RA1994/03/01Anaheim Civic Center, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MARCH 1, 1994, 5 :00 P.M. PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Feldhaus, Simpson, Pickler, Hunter, Daly ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: James Ruth CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White SECRETARY: Leonora N. Sohl EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Lisa Stipkovich A complete copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency was posted at 3:53 p.m. on February 25, 1994 at the Civic Center kiosk, containing all items as shown herein. Chairman Daly called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 6:00 p.m. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of $620,807.58 for the period ending February 22, 1994 and $54,708.96 for the period ending February 28, 1994, in accordance with the 1993 -94 Budget, were approved. CLOSED SESSION• To meet with the Agency's Real Property Negotiator concerning the disposition of certain real property interests to Koll Anaheim Center Associates located generally between Lincoln Avenue and Anaheim and Harbor Boulevards, Broadway and oak Street. The Closed Session was held in conjunction with the City Council Closed Session at 3:30 p.m. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: No items of public interest were addressed. PUBLIC COMMENTS - AGENDA ITEMS: There were no public comments on Redevelopment Agency agenda items. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 1 -2: On motion by Agency Member Simpson, seconded by Agency Member Hunter, the following actions were authorized in accordance with the reports and recommendations furnished each Agency Member and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenda. 1. 161: Approving precise grading plans and final landscaping plans for the River Valley Project Area -Savi Ranch -K Mart Project, conditioned upon staff review and approval of final landscaping plans for an adjacent CALTRANS right - of -way. 2. 161: Approving minutes of the Redevelopment Agency meetings held January 25, 1994, and February 1, 1994. RECESS: On motion by Agency Member Daly, seconded by Agency Member Simpson, the Redevelopment Agency meeting was recessed to 6:00 p.m. for a joint public hearing with the City Council. MOTION CARRIED. (6:02 p.m.) AFTER RECESS: Chairman Daly reconvened the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency meeting, all Agency Members being present with the exception of Agency Member Feldhaus. (6:05 p.m.) D1. 123: CONTINUED JOINT PUBLIC HEARING - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY /CITY COUNCIL ON THE FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND 94 -14 Anaheim Civic Center, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MARCH 1, 1994, 5:00 P.M. BETWEEN THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND KOLL ANAHEIM CENTER ASSOCIATES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, WHICH SETS FORTH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SALE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ALPHA: LOCATION /REQUEST: The Alpha Redevelopment Project Area is roughly bounded by Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim and Harbor Boulevards, Broadway, and Oak Street. The request is to consider the approval of the Fourth Amendment to the Disposition and Development Agreement with Koll Anaheim Center Associates, which provides for revised terms and conditions for the sale and development of certain real property. RESOLUTION NO. (AGENCY) - - - -- Approving the Fourth Amendment to Disposition and Development Agreement between the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and Koll Anaheim Center Associates. RESOLUTION NO. (COUNCIL) - - - -- Consenting to the approval of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to the Fourth Amendment of Disposition and Development Agreement between the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and Koll Anaheim Center Associates. PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS MET BY: Publication in Anaheim Bulletin - January 25 and February 1, 1994 The joint public hearing was scheduled and continued from the meeting of February 8 and February 15, 1994 to this date. Staff had requested an additional one -week continuance of this joint public hearing. Chairman /Mayor Daly asked if anyone was present to speak; there was no response. MOTION: Agency Member Pickler moved to continue the joint public hearing to Tuesday, March 8, 1994. Agency Member Simpson seconded the motion. Agency Member Feldhaus was absent. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: Council Member Pickler moved to continue the joint public hearing to Tuesday, March 8, 1994. Council Member Simpson seconded the motion. Council Member Feldhaus was absent. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: Agency Member Daly moved to adjourn the Redevelopment Agency meeting. Agency Member Simpson seconded the motion. Agency Member Feldhaus was absent. MOTION CARRIED. (6:06 p.m.) &x-a- LEONORA N. SOHL, SECRETARY 94 -15