RA1996/06/18ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JUNE 18, 1996 PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Tom Tait, Bob Zemel, Frank Feldhaus, Lou Lopez, Tom Daly AGENCY MEMBERS: None CITY MANAGER: James Ruth CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White SECRETARY: Leonora N. Sohl EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Lisa Stipkovich A complete copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency was posted at 11:41 a.m. on June 14, 1996 at the Civic Center Kiosk, containing all items as shown herein. Chairman Daly called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 6:01 p.m. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of $79,940.14 for the period ending June 14, 1996, in accordance with the 1995-96 Budget, were approved. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: There were no additions to agenda items. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: No items of public interest were addressed. PUBLIC COMMENTS - AGENDA ITEMS: Several people spoke under Agency Item 2. See discussion under that item. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS '1 - 3: On motion by Chairman Daly, seconded by Agency Member Zemel, the following actions were authorized in accordance with the reports and recommendations furnished each Agency Member and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenda. 123: Approving amendments to extend time to fiscal year June 30, 1997, for Agreements with the following: Barton-Aschman Associates for traffic engineering and transportation planning. Fuscoe Engineering, Inc., for civil engineering. IBI Group for architectural and urban planning. Meyer, Mohaddes and Associates, Inc., for traffic engineering and transportation planning. Purkiss - Rose/RSI for landscape architecture and urban planning The SWA Group for landscape architecture and urban planning 123: Approving a First Amendment to Agreement with AIJK, Inc., for architectural and urban design services, to add $100,000 and extend the term of the Agreement to June 30, 1998. 123: Approving a Second Amendment to Agreement with Elbasani and Logan Architects for architectural and urban design services, to add $100,000 and extend the term of the Agreement to June 30, 1998. 161: Approving the concept plan for the improvement of City Hall Plaza and improvements to the West Harbor Place Circle. (Continued from the meeting of June 11, 1996). George MacClaren, Past President, Anaheim Senior Citizens Club and Present Chairman of the Anaheim Senior Citizens Commission. Since 1972, he has watched the destruction of histodc buildings in downtown. The planned teadng down of the Anaheim Senior Center is one of the best kept secrets among the 35,000 retirees in Anaheim. He thereupon presented a petition signed by 395 seniors who go to the Senior Center and avail themselves of the many activities that are held and/or originate from the center. The petition urged the Council to reconsider the decision to tear down the Anaheim Senior Center as soon as the new downtown community center is built. They 'feel the proposed center is poorly located, will force seniors to walk long distances for parking, and has no reom for expansion on the Center Street lot.' They are asking that the Council/Agency hold off on the proposed center until a suitable site is chosen. Before concluding, he also expressed some additional concerns and offered some recommendations. Warren Hawley (Anaheim resident since 1964). He has served on the Senior Citizen Commission for four years and is a former past President of the Senior Citizens Club. He has been an advocate and activist for the benefit of seniors in the community for eight years or more and tonight he would like to include the cultural arts people, the youth of the community as well as community services with regard to the downtown community center. He does not agree with Mr. MacClaren when he speaks of the "wonderful' present Senior Citizens Center. The club has gone from 6,000 members to about 3,000 presently. He maintains that the senior citizens of the community are not interested in participating in the programs offered at the present center. The petition presented contradicts itself. The two present parking garages are closer to the new proposed center than they are to the present one. As far as the petition just submitted, the people who signed based it on emotional considerations rather than fact. There will be plenty of room for the needs of the seniors and they will be moving up from 14,000 square feet to 25,737 square feet. He then clarified for the Mayor that the club has been involved in the planning process for the new center since the beginning. He is present in support of the new center which has been in the talking stages for eight years and they have been in due process for six years. There have been public headngs on the issue and it has come before the Senior Citizen Commission on many occasions as well as the Senior Citizen Club. He does not understand the opposition at this stage. Every single objection that has come up has been dealt with. Chairman Daly. What would be helpful as they continue to evaluate the existing center as well as the new proposed center would be for the Senior Citizens Club to go on record with a letter or statement which summarizes the feeling of the club in this regard; Mr. Hawley stated just a few weeks ago, the club endorsed the concept for the new center as they know it today. Ken Benedict, 235 S. Beach Blvd., Past Board Member of the Anaheim Senior Citizens Club. The majodty of the seniors flint heard about the new building in November of 1995. The senior club has never received a presentation on the new building from the Senior Citizens Commission. As Mr. MacClaren had earlier reported, the club has $194,000 in funds. They do not want to be a burden to the City but they also do not want to bo mixed up with other organizations when they are doing so well themselves. His calculations of the square footage devoted for the seniors also do not add up after they share the center with the other organizations. He asked people to be present tonight to represent their signatures on the petition submitted (there were about 25 people present). They want to save the present building and he asked that the Agency reconsider their decision. Jeff Kirsch, 2661 W. Palais, Anaheim. He is present again to ask the Agency to reconsider or oppose the landscaping project since the money is to be used to landscape an area that is already adequate and serviceable. Agency Member Zemel pointed out a similar amount of shortage for the community center project and those funds might be used to complete that project. He supports that position since the completion of the project would be a great benefit to the community. Later in the meeting, John Dougherty, 1116 Wakefield Place, Anaheim also spoke to the issue. Things that concern him and a lot of other people the mention of closing the senior citizen facilities and the fact that $1.2 million is necessary to complete the community center but that amount is going to bo put into landscaping. He is 80 years old and he personally feels using that money to do a lot of landscaping is not necessary. 2 Chairman Daly. He cladfied that the petition submitted is proposing that the existing Senior Center not be removed when the new center is built. He will ask staff to evaluate that proposal. The community center project, as was mentioned, has been about eight years in the planning stage and there have been numerous discussions, meetings and strategy sessions. Part of the discussion has included what is to become of the existing center. He reiterated, he will ask staff to give a response at the earliest opportunity. No decisions are imminent that he is aware of so staff will have time to respond also to questions posed by Agency Member Feldhaus relative to the participation of senior organizations in the decisions that were made and Agency Member Lopez relative to the $1.2 million needed in additional funding. Agency Member Zemel. He has the same concern as last week - that the $1.2 million is proposed to be spent on landscaping when the community center is not being built for a lack of that amount. It is more appropriate for the center to be built and then find a way to do the landscaping and walkway later. Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development. She referred to the supplemental staff report submitted dated June 14, 1996 (Subject: City Hall Plaza/Community Center) wherein a strategy had been developed for closing the funding gap of approximately $1.85 million. The approach was coordinated with the City Manager's Office and the Community Services Department. She then bdefed the report which contained an explanation of cost-cutting proposals resulting in a revised gap of $1,135,000 and additional funding for the center-- $500,000 in pdvate fund raising and $850,000 in Agency funding for future park fees which would eliminate the gap entirely. Agency Member Zemel moved for an additional one-week continuance in order to have an opportunity to digest the information contained in the supplemental report which the Agency received just before the meeting. Before further action was taken, Mrs. Stipkovich stated that people are present tonight from the Holiday Committee relative to the other issue regarding West Harbor Place, specifically the permanent holiday tree for the circle at West Harbor Place. She requested that the Agency consider at least that portion of the recommendation. The cost is somewhere in the range of $25,000 to $40,000 for the tree. Agency Member Zemel. He would like his motion to stand as offered and to look at the whole situation together. He repeated his motion for a one-week continuance. Agency Member Tait seconded the motion. Chairman Daly. He is comfortable moving forward with the entire recommendation which is to complete the landscaping linkage program including the West Harbor Place improvements linked to the new holiday program. Redevelopment staff has also presented a new proposal to complete the financing for the downtown center. The community center has been in the planning stages for many years, there is a consensus of support for the project and now all the funding has been identified to start the project. It will take a couple of years to build and remaining funding can be identified. Although he is prepared to support the entire recommendation, a one-week continuance will probably not upset the schedule. Agency Member Feldhaus. He is prepared to support the project but is also ready to extend the courtesy of continuing the matter; however, the segment that is easily understandable relates to the tree for the Nutcracker Holiday Festival. He would like to move forward on that issue so that the committee can proceed with their plans. Agency Member Zemel. After additional discussion, he asked for support of his motion as it stands. A vote was then taken on the motion to continue the entire matter for one week. The motion failed to carry by the following vote: Ayes: Tait, Zemel No: Feldhaus, Lopez, Daly. MOTION: Chairman Daly moved to continue the item (Agency 2.) for one week with the exception of the holiday related landscaping (tree) in the circle at West Harbor Place. Agency Member Tait seconded the motion. Agency Member Zemel abstained. MOTION CARRIED. 3 MOTION: Chairman Daly moved approval of funding not-to-exceed $50,000 for the landscaping in the circle at West Harbor Place. Agency Member Tait seconded the motion. Agency Member Zemel abstained. MOTION CARRIED. 3. 161: Approving minutes of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency meeting held May 21, 1996. End of Consent Calendar. MOTIONS CARRIED. 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider an Owner Participation Agreement which includes the conveyance of a leasehold interest in a parking facility generally located at 295 W. Harbor Place in the City of Anaheim. Staff requested a continuance of this item to July 9, 1996. MOTION. Chairman Daly moved to continue the subject Public Hearing until July 9, 1996. Agency Member Tait seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. o 5:00 P.M. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND CITY COUNCIL: 123: SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AREA 5 DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: That the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and Anaheim City Council consider the Second Amendment to the Area 5 Disposition and Development Agreement and the CEQA Negative Declaration in connection therewith. The purpose of the DDA is to grant development rights to Kaufman and Broad to construct 61 affordable and market rate for-sale townhome units on three Agency-owned sites, and construction of two single family residences on two sites in the downtown area. Staff requested a continuance of this item to July 9, 1996. MOTION. Chairman Daly moved to continue the subject Public Hearing until July 9, 1996. Agency Member Tait seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Daly moved to adjourn, Agency Member Lopez seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (6:45 p.m.) LEONORA N. SOHL SECRETARY