Public Utilities 2015/10/15C1113"Y OF ANAHEIM PI.J111[3,11C (Y"I"IL1111TIES BOAJU) M 1.1K. S.. October 1.5, 2011 The agenda having been posted on Friday, October 9, 2015, fine Regular Meeting of the Public Utilities Board (Board) .- Facilities Inspection of the California In System Operator Corporation Folsom Control Center (Conference Room PWI5 0) was called to order by Chair J. Machiavema. at 10:50 a.m.. on Thursday, October 15, 2015, at. 250 Outcropping Way,.Folsom, California 95630., Board Members Present: Chair J. Machiaverna, Vice Chair S.E. Faessel, D. Wain, L. Cahill, A. Abdulrahman, E. Medrano Members Absent: B. I-lemandez Staff Present: G. Bowen, A. Kott,.P. Oviedo Gues t(s).P resent: J. Cross, Industry Affairs Manager, Cafifbmia ISO; J. Serima, Director - Customer Service and Stakeholder Affairs, California ISO; C. Il, outan, Senior Advisor ­- Renewableffitegration, CalifornialSO; K. Casey, Vice President,Mark et and ,Infrastructure Development; Mitchell Ford, Industry Affairs Manager AGENDA.UEM ACTION TAKEN 1. PUBLIC COW][5MN'17S. There being no publ.ic None. comments, Chair 1. Machiaverna closed the public comments portion of the meeting., 2. FACH.U.I.F.SINSPECTION AND DISCUSSIONREGARIAF. NG THE CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR FOLSOM CONTROL CENTER. CaliforniaIndependent System Operator (CAISO) staff provided a tour of their new facility located at 250 Outcropping Way, Folsom, California which included, among other things, the Control Center, Advanced Technical Center, and CAISO Initiatives:Display Area. CAISO staffprovided an overview of the day-to-day operations of the -various functions performed by CAISO staff at the new facility and the associated impacts to the CAISO managed grid resulting from the expansion ofrenewable energy in California as weltas the various means available to manage the energy system in. the ne.xt several years. 3.ADJOURNMF,.N'IP.W,'GULARME.ETI NGO.NO("TOB.ER28, & E. Faessel moved approval 2015, AT 5.-00.P..M..,IN'.r.Fw 1.1"111 FLOORIARGE to adjourn theFacility CONFERENCEROOM, ANAIMIM WEST TOWER, 201 S. Inspection of the California ANA.HE.[M.BOIJ'LF,VARD,.ANAI-.U,.[.M,CALEFORNUA). Independenty S- stem Operator CorporationFolsorn Control Center on October 15, 2015 at 1:45 p.m.. D. Wain seconded the motion, AGENDA ITEM Res s e lb fitted, Dukku Lee Public Utilities General Manager ACTION TAKEN MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. ABS'I'AIMID: 0. ABSENT: I (B. Hernandez). Indicates itern(s) that willbefiorwarded to City Cotincil f"oraction upon recommendation by the Board.. hi.dicates items) that dill 'be forwarded to City Clerk and City C�.:)uncd fbr infiarmational purp oses. 2015-164