1999/10/14CITYOF ANAHEIM, SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 14, 1999 Special Meeting of the Anaheim City Council held October14, 1999 Present: Tom Daly, Mayor Shirley McCracken, Mayor Pro Tem Lucille Kring, Council Member Frank Feldhaus Council Member Jim Ruth, City Manager Jack White, City Attorney David Hill, Human Resources Director Sheryll Schroeder, City Clerk Mayor Daly called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers of Anaheim City Hall 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. The Notice of Special Meeting was delivered and faxed between 10:30 and 11:00 a.m. on October 13, 1999. isThe Special Meeting was called for Closed Session for the following purposes: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS: City designated representatives: Jim Ruth, David Hill Employee organization: Anaheim Fire Association; and CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(c) —Anticipated litigation: Number of potential cases: one. City Attorney Jack White noted there were no additions to the agenda Mayor Daly called for public comments and hearing none, moved to recess to Closed Session, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem McCracken and carried unanimously. At approximately 11:33 a.m., all members returned to open session and City Attorney White announced that the Council had authorized the law firm of Libbert, Cassidy to seek a writ of prohibition concerning the jurisdiction of the Arbitration Board in the currently pending binding interest arbitration involving the City and the Anaheim Firefighter's Association. He reported the vote was unanimous, with Council Member Tail absent. At approximately 12:35 p.m., Mayor Daly moved to adjourn the Special Meeting of the Anaheim City Council, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem McCracken, and carried unanimously. Sheryll Schroeder, CMC/AAE City Clerk