Parks and Recreation 2017/01/25PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California January 25, 2017 MINUTES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Manes, Vice Chairman Navarro and Commissioners Jensen, Farrow, Levy, and Balius COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioner Anderson STAFF PRESENT: Sjany Larson -Cash — Community Services Manager, Wendy Solorio, Community Services Supervisor, Larry Pasco — Deputy Community Services Director, Pamela Galera — Principal Project Planner, Eleanor Granflor —Sr. Secretary CALL TO ORDER — Chairman Manes called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Chairman Manes led the Pledge of Allegiance. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS A. Written Communication — None. B. Unscheduled Oral Communication from the Public — Nancy Labuda, Anaheim resident introduced herself and expressed her interest in the proposed Access California project at Brookhurst Park. Two other residents also came along with Ms. Labuda, Dale Vornholt and Jerry Labuda to express their thoughts about the Access California project. Sjany Larson - Cash requested contact information from the residents and stated the project is not on the agenda, but staff can contact the interested residents if the project is placed on the agenda at a future meeting. Esther Wallace, Ex -Officio of the Magnolia School District, introduced herself and is attendance to catch up and learn about the Parks and Recreation Commission. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES — Chairman Manes presented the December 7, 2016 Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. Commissioner Levy made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Jensen. There being no further additions or corrections, Chairman Manes accepted the Minutes with two abstentions by Chairman Manes and Commissioner Farrow. REPORTS — Brent Dennis gave the Commission an update of the City Council Item regarding City Boards and Commissions. It was discussed at the last City Council meeting that with the six districts in place, the people's council is now guiding the future and the City Council would like to start fresh with the City Boards and Commissions and appoint a representative from each district. With two Council Members at large, the Mayor and two Council Members would discuss and decide on appointments. The City Council will continue their discussion at the February 7th meeting. Brent Dennis stated staff will keep the Commission updated on any decision that is made. A. Parks Activity Report — September/October — Larry Pasco presented the report and highlighted the repair of a fence at Anaheim Coves, additional play equipment added at Juarez Park, turf renovation at Dee Fee Field, Class A fields at Brookhurst and Boysen parks, gravel added and leveled at Yorba Regional Park's parking lot, concrete picnic tables installed at Twila Reid Park, and the roof renovation of the picnic shelter at Twila Reid Park. Commissioner Farrow brought up how well kept La Palma Park/Dee Fee Field restrooms are compared to other park restrooms because they are locked when the field is not in use. Larry Pasco stated City staff does not advocate opening park restrooms for 24 -hours and there is no direction to do so at this time. The park restrooms have a high traffic of use and also get vandalized. Anaheim Police Department takes necessary action to deter vandalism in park restrooms. Staff is trying to be creative in how restrooms are designed to lessen the potential for vandalism and negative activity in new restroom buildings. Larry Pasco stated the public is encouraged to voice their opinion on matters like this. Commissioner Balius questioned if the water is still leaking from the turn off valve at the picnic shelter at Twila Reid Park. Larry Pasco stated he will have staff look into it and see that a work order is submitted if necessary. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes January 25, 2017 B. Park Ranger Patrol Statistics Report — December — Sjany Larson -Cash presented the report and highlighted the number of patrols, patrons, and public contacts made. There was a decrease in the amount of personal public contacts made by Park Rangers due to the colder weather. Staff has encountered various situations in December that included mopeds driven on parks, bee swarms in parks, finding the owners of a lost dog, contacting the fire department to assist a special needs individual having a seizure, picnic group in the park getting ready to setup a jumper, an abandoned car with four flat tires, electrical breaker boxes left open, significant number of syringes found, and trash can fires. C. Parks Capital Project Progress Report — Pamela Galera presented the report and answered questions on following projects: • Aloe Greens and Aloe Promenade — Construction documents will be submitted by the developer. • Anaheim Coves Northern Extension — The three Lease Agreements and CEQA Compliance will go to City Council for approval on 2/7. • Brookhurst Community Center — The construction contract was awarded. • Gramercy Trail — Staff submitted a grant application and met with the State at the project location site. • Hydration Stations — Seven stations will be installed and will replaced drinking fountains at different park locations. • Imperial Park — Prep Day will be on 2/23. Build Day will be on 2/25. • Main Library Children's Garden — A grant was received from Community Development Block Grant funds to design a children's garden behind the main library. • Pioneer Park — Construction continues. • Ponderosa Park and Family Resource Center — Construction continues despite the rain. Pamela Galera reported the Miraloma project received an Award of Excellence from California Park & Recreation Society (CPRS). Commissioner Balius requested a status on the cameras that will be installed in City parks. Larry Pasco stated the installation has begun and will be completed in March. Commissioner Farrow questioned where the camera footage is sent. Larry Pasco stated the Anaheim Police Department will receive the camera footage and will monitor them. D. Senior Citizen Sub -Committee Report — Commissioner Jensen requested a status on the chairs in the Downtown Senior Center. Wendy Solorio stated the chairs are still being stored while staff awaits quotes to purchase new chairs with vinyl material. Wendy Solorio stated one quote was received to reupholster the original chairs at a cost of $350-400 each. Commissioner Jensen stated the electrical outlets have been plugged and Seniors do not have access to use them to charge their phones or laptops. Wendy Solorio stated they were plugged last year due to misuse of the outlets by random members of public coming into the facility just to use the outlets. There are outlets available for Seniors to use in the pool room. Wendy Solorio stated the outlets can be made available during the Senior board meetings. Commissioner Jensen stated the Senior Council is against housing that is proposed to be built on the property adjacent to the Downtown Anaheim Community Center. NEW BUSINESS A. 2017 Meeting Schedule — the Commission held a discussion regarding meeting dates, meeting locations and the start time. The item will be tabled and will continue at the February meeting. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS — Chairman Manes questioned if the parks dealt with any problems due to the rain. Larry Pasco stated there was not much damage. There was a minor sinkhole at Sage Park that was quickly fixed. Other than that, there were no major issues. Commissioner Farrow stated he attended a dog event at Oak Canyon Nature Center. Attendance was low for the event and more marketing was recommended to have a better turnout at future events. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes January 25, 2017 Chairman Manes shared information for the following events: • Library events: o January 28th —Anaheim Public Library presents 2017 BIG READ featuring the book, Farenheit 451, at Central Library o February 91h — Farenheit 451 Book Discussion at Central Library o February 14th — Farenheit 451 Book Discussion at Haskett Library o February 23rd — Farenheit 451 Book Discussion at Sunkist Library • Anaheim Historical Society is hosting a "Skipper Stories" event February 25th at Loara Elementary Auditorium • 37th Annual Black History Parade on February 4th in Downtown Anaheim • MUZEO events: o Royal Tea and Fashions event on March 4th o Civil Rights speaker, Joseph Jackson, on February 4th o Lunch and Learn event on "Cardiac Conditions: Their Prevention, Diagnosis and Care" on February 8th • State of the City on February 7th at the City National Grove Commissioner Balius questioned if the new "REC1" system will be used for spring registration. Sjany Larson -Cash stated REC1 went live on December 15t and is currently being used. Chairman Manes questioned the name of the new City District meetings. Sjany Larson -Cash stated they are called the "Neighborhood Services District Community Meetings". A schedule will be emailed to the Commission. ADJOURNMENT — Chairman Manes adjourned the meeting at 6:59 p.m.