborhood. • West Anaheim Youth Center — install air conditioning in the gymnasium. D. Senior Citizen Sub - Committee Report — Commissioner Huitt reported information regarding the Adult Protective Services Fact Sheet 2012 and information learned from the Affordable Care Act presentation. Commissioner Huitt requested a status on a previous request for a possible KaBOOM! project to install exercise equipment in the grass area between the Downtown Anaheim Community Center and the Downtown Anaheim Youth Center. Larry Pasco stated the grass area property may be under control of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency. Staff will research further into this request regarding the ownership of the property and the possibility of adding exercise equipment in the grass area. Commissioner Huitt requested a status on a previous request for furniture to be moved into the lobby area at Brookhurst Community Center. Wendy Solorio stated a Fire Inspector came to check the lobby area and found it does not allow much space to place furniture. The lobby area must be clear for private events that are held in the Community Center on the weekends. Staff will look into moving around furniture in the hallway area to make it more inviting for social space. Commissioner Huitt requested a status on a previous request for the City of Anaheim to become a Purple Heart City. Lynn Smith stated the request was forwarded to the Veterans Working Group that works with the City Manager's office. She will further look into this request. NEW BUSINESS - None INFORMATIONAL ITEMS — A. Overview of Parks Division and Recreation, Human, and Neighborhood Division — Larry Pasco reported an overview of the Parks Division. Lynn Smith reported an overview of the Recreation, Human, and Neighborhood Services Division. Lynn also reported summer showcases are scheduled at the Pearson Park Amphitheatre and summer concerts are scheduled at Ronald Reagan Park. Vice Chair Brennan reported the petition for P21 Learning is now in California. Anaheim Unified High School District became a P21 school district and a program has been put together by students of Anaheim schools to petition the Mayor and City Council for the City to become the first P21 City. Chair Manes advised to review the Anaheim Bulletin for upcoming events. Chair Manes reported this year will be the 89 annual Halloween Parade. A group from the Colony has volunteered to assist with the planning of the event this year. ADJOURNMENT — Chairman Manes adjourned the meeting at 6:39 p.m. 2