Comm Serv 2015/02/15City Hall Council Chamber Community Services Board 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard Thursday, February 12, 2015 Anaheim, CA 928055:30p.m. * M I N U T E S * Board Members Present Staff Present Grant Henninger, Chair Joe Perez, Community Services Superintendent Lynn Cudd, Vice-Chair Beth Lapkowski, Administrative Assistant Robert Baeza Linda Barnett Steve Brio Earl Kelso Becky Murphy Teresa Shimogawa Board Members Absent Kandee Beas Anca Trifa Virginia Zlaket CALL TO ORDER: 1. The Community Services Board meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by Chair Henninger. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 2. Chair Henninger invitedBoard Member Kelso to lead the Board in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS & PUBLIC COMMUNICATION 3. A. Scheduled Public Communication: None B. Unscheduled Public Communication: None CORRESPONDENCE 4. A. Incoming: None B. Outgoing: None APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: 5. Board Member Kelso made a motion to approve the minutes for the January 8, 2015, meeting; Board Member Barnett seconded the motion which passed with six ayes and two abstentions. NEW BUSINESS: 6. A. FY 2014/2015 Mid-Year Presentations: The Board listened to updates presented by representatives from Acacia Adult Day Services, Big Brothers/Big Sisters and Anaheim Family YMCA. B. December-January Activity Report: Joe Perez reviewed and highlighted events and activities that took place within the Recreation, Human Services and Neighborhood Services Division. He reported that the Community Support Office has been working on the Annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon event and that Board Members should expect to receive their invitations soon. He also shared that the Miraloma Park Family Resource Center is almost complete; they now hope to have the dedication in early to mid- again be offered on Saturdays at the West Anaheim Youth Center and Downtown Anaheim Community Center funded through a partnership with United Way. Community Services Board February 12, 2015 Page 2 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 7. A. FY 2014/2015 CSB Liaison Assignments Site Visits: Chair Henninger asked whether any Board Members had the opportunity to visit an organization during the past month. Board Member Shimogawa reported that she visited Access California Services; she observed classes and their computer lab and other activities. She was impressed with the number of different services they offer to help immigrants assimilate to life in the United States. B. FY 2015/2016 Public Service Funding Process: Joe reported that although it is not official, he was told that there will most likely be a three- to five-percent decrease in funding for the upcoming fiscal year; they hope to have a better idea by late March or early April. Joe stated that the memorandum to City Council al for distribution, after which time they will receive a copy. He also noted that the City Council workshop on the CDBG process that was requested by Council Member Kring will be presented by Community Development. He noted that Chair Henninger and Vice-Chair Cudd will be asked to attend to represent the Board regarding the non-profit funding portion. He also noted that their recommendation already included the possibility of a five percent reduction. Board Member Barnett stated that she believed the Board only voted on two funding levels and agreed to revisit the subject if there was a reduction in funding. She also voiced her opinion that in the case of reductions, the $10,000 minimum funding amount Joe explained that an analysis was done in 2011 and the finding was that $10,000 was the minimum amount of funding that was cost effective both for the agencies and the City for administrative costs. Board Member Murray gave an example of the many requirements necessary for a small agency that offset the benefit of receiving the funding in the first place, and Chair Henninger noted that they have never cut an agency from the $10,000 level because of a reduction in funding availability; rather, they would reduce funding to agencies that were at higher levels. C. 2015 Meeting Calendar: Joe noted there was no change to the meeting calendar and stated that approximately three to four agencies per month will continue to be scheduled for mid-year presentations. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 8. : Board Member Foundation. Joe Perez reported that as a result of the Anaheim Youth Services Assessment the Anaheim Human Services Network has reconvened, with approximately 134 agencies meeting every other month. They will be hosting st the 1 Annual Information Resource Fair at the grass area by the Downtown Anaheim Youth Center on th Saturday, March 25 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with approximately 40-50 agencies present. In collaboration with the Collaboration to Assist Motel Families, a shuttle will be available for residents in West Anaheim needing transportation who wish to attend. Joe Perez also reported that the Miraloma Family Resource Center is in the final stages of completion with exterior landscaping underway. The art project that was recently completed with neighborhood children was mosaic on metal birds that will be hung on the north wall. ADJOURNMENT 9. : Chair Henninger adjourned the meeting at 6:35 p.m.