Charter Review 2014/01/09ANAHEIM CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES Thursday, January 9, 2014 6:00 p.m. Anaheim City Council Chambers 200 Anaheim Blvd, Anaheim 92805 The meeting notice, agenda and related materials were duly posted on January 3rd, 2014. PRESENT: Chair, Todd Ament; Committee Members: Tom Dunn, Amanda Edinger, Craig Farrow, Ernesto Medrano, Gloria Ma'ae and Keith Olesen. STAFF: City Manager's Office: Paul Emery, Assistant City Manager and Margie Otto, Senior Analyst; Linda Andal, City Clerk; Michael Houston, City Attorney; Raphael Sonenshein, Consultant; Fire Chief, Randy Bruegman. 1. Call meeting to order. The meeting of the Charter Review Committee of January 9th, 2014 was called to order by Chair Tom Ament at 6:10 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Anaheim City Hall located at 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. 2. Public Comments No public comments. 3. Authorize the City Clerk to execute and finalize meeting minutes of December 3, 2013 and January 9, 2014 Member Dunn made a motion to authorize the City Clerk to finalize minutes from December 3, 2013 ! January 9, 2014. Member Ma'ae seconded the motion (AYES -7; NOES -0) Motion approved. 4. Review, discuss and action on Charter amendment to include Section 1214- 1 Permit Fireworks. Assistant City Manager Paul Emery stated that the City Attorney, Michael Houston has returned with language that identifies the means by which a regulation could be placed in the Charter. Mr. Houston clarified that the language only allows the use of fireworks if the Council adopts restrictions for the use of fireworks. Fire Chief, Randy Bruegman stated that in the past, when the city adopts "safe and sane" regulations, they gradually get taken to the next level and advised that great thought and detail be put into the regulations. Member Dunn made a motion to adopt Section 1214 as proposed with the addendum that attachment C, Anaheim Fires Safe and Sane recommendations for fireworks, be considered in the regulations that this motion will autho i rize. Member Ma'ae seconded the motion (AYES -6: Chair Ament, Committee Members: I i Meeting of the Charter Review Committee January 9, 2014 Page 2 of 3 Dunn, Edinger, Farrow, Medrano and Ma'ae; NOES -1: Committee Member Olesen) Motion approved. 5. Review, discuss and action on clarifying language to section 909 Mr. Emery stated that in consultation with the City Attorney's office, staff made minor modifications to the Public Utility Boards powers and duties. These recommended amendments were made in consultation with the City Attorney's Office. Member Ma'ae made a motion to accept the amendments as written. Member Edinger seconded the motion (AYES -7: NOES -0) Motion approved. 6. Article IX, Section 902: Appointments. Terms (Boards and Commissions): Discussion, Direction and action on appointment authority and annual term expiration date Assistant City Manager Paul Emery presented staff's recommendations to allow each Council Member to individually appoint one member of each Board or Commission and any members in excess of the number of council members would be selected / identified in the Ordinance that establishes the Board and /or Commission. Per Council Member Eastman's request, Staff recommended removing date specific appointment dates of members to Boards and Commissions and allow appointment dates be set by Ordinance. Member Dunn made a motion to adopt the change in date recommendation and reject the recommendation that allows each Council Member to select members of a board or commission. Member Edinger seconded the motion (AYES- 4: Committee Members Edinger, Farrow, Ma'ae and Dunn; NOES -3: Chair Ament, Committee Members Medrano and Olesen) Motion approved. 7. Review; discuss, develop and take action on Preamble language Raphael Sonenshein presented two preambles, one written by Member Olesen, the other Member Medrano. Member Dunn made a motion to adopt preamble one written by Member Olesen. Member Farrow seconded the motion. (AYES- 7, NOES -0) Motion approved. 8. Action on Recommendations of the Committee for submittal to the City Council Each Committee Member went one by one presenting their comments and suggestions to the rest of the Committee and staff. Mr. Sonenshein stated that items 8 and 9 are binding votes on the entire Charter "package" recommending that the final vote be individual voice votes allowing members to comment on their experience being part of the Charter Committee. Committee chose to not take action on Item eight and move to item nine. Meeting of the Charter Review Committee January 9, 2014 Page 3 of 3 9. Affirm final binding vote on the package of Recommendations Mr. Houston made points of what was changed in the Charter during the meeting of January 9, 2014 for the record vote. Member Medrano made a motion to accept Mr. Houston's clarification of changes and approve the Charter as a final document, seconded by Member Farrow. Committee Members Dunn, Medrano and Ma'ae voiced their vote to approve the Charter as a package to present to City Council. (AYES- 7, NOES -0) Motion approved. Assistant City Manager Paul Emery stated that the Charter will be transmitted to the City Council January 28, 2014 via public hearing and a second public hearing February 4, 2014. 10. Committee comments/ Staff comments Committee Members and staff complimented their colleagues on a job well done and thanked each other for their efforts. 11. Adjournment. At 7:28P.M. Vice Chair Ament adjourned the meeting. R9 submitted, v Linda N. Andal, CMC City Clerk