1997/04/01 (2)CITY OFIS NAHEIM, CALIFORNIA COUNCIL MINUTES PECIALL MEETING APRIL 1, 1997 The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Special Session. PRESENT: MAYOR: Tom Daly PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Shirley McCracken, Bob Zemel, Lou Lopez, Tom Daly ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Tom Tait PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: James Ruth CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White ASSISTANT CITY CLERK: Ann M. Sauvageau PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER: Gary Johnson STADIUM/CONVENTION CENTER GENERAL MANAGER: Greg Smith A complete copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim City Council was posted at 1:50 p.m. on March 28, 1997 at the Civic Center Kiosk, containing all items as shown herein and noticed of the Special meeting transmitted as required. Mayor Daly opened the Special Meeting and welcomed those in attendance, all Council Members being present with the exception of Council Member Tait who was out of town. (Council Member Zemel entered the Council Chamber at 2:38 p.m.). The Mayor noted that all of the members of the Community Center Authority were present in the Chamber audience: Robert Hostetter, Pat Patterson, Jim Riley, Stephen Schacht and JoAnn Barnett. He thanked them for taking the time to be present today and for the time and effort they give in their capacity as the governing body and advisory board for the Convention Center. City Manager, James Ruth. Staff is pleased to be able to present today the third Workshop on the status of the Convention Center Expansion Project. He introduced Greg Smith, General Manager of the Convention Center who, in tum, will introduce the architect who will make the presentation. 124: CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION PROJECT: GregSmith General ral Manager of the Convention Center. As the City Manager stated, this is the third Workshop presenting the design of the Anaheim Convention Center Expansion (see minutes of previous workshops regarding the expansion - February 6, April 23 and July 16, 1996). Today marks a milestone in that the design component of the project is complete and the results are on display for the Council to view. They are moving forward with the actual construction documents. He then introduced John Conley, Project Manager, HOK (Helmuth, Obata and Kassabaum, Inc.), and Steve Brubaker, Design Architect, HOK, the two people principally in charge. He invited Mr. Brubaker to make the presentation. Steve Brubaker, Design Architect, HOK . (Mr. Brubaker, as on previous occasions, gave an updated multi -media presentation using information boards showing plans, elevations and renderings, many of which were simultaneously shown on slides. Models were also displayed in front of the dais -- a wooden model showing the various phases of the proposed expansion, and another larger white model showing the building configuration including the final positioning of the centerpiece "icon" along with samples of the types of glass to be used on different portions of the building). They have come through the design development within budget and with a design that represents the budget goals. He first gave an overview of the process from the outset (see minutes of the presentation given on February 6, 1996). He also presented slides, side by side, showing the expanded Convention Center along with scenes of Southern California imagery which they tried to capture in the design and flow of the building and its surroundings. He then walked the Council through the floor plan (both in the slides and graphics/boards from which he was working) briefing all levels (Zero through Three) — Level Zero - where there will be ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 1, 1997 meeting rooms at the far south end of the project -- Level One - new exhibit hall and new circulation prefunction areas — Level Two - primary meeting room level (contains the bulk of the meeting rooms divided into "pods") — Level Three - multipurpose 40,000 square foot room which is a little larger than a football field. He then presented a drawing which is a section showing the entire length of the building as if the front had been taken off. They have always likened that to the Southern California coastline with cliffs, sand dunes, etc. (as shown on a slide). The building is long, approximately 1/4 mile. Questions were posed to Mr. Brubaker by Council Members during his presentation which were answered as the presentation progressed relating to the following: The large multipurpose room can accommodate 4,000 people at tables, the building has a very glassy exterior with different types of glass which meets all energy codes, the glass is varied because as it faces different situations, (the Hilton, Marriott, etc.) it should have a different expression with the strongest effect being in the center. He also explained that the element at the top (the centerpiece or icon) will be a combination of various types of welded wire fabric in various scales which will give various patterns to it. It has a metallic coating, but it does not reflect. It will appear to change colors as it relates to different colors of glass; however, it will be the same material. The center space will also have a skylight in it as shown in the drawing (Interior Section at Atrium). He explained for the Mayor that the tallest point is 200' which is slightly taller than the Hilton. He also explained in detail the variety of garden treatments to be used around the building and that there will be places out in the garden areas where people can gather for functions. Council Member Zemel entered the Council Chamber (3:38 p.m.). Mr. Brubaker continued his presentation explaining the design concepts in detail working from the models (supplemented by corresponding slides). One slide showed a view looking from the top of the Marriott parking garage which again emphasized what he called the Southern California feeling. No other Convention Center can go out in the climate like this one and they are trying to build on the strength of what Anaheim has to offer in that regard. The intent is to bring to the project the notion of Southern California and how it combines with Anaheim. He showed how the visual symbols (analogous to American Native pictographs which have been discovered in Southern California) will be placed in the garden area where events can be staged around them. All through his presentation, Mr. Brubaker related the Southern California area, its landscaping and its amenities with what is going to be done at the Convention Center which will also incorporate Anaheim's agricultural heritage. Mr. Brubaker's presentation concluded with specifics relative to the "art wall" planned for the art program, the Big A brand that will be used for wayfinding, graphics, brochures, etc. He then entertained additional questions. Mayor Daly and Council Members then posed a line of questions wherein both Mr. Brubaker and Greg • Smith answered/explained the following: The water feature shown in the small model is no longer a part of the plan. The whole central area has been condensed significantly. The water feature was eliminated in order to get to the right size. Relative to landscaping, they are just finishing up and going into construction documents and believe there are basic refinements that can be made to every part of the design (including landscaping) but conceptually, everything is included in the plan presented. The building meets all handicapped codes that currently exist. The use of the glass will require more maintenance, but in quite a number of locations, the glass areas are easily reached and it will not require a whole new program for washing the glass. There will be no permanent piece of equipment tracking along for glass maintenance. Mr. Smith explained they would not be cleaning the glass during an event but during move -in and move -out days as they do now with normal routine maintenance. Also, there will be an adequate stock of glass panels on hand so that they can be replaced immediately when necessary. Relative to the "icon", Mr. Brubaker explained that the icon will require maintenance because it will be used to do several things. During large events, it will be used for hanging banners and there will also be a lighting system associated with it. Mayor Daly asked Mr. Smith to comment on the scheduling and phasing of the expansion; Mr. Smith asked the Public Works Director to elaborate on the construction schedule. 2 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 1, 1997 Gary Johnson, Public Works Director and City Engineer. The first contract the Council will see, about $4 million, should be in June. It will be a structural steel bid package. The first actual construction bid package, about $16 million, will be awarded in July, 1997. That will be the program at the south end of the building, the exhibit space, i.e., the wedge at the south end. That will keep the center current with all clients coming into the building so that there will never be a decrease in exhibit hall space throughout the three plus years of construction. The first group of contracts will be about $20 million. The largest contract will come in November of this year for about $100 million. That contract will begin construction in May although they will award in November. It has to follow the first contract which is the wedge on the south end. If everything goes well, they will be opening the facility about December of 2000. That is the schedule they have laid out today. Council Member Lopez. He asked when construction starts, what will the parking situation be and how will they accommodate tourists during that time. Gary Johnson. That is still work -in -progress. They are presently looking at where they are going to park the construction people. Staff is working with Disney who will have the same problems during the same time period relating to the Disney expansion. The situation will be evaluated on an event -by -event basis. Council Member Lopez. He suggested perhaps they should build the parking structure first, i.e., the structure on Walnut and Katella; Gary Johnson. He is not sure of the schedule for that structure since it is a Disney -managed project. He can get that information. Both of the major buildings at the Convention Center will be open during construction and it will be business as usual. Occasionally access will be constrained and they will be planning for detour routes. Greg Smith. Currently, there occasionally are overflow parking situations. Staff has been able to work that out with Disneyland and what may occur with construction is a more frequent overflow situation. The downside is a loss of parking revenues when there is an overflow into the Disney lot. He then emphasized that, as Mr. Brubaker mentioned at the beginning of his presentation, the project has been designed to meet the budget they have been given. They have a base project they are pleased with that either slightly exceeds or is slightly less but close to what the Coopers & Lybrand report recommended for the construction of the facility. They are pleased with the amount of building they are able to acquire in this base project. It is a difficult project because of the fact that the Convention Center will remain in business with very large events coming to Anaheim and that is the reason it is being phased. He believes they have or will overcome the major problems construction will generate. They have to keep in mind there will be thousands of guests in Anaheim and are paying particular note to the visual impact of the building during construction which may mean doing something extra special which he explained. • They will do everything possible to make it a pleasant experience. Mayor Daly. He would like an opportunity to get a closer look at the exhibits and models and will do so at the conclusion of the Workshop and hopefully the models will still be available in the building for the next few days. On behalf of the Council, he thanked staff and the architects for the detailed and informative presentation and again thanked the members of the Community Center Authority for being present today as well as members of the Visitor and Convention Bureau and the community who also attended. ADJOURNMENT: By general Council consent, the Special Meeting of April 1, 1997 was adjourned. Council Member Tait absent. (3:05 P.M.) 44v, �� " --- ANN M. SAUVAGEAU ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 3