AHA-1998-001RESOLUTION NO. AHA98-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY DELEGATING TO THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR THE AUTHORITY TO APPROVE AND EXECUTE CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRACTS WITH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. WHEREAS, the Anaheim Housing Authority (the "Authority") and the United States of America (the "U.S. Government") are parties to certain Section 8 Consolidated Annual Contributions Contracts (the "ACC Contracts") in the aggregate amount of approximately Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000); and WHEREAS, certain of the ACC Contracts will expire on or before December 31, 1998 (the "Expiring ACC Contracts"); and WHEREAS, the U.S. Government has informed the Authorit)' that the U.S. Government may not receive replacement funds for the Expiring ACC Contracts early enough to avoid delays in the processing requisitions for such funds; and WHEREAS, the replacement funds may not be paid to the Authority by the U.S. Government unless and until such funds have been incorporated into the Expiring ACC Contracts by amendment; and WHEREAS, as a means by which to avoid delay and inconvenience to recipients of housing assistance, the U.S. Government has suggested that the Authority delegate to the Executive Director of the Authority the authority to approve and execute amendments to the Expiring ACC Contracts which provide replacement funds and/or extend the term of the Expiring ACC Contracts; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Government has proposed that some of the Expiring ACC Contracts be consolidated with (i) other Expiring ACC Contracts and/or (ii) ACC Contracts providing new funding (each, a "New Money ACC Contract"). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Executive Director Authorization. The Executive Director of the Anaheim Housing Authority is hereby authorized (i) to execute amendments to the Expiring ACC Contracts, (ii) to extend the terms of the Expiring ACC Contracts and/or (iii) to consolidate Expiring ACC Contracts, provided such amendments, extensions and/or consolidations have been approved as to form by General Counsel for the Authority'. In addition, the Executive