AHA-2003-002RESOLUTION NO. AHA2003-2 RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTH(HelTY' AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION 'TO THE CALIFORxNIA ttOUSING FINANCE AGENCY FOR FUNDING UNDER THE HOUSING I/;NABLED BY LOC,*, L PARTNERSHIP PROGP~M WHEREAS, the California Housing Fimmce Agency CCHFA") is accepting app!icadota, s with respect to Ten Million Dollars (S i 0,000,000) of Housing Em~bled by Local ,,,h..~>[,~p ( t~[;I.P ) Program funding: and WitEILEAS, ttELP Program fl~nding could be used to provide down to low anJ mode,'.'ate income househoids in Anaheim; and %HEREAS, the Anaheim Housing Authorit'; (the "Autho.dty':) {.te ......... to :.<,:.:l,:,. ',m a?ph,.a~,on to CHFA for HELP Program fimdintr, to be used to provide down payn:e:~t :.ibStSl3r'.,CC to. iov~ and moderate income households m Anaheim (the :'Applicatlon'"). ' '", GOv ~zRNTt.~'~t~ B(~AP3) OF T.HE ANAHE!5.:! NO ,v, THEREFORE, TIlE ~OL.)I~L, &IJTIIORITY DOES HEREB ' RES1 ~I, v r ,.-.~S FOLLO~VS: i. '£ite Applicaion is hereby approved. The Executive Director. or bcr ~: :-, ....... < hereby ~,",,,,-;~,~'~ ..... ~ ....... the 4'mlicatiof ~:o CHFA. incur an mdco~'edness ~md ...... '~ Author]t? and ,,-,kc such other actions as arc consislent with spoClilC ' ' .- resollrces ..... Aoplication. 'FHE 1: ORE. GOING RESOLUTION iS~";.,'_,,:,:,,~,,,,c":r'r~ APPROX,'Et;. AND .... BY TIIE GOVERNING BOA~ OF THE ....... ' ATTEST: 4'797,':L I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) .CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, SHERYLL SCHROEDER, Secretary of the Anaheim Housing Authority, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. AHA2003-2 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority held on the 4th day of March, 2003 by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: CHAIRMAN/AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Chavez, Hernandez, McCracken, Pringle, Tait NOES: CHAIRMAN/AUTHORITY MEMBERS: None ABSTAINED: CHAIRMAN/AUTHORITY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: CHAIRMAN/AUTHORITY MEMBERS: None ~SECRETAR"Y OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY (SEAL)