Parks and Recreation 2016/01/27PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California January 27, 2016 MINUTES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Navarro and Commissioners Anderson, Levy, Jensen, Farrow and Adams COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Chairman Manes STAFF PRESENT: Sjany Larson -Cash — Community Services Manager, Larry Pasco — Deputy Community Services Director, Pamela Galera — Principal Project Planner, Eleanor Granflor — Sr. Secretary CALL TO ORDER — Vice Chairman Navarro called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Vice Chairman Navarro led the Pledge of Allegiance. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS A. Written Communication — None. B. Unscheduled Oral Communication from the Public — None. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES — Vice Chairman Navarro presented the December 2, 2015 Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. Commissioner Adams made a motion to accept the minutes, with the request to change "Chairman Adams" to "Commissioner Adams" on page 2 under the Parks Capital Project Progress Report and to change the sentence regarding prevailing wages to read "Commissioner Adams questioned prevailing wages for workers". Motion was seconded by Commissioner Jensen. There being no further additions or corrections, Vice Chairman Navarro accepted the Minutes. REPORTS A. Recreation and Human Services Activity Report — October/November — Sjany Larson -Cash presented the report and highlighted the Human Services holiday programs. The Thanksgiving Meals from the Heart Project provided 244 families in need with baskets of food for a Thanksgiving meal and the Department's Adopt -a -Family Project was able to find enough generous donors to adopt 65 families including 224 children providing them with presents for Christmas. She also provided an overview of the amenities and programs taking place at the Oak Canyon Nature Center (OCNC) including the new Volunteer Docent Program and new programs for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to assist them in earning merit badges by learning about natural resources, endangered species, and improving the trails. Lastly, Sjany announced the date of the upcoming Volunteer Recognition Banquet scheduled for March 161h at the City National Grove. Commissioner Farrow requested that a possible future Commission meeting be held at Oak Canyon Nature Center. Sjany Larson -Cash stated that she would look into some dates once daylight savings returns. B. Parks Activity Report — November/December — Larry Pasco presented the report, highlighted that Parks Division staff has been preparing for the EI Nino weather forecasts and the Ponderosa Skatepark groundbreaking ceremony, and clarified the periodic restroom closures at Twila Reid Park. C. Park Ranger Patrol Statistics Report — December — Sjany Larson -Cash presented the report highlighting the total number of park ranger patrols for the month, number of public contacts made with patrons, and the number of park patrons utilizing the parks. She also indicated that the rangers are seeing a decrease in curfew and alcohol activity most likely due to the cooler weather. D. Parks Capital Project Progress Report — Pamela Galera presented the report, answered questions, and provided updates on the following projects: Bikeway Master Plan update for the Anaheim Outdoors — staff will be giving presentations at the Neighborhood Council meetings. Circle Park — project is under construction. Coral Tree Park — newest park in the Platinum Triangle. Project is complete. Downtown Anaheim Community Center — exercise equipment project is complete. ITEM NO. 05 Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes January 27, 2016 Little Peoples Park — project is under construction. Manzanita Park & Community Center — renovation is moving along and will open in a few months. Manzanita Skate Park — a grant application will be submitted for a new skatepark. Olive Hills Park Dog Use Area — project is under construction. Ponderosa New Skate Park — construction will begin soon. Stoddard Restroom — new restroom construction is nearly complete. Stoddard Park — leftover grant funds will be used to expand the playground. E. Senior Citizen Sub -Committee Report —Commissioner Jensen reported there is now cold drinking water available in the drinking fountains and hot water in the restrooms at the Downtown Anaheim Community Center (DACC). A request has been submitted to replace a light in the Senior Lounge. Commission Jensen also reported on the concern of senior participants at the DACC not having enough handicap parking. Staff will research this matter and report back. NEW BUSINESS A. Aloe Greens and Aloe Promenade at A -Town Park Master Plan and Park Naming — Pamela Galera introduced Donna Kelly with Lennar. Donna Kelly presented the Master Plans and answered questions. Larry Pasco requested the Commissioners to approve the park's Master Plans as submitted and to approve the naming of Aloe Greens and Aloe Promenade at A -Town. Commissioner Levy made a motion to approve the park's Master Plans as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Adams; five Commissioners concurred and one abstained. Motion passed. B. Alternate Meeting Location — Larry Pasco presented the possibility of moving the meeting location for the Commission to the DACC. The DACC is a central location for the monthly meetings and a room is available for this Commission meeting. Discussion was held regarding the meeting locations and the Commission decided to keep the meeting location at Brookhurst Community Center. C. Video Presentation —Run, Hide, Fight— Commissioner Farrow shared a video, "Run, Hide, Fight" with the Commission. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS — Commissioner Adams shared an Orange County Register newspaper article regarding prevailing wages for awareness within the Commission. ADJOURNMENT — Vice Chairman Navarro adjourned the meeting at 6:43 p.m.