Parks and Recreation 2016/06/22PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California June 22, 2016 MINUTES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Manes, Vice Chairman Navarro and Commissioners Anderson, Jensen, and Levy COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Farrow STAFF PRESENT: Sjany Larson -Cash — Community Services Manager, Wendy Solorio, Community Services Supervisor, Larry Pasco — Deputy Community Services Director, Naomi Gruenthal — Associate Project Planner, JJ Jimenez — Associate Project Planner, Eleanor Granflor — Sr. Secretary CALL TO ORDER — Chairman Manes called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Chairman Manes led the Pledge of Allegiance. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS A. Written Communication —Larry Pasco reported Commissioner Adams has resigned from the Commission. B. Unscheduled Oral Communication from the Public— None. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES — Chairman Manes presented the May 25, 2016 Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. Commissioner Jensen made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Anderson. There being no further additions or corrections, Chairman Manes accepted the Minutes with 2 abstentions. REPORTS A. Recreation, Human and Neighborhood Services Activity Report — April/May — Sjany Larson -Cash presented the report and highlighted the STARS Afterschool Program; Opening Night at Pearson Park Amphitheatre "Circo Etereo Circus"; Oak Canyon Nature Center; special events that included the Cinco de Mayo Festival, WAND Barbecue, Children's Art Festival, Flag Day and the upcoming July 41h Celebration; Tiny Tots Academy graduation; and the opening of the Boys and Girls Club at Manzanita Park will be held on July 91h Park Ranger Patrol Statistics Report — May — Sjany Larson -Cash presented the report and highlighted the decrease in the number of patrols completed, increase in the number of patrons at our parks, and increase in the number of direct public contacts made. Sjany stated the Park Rangers' work hours will be decreased during the non-essential times as we approach the end of the fiscal year and are challenged with a maximum number of hours annually that part-time employees can work. The parks have been heavily used since the weather has warmed up and there was an increase in curfew and alcohol violations. Sjany Larson -Cash reported Circle Park has been added to the list of locations patrolled since the park opened. C. Parks Capital Project Progress Report — Larry Pasco introduced Naomi Gruenthal and JJ Jimenez. The following projects were highlighted: • East Anaheim Skate Park — the Logan Wells Memorial Foundation will be working with the City to build a skate park near the East Anaheim Gym. • Edison Park — a walking path and additional exercise equipment will be installed. • Little Peoples Park — park dedication will be on July 91h • Olive Hills Dog Use Area — park dedication will be on August 61h; native plant material will be planted and most of the area will be made up of decomposed granite in addition to artificial turf. • Pioneer Restroom and Trail — restroom will be replaced and an exercise trail will be installed, turf reduction will take place and exercise equipment will be installed. • Ponderosa Skate Park — dedication will take place the same day as the park and Family Resource Center groundbreaking ceremony. • Ponderosa Park and Family Resource Center — construction contract was awarded to Erikson Hall; the groundbreaking ceremony will take place in August, and project completion is scheduled for winter 2017/18. • Schweitzer and Palm Lane Skate Parks — street style skate areas will be installed at both parks, project completion is scheduled this fall. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes June 22, 2016 Commissioner Levy questioned what pickleball is. Naomi Gruenthal stated pickleball is played with a paddle and whiffle ball on a tennis court. It is a racquet sport that combines badminton, tennis and table tennis. Chairman Manes questioned the status on the Anaheim Tennis Center. Larry Pasco stated the Wagner House will be improved, the exterior of the building will be improved, and the walk areas will be improved. Developer fees will be used for these improvements. Chairman Manes questioned the status of the Pearson Cactus Garden. Naomi Gruenthal stated a Task Force has been chosen to discuss the project. The first meeting will be held on June 301h to receive community input. D. Senior Citizen Sub -Committee Report — Commissioner Jensen reported the light fixture bulbs have been replaced at the Senior Center. Commissioner Jensen made a request for program ideas for seniors be provided; programs which include biking excursions, hiking, and pickleball. Wendy Solorio will look into what is available and will share it with the seniors. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS — Sjany Larson -Cash reported the invitations were mailed out for the Little Peoples Park Grand Re - Opening which will be held on July 91h at 10:00 a.m. Chairman Manes reported Terry Lowe's retirement celebration will be Thursday, June 23rd at Pearson Park Amphitheatre. ADJOURNMENT — Chairman Manes adjourned the meeting at 6:19 p.m.