RA1996/01/09~NAHEIM CIVIC CENTERt ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JANUARY 9, 1996~ 5:00 P.M. PRESENT ABSENT ~ PRESENT AGENCY MEMBERS= Tait, Zemel, Feldhaus, Lopez, Daly AGENCY MEMBERS: None CITY MANAGER: James Ruth CITY ATTORNEYs Jack White SECRETARY: Leonora N. Sohl EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Lisa Stipkovich A complete copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency was posted at 3~25 p.m. on January 5, 1996 at the Civic Center kiosk, containing all items as shown herein. Chairman Daly called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 5=48 p.m. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of $275,895.38 for the period ending December 26, 1995, $83,105.36 for the period ending December 31, 1995 and $166,337.07 for the period ending January 8, 1996, in accordance with the 1995-96 Budget, were approved. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: There were no additions to agenda items. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: No items of public interest were addressed. PUBLIC COMMENTS - AGENDA ITEMS: There were no public comments on Redevelopment Agency agenda items. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS I - 4: On motion by Chairman Daly, seconded by Agency Member Lopez, the following actions were authorized in accordance with the reports and recommendations furnished each Agency Member and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenda. 161: Approving minutes of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency meeting held November 28, 1995 and December 5, 1995. 2. 161: Approving signage and revised landscape plans for Disney Ice. Agency Member Lopez. He has talked with Mrs. Stipkovich relative to doing something positive with the north side of the Disney Ice Rink. Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development. Staff has expressed some concerns to the Disney organization and their Project Manager is present tonight. There is dissatisfaction with the fountain grass around the building and Disney has confirmed they will be using replacement plant material and will make sure the Agency has a chance to first review the new material. She then briefed the staff report dated 1/9/96 relative to the signage and revised landscape plans including additional' landscaping to screen the utility structure from Lincoln Avenue (north side). Chairman Daly. He noted the positive developments proposed especially the installation of a beautiful sign with the Disney Ice Logo over the building on the south side as well as the night lighting of the building which will be an enhancement to capture the curved roof line. 94-1 ANAHE~'H CTV?C CENTER~ ANAHE'rM REDEVELOPHENT A~ENCY J~,-~UARY 9~ 1996~ 5:00 From the audience, the representative from Disney confirmed for the Chairman that for security reasons, there will probably be lighting 24 hours a day. The rink is almost a 24-hr. facility. He confirmed that 10 of the lights are for architectural purposes rather than security. 161= Approving design development drawings for Anaheim Plaza II California Federal Bank, and authorizing the Executive Director to approve final construction drawings. Chairman Daly. He commended Mrs. Stipkovich and staff for the further progress on the Anaheim Plaza expansion. He has talked to the Manager and she pointed out all of the sales projected have been exceeded for the Plaza. They look forward to the next expansion. 40 123: Approving an amendment to the Agreement with Socal Security Services for professional security service at various Redevelopment Agency properties. Agency Member Lopez. He notes from the proposed security schedule that guard hours at City Hall (East) will be from 3:00 p.m. to 11=00 p.m., Monday through Friday while across the street (201 S. Anaheim Boulevard), City Hall West, will have security guards 24 hours a day, Monday through Sunday. He feels there needs to be more security at City Hall East. When he has come in on weekends, he has not seen a great deal of security. Lisa Stipkovich. She will defer to Daryl Meekhoff. City Hall West already has security 24 hours a day and this proposal is to coordinate security. Daryl Meekhoff, Fleet/Facility Manager. The current hours of coverage will not be changed. City Hall West has guard service 24 hours a day because the guard station is located in that building. There will be increased coverage through greater roving. This is eliminating one contract and coordinating security operations with the Agency's operations. There will be more coverage since there will now be a roving guard 24 hours a day with a guard physically present during the hours indicated. End of Consent Calendar. MOTIONS CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Daly moved to adjourn, Agency Member Zemel seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ( 5: 55 ) LEONORA N. SOHL SECRETARY 94-2