Library 2014/08/11ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATION DATE/TIME Haskett Library Monday, August 11, 2014 2650 W. Broadway 6:30 p.m. Anaheim, CA 92804 CALL TO ORDER – The agenda having been posted at 11:00 a.m. on August 5, 2014, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Chair Mathisen at 6:32 p.m. PRESENT: David Robert “D.R.” Heywood, Michelle Majewski, Linell Mathisen, Stan Oftelie, Kenneth Shimogawa STAFF: Audrey A. Lujan, City Librarian, Jennifer Foxx, PT Senior Secretary, Guadalupe Gomez, Library Services Manager GUESTS: Helen Carter, Friends of the Anaheim Public Library, Betsy Kasten, Friends of the Canyon Hills Library I.INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: A.ADMINISTER OATH TO LIBRARY BOARD MEMBER: The Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance for Public Office and Employees was administered to Kenneth Shimogawa. B.FRIENDS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT: The next Book Sale is Saturday, August 23, 2014. They are happy to help John Simon, PT Librarian in his efforts to help Veterans through the “War Comes Home” Grant. The Friends were delighted to read the August 11, 2014 edition of “Keeping You Informed” that showcased the Summer Reading Program and the support that the Friends provide. C.FRIENDS OF THE CANYON HILLS LIBRARY REPORT: They continue to send books to other APL libraries and thanked Euclid for sending “coffee table” books for their sale. On July 29, Ruta Sepetys and Courtney Stevens, two young adult authors, visited Canyon Hills Library and interviewed one another about their novels. There was an opportunity for book signing during the meet and greet following the presentation and refreshments were provided by FOCAL. Their next meeting is September 18, 2014. D.ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION REPORT: Audrey reported that the Foundation is working on fundraising by having more author events and a Ruby’s Fundraiser. They are putting together plans for a bookmark contest with the school district. The final profit from the luncheon was $20,828.23. This is lower than the previous year as they had to pay the authors’ expenses. Author Dr. D.P. Lyle will be at the Central Library on September 16, at 6:30 p.m. sponsored by the Foundation; the cost is $5.00 per person. E.UNSCHEDULED ORAL COMMUNICATION: Guadalupe introduced her two new staff members and shared the August Calendar for Haskett. F. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: Audrey shared a thank you letter to Angel Sauceda, Library Technician for her effort and dedication to make Benjamin Franklin School better and a patron comment form complimenting the Central Children’s Room. MOTION: That the Library Board II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE JULY 14, 2014 MEETING: approve the minutes of the July 14, 2014 meeting as presented. M/S: SO/MM 4 Ayes Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting August 11, 2014 Page 2 III.UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A.2014/15 LIBRARY DIVISION BUDGET: Audrey shared the Library Division expenditures for FY 2013/14. IV.NEW BUSINESS: A.WELCOME/INTRODUCTION OF NEW LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS: Newly appointed Library Board Member Kenneth Shimogawa was introduced. B.APPROVAL OF ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL ON THE CONDITION OF THE LIBRARIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013/14 PER THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, ARTICLE IX. APPOINTIVE BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS, SECTION 908: The Board discussed formatting. MOTION: That the Library Board approve the Report to City Council on the condition of the libraries for Fiscal Year 2013/14 per the Anaheim Municipal Code, ARTICLE IX. APPOINTIVE BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS, Section 908 and authorize Linell Mathisen, Chair to sign on behalf of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees. M/S:SO/MM 5 ayes V.INFORMATION A.CITY LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: Audrey invited Board Members to do a Bookmobile Ride Along. There will be a staff training day on September 11, 2014, to support the 2015 initiative to increase circulation. Audrey shared the City of Anaheim Capital Projects Map. The Library was awarded the State Library’s Pitch An Idea Grant to have an Anaheim Public Library presence at ARTIC. Progress continues on the Euclid/Sunkist redesign and the quiet rooms at Canyon Hills Library. B.PUBLICITY: Included in packet. C.LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: None. VI.ACTIVITY REPORTS A.CENTRAL ADULT & YOUTH SERVICES ACTIVITIES & STATISTICS: Included in packet. B.OPERATIONS ACTIVITIES: Included in packet. C.BRANCH SERVICES: Included in packet. VII.MONTHLY RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT/CERTIFICATE BY BOARD MEMBERS: The Board recognized Steven Gomez for obtaining book donations and contacts for the Library during his visit to Comic Con and Cynthia Hicks for her efforts with the OverDrive Challenge. Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting August 11, 2014 Page 3 VIII.BOARD ITEMS DAVID ROBERT “D.R.” HEYWOOD, VICE CHAIR – None. LINELL MATHISEN, CHAIR – Attended the Friends of the Canyon Hills Library meeting. MICHELLE MAJEWSKI – Met with Dr. June Glenn and learned about the Foundation. She also joined the Friends of the Library. KENNETH SHIMOGAWA - None. STAN OFTELIE – Shared an article on Santa Ana Public Library that compares it to other Orange County Libraries. IX.MISCELLANEOUS A.NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be Monday, September 8, 2014, at the East Region Library. B.ADJOURNMENT: Chair Mathisen adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m.