Charter Review 2013/09/26ANAHEIM CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES Thursday, September 26, 2013 6:00 p.m. Anaheim City Council Chambers 200 Anaheim Blvd, Anaheim 92805 The meeting notice, agenda and related materials were duly posted on September 23, 2013. PRESENT: Chair, Todd Ament; Committee Members: Tom Dunn, Amanda Edinger, Ernesto Medrano, Gloria Ma'ae, and Keith Olesen; Member Craig Farrow joined the dais at 6:15 p.m. STAFF: City Manager's Office: Paul Emery, Assistant City Manager and Margie Otto, Senior Analyst; Linda Andal, City Clerk; Michael Houston, City Attorney; and Raphael Sonenshein, Consultant 1. Call meeting to order. The meeting of the Charter Review Committee of September 26, 2013 was called to order at 6:08 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Anaheim City Hall located at 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. 2. Public Comments. Ron Bengochea commented on item number 5 and his support that the city manager should be required to live within 40 -45 miles from the city. 3. Approve minutes of the committee meetings August 22, 2013, August 29, 2013 and September 5, 2013. Member Dunn moved to approve the meeting minutes of August 22, 2013, August 29, 2013, and September 5, 2013, seconded by Member Medrano (AYES - 6, NOES - 0, Member Farrow absent). Motion approved. 4. Article V- City Council (all sections except Sections 500) including, but not limited to: • Section 501- Eligibility: • Section 502- Compensation: • Section 503.5- Mayor and City Council Term limits: • Section 504- Mayor (and City Council roles): Member Farrow joined the dais at 6:15 p.m., during discussion of Item #4. Mr. Sonenshein provided a brief overview of sections 501, 502, 503.5, and 504 of the Charter. Following the overview, the committee discussed each item separately. Meeting of the Charter Review Committee September 26, 2013 Page 2 of 4 Section 501- Eligibility: City Attorney, Michael Houston, confirmed that the charter could not require a durational residency period of longer than 30 days prior to filing nomination papers. Section 502- Compensation: Mr. Sonenshein advised that State law provided procedures for compensation of general law cities and that Anaheim currently deferred to state law. Mr. Houston advised that state law specifically outlined reasonable compensation based on population and with Anaheim being over 250,000 in population, compensation was $1,000, and may be amended by ordinance not to exceed 5 percent for each calendar year. Section 503.5- Mayor and City Council Term limits: Mr. Sonenshein referred to the comparable cities chart and summarized the twelve listed cities, advising that there was tremendous variety in term limits, with the exception of the common use of consecutive years and sit -out periods. A correction to the terms limits of Santa Ana was noted (transposed Mayor and Council Member terms). Section 504- Mayor (and City Council roles): Mr. Sonenshein provided a brief presentation on weak mayor versus strong mayor systems, advising that the weakest system is when the mayor is rotational. The next step -up, he shared, would be when the mayor was separately elected, such as in Anaheim. He moved on to the next step where the Mayor would have veto power, preside over meetings, and listed other various specific authorities. An even stronger form of government, he shared, is where the Mayor had major authority over administrative departments, including removing the city manager and is defined as the executive head of the government. Comparing Anaheim to a four -level tier, Mr. Sonenshein stated Anaheim would fall on the 3` lower tier; one under mid -way point, adding that Anaheim does not have a weak mayor system. He suggested the committee look at the role of the mayor as a system rather than one provision at a time. General discussion regarding the role of the mayor as presiding officer took place. Following the general overview of section 500s, the committee returned to the beginning of agenda item #4. Section 509, Eligibility: Chair Ament asked whether the ballot measures adopted by council for the June 2014 ballot already included the 30 -day requirement. Mr. Houston confirmed that the resolution adopted by council required persons be a resident from the city and the district in which they are running for a minimum of 30 -days. Section 502, Compensation: Member Edinger posed the question whether the committee should review the city council's compensation with Member Farrrow commenting that he believed the current language was sufficient. Member Medrano expressed his opinion in support of reviewing compensation to increase compensation as the city grew. Member Ma'ae and Olesen stated their opposition to revising the Charter language. Section 503.5, Mayor and City Council Term Limits Mr. Dunn expressed that he believed voters should have the right to vote on who should represent them, without term limits. Member Medrano also expressed his opposition to term limits explaining that if voters felt confident with an individual elected into office, they should be allowed to continue to vote for them explaining that term limits would create non - continuity and challenges. Member Edinger expressed her understanding of omitting term limits, however believed term limits would be a compromise and that abolishment of term limits, altogether, may be a leap. Member Farrow wished to hear more information before expressing his position on term limits and Member Ma'ae stated that as of Meeting of the Charter Review Committee September 26, 2013 Page 3 of 4 this date, she felt term limits was a good thing. Member Olesen shared his opposition to term limits stating the length of service is determined at the ballot box. Chair Ament proposed the committee discuss the option to continue Council Member seats at four years and revise the Mayor's term limit to two years. Following discussion, Chair Ament moved to continue the term limit of council member seats at four years and reduce the Mayor term to two years, seconded by Member Medrano. (AYES — 5 (Chair Ament, Members: Farrow, Medrano, Olesen, Ma'ae; NOES — 2 (Members: Edinger, Dunn). Motion approved. Member Olesen moved to eliminate term limits, seconded by Member Dunn (AYES — 6 (Chair Ament; Members: Dunn, Edinger Farrow Medrano Olesen); NOES — 1 (Member Ma'ae). Motion approved. Section 504, Mayor (City Council) Roles Discussion on the role of Mayor ensued and the committee ultimately agreed that the current language within the charter authorized the Council to determine the policy. 5. Section 601- Residence: Continue discussion to amend City Charter to be consistent with State Constitution and give direction to staff. Mr. Houston outlined three options before the committee relating to residency requirements of the City Manager advising that cities are prohibited from imposing residency requirements, however can impose requirements within the proximity of employment: i) remove the current charter section to conform with the current constitutional requirements, ii) amend the Charter language and acknowledge that the state constitution currently precludes residency requirement but allows council to impose restrictions and iii) leave the language, as is, recognizing that it would not be enforced by the city. Member Dunn moved to approve option #2, to conform to the state constitution and allow the city council to impose restriction, seconded by Member Edinger (AYES — 6 (Chair Ament, Members: Dunn, Edinger, Farrow, Medrano, Ma'ae; NOES — 1 (Member Olesen). Motion approved. 6. Consideration of additional meeting dates and /or review of next committee meeting schedule. None 7. Committee comments/ Staff comments Member Edinger asked for the committee's thoughts regarding section 515 of the Charter relating to violation of an ordinance being a misdemeanor versus an infraction. Mr. Houston explained the differences between a misdemeanor infraction with Member Dunn adding that such provisions were written this way because citizens tend to follow the regulations better. Meeting of the Charter Review Committee September 26, 2013 Page 4 of 4 Member Olesen announced the upcoming Halloween parade on October 26, entering its 89 year and invited all to attend. Assistant City Manager, Paul Emery stated staff received sufficient direction on Article V and therefore Article V would not be necessary to re- agendize. He added that with the committee's concurrence, Article VI and IX would be placed on the next agenda. 8. Adjournment. At 8:32 P.M. Chair Ament adjourned the meeting to October 10th, at 6:00 p.m., Anaheim Council Chambers. p spe tf ully submitted, Linda N. Andal, CIVIC City Clerk