1997/06/10 (2) CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 10, 1997 The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. PRESENT: MAYOR: Tom Daly PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Shirley McCracken, Tom Tait, Bob Zemel, Lou Lopez ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: James Ruth CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White ASSISTANT CITY CLERK: Ann M. Sauvageau COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR: Chris Jarvi III PLANNING DIRECTOR: Joel Fick PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER: Gary Johnson COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Lisa Stipkovich JOB TRAINING PROGRAM MANAGER: Marge Pritchard A complete copy of the agenda for the special meeting of the Anaheim City Council was posted at 2:35 p.m. on June 6, 1997 at the Civic Center Kiosk containing all items as shown herein. Mayor Daly called the Adjourned Regular Meeting of June 3, 1997 (held June 10, 1997) to order at 2:15 P.M. 106: CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING -CITY BUDGET: To consider the proposed 1997/98 Budget Plan. FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET WORKSHOP/PUBLIC HEARING: City Manager 0 Ruth. This is a continued Public Hearing on the 1997/98 City Budget and will also conclude the departmental budget presentations. As is typical each year, the proposed budget requires some modifications due to information that was not available at the time of printing of the Budget. (See data sheet- Modifications to the Proposed FY1997/98 Budget which was submitted to the Council and made a part of the record.) The modifications are as follows: 1. Citywide Sianaae Cleanup- $100,000 Cleanup of signage in the public right-of-way. Funding is from Measure M Local Tumback revenue. 2. Entry Way Sians - $125.000 Installation of entry way signs on poles at 21 of the 42 locations throughout the City of Anaheim-21 more signs will be budgeted next fiscal year. This project is to be funded by Gas Tax Funds. 3. State College Corridor Streetscape from 1-5 to SR-91 - $84,000 This project comprises highway, landscape and streetscape improvements to State College Boulevard from SR-91 to the 1-5 Freeway and is to be funded by Gas Tax Funds. The FY97/98 Public Works Department proposed budget is increased by $309,000 to $89,228,609. The FY97/98 total City proposed Budget is increased by $309,000 to $671,016,612. These modifications will have no impact on the FY97/98 General Fund proposed budget. CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 10, 1997 Mr. Ruth asked the Council to consider these modifications as part of the adoption of the City Budget. City Manager Ruth then introduced each department's budget presentation giving its location in the Budget document. The following Department heads then gave an overview of their Department's proposed budget, some explaining their plans and objectives for the coming year and accomplishments in the past Fiscal Year. Questions were also posed by Council members at the conclusion of some of the presentations which were answered by the Department Head or appropriate staff. (The majority of the presentations were supplemented by slides.) Chris Jarvi, Community Services Director - Community Services Department - Budget Document Pages 44-49 — Parks, Golf, Recreation/Human Services, Neighborhood Services, Library Services. At the conclusion of his presentation, Council Member Lopez posed questions relative to concerns expressed to him regarding additional youth activities in West Anaheim. He feels this area needs a lot of help; Chris Jarvi. He determined it was with regard to the request for two Kids In Action programs and only one was provided. City Manager Ruth. He noted that the Budget includes $60,000 for a Kids In Action site at the Baden4110 - Powell School to serve West Anaheim at the request of the School District; Council Member Lopez asked for a staff report regarding that issue. Mayor Daly asked the time table for finishing the design and installing landscaping at the new Betsy Ross Park site; Chris Jarvi. He does not know when they are going to finalize the acquisition because of the environmental problems. Community Development has indicated that the design can be started in about a year. The design process will take approximately three months and construction about nine months so it will be about two years before the park is on line. Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development clarified that they can start the design and run the two concurrently if they wanted to do that; Mayor Daly. He asked that the Council be kept informed on the acquisition process and the environmental problems. He is anxious to proceed on that project. Council Member McCracken. She is concerned about community meeting needs for the eastern part of Anaheim. It is a growing area for senior citizen needs. Many people have been living there for 25 and 30 years and a meeting place is an issue. Joel Fick, Planning Director - Planning Department - Budget Document Pages 58-61 -- Planning and Zoning - Building - Code Enforcement. At the conclusion of his presentation, discussion took place relative to the Community Planning Program, what has already been accomplished in the first project area (between Sunkist and State College), etc. A number of the 54 actions items that were presented to Council have been completed. The Department is in the process of working on Areas 1 and 3 which incorporate all of the City west of Gilbert to the western City limits. Council Member McCracken. Relative to the street beautification effort and the reduction of unnecessary signs along major streets, she suggested that some of the old signs be sold to collectors in the community or anyone who may be interested recalling the interest that was expressed in purchasing old Anaheim Stadium seats. Gary Johnson, Public Works Director and City Engineer - Public Works and Engineering Department - Budget Document Pages 70-73. (The Department's construction activities are detailed in the City of Anaheim's Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP Budget) which was a part of the budget transmittal). During his presentation, he pointed out that the CIP program reflects a reduction in proposed spending. He noted that the Anaheim Resort related projects are bond financed and do not appear in the City Budget. 2 CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 10, 1997 Council Member McCracken. She referred to entryway signs proposed at locations in the western edge of the City where there are islands of County territory for approximately three or four miles weaving in and out of Anaheim. She feels it is useless to put signs in those areas and those funds could be spent at the true entry ways; Gary Johnson. The committee will be reviewing the 42 potential sites. There may be some that are not appropriate. The idea is to have some type of entrance statement for the City. Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development - Community Development Department Budget Document Pages 40-43 -- Administration - Economic Development - Housing Assistance - Housing Development - Job Training Program - Redevelopment Agency. Issues broached after the presentation — Council Member Lopez. The railroad tracks on Santa Ana Street from Olive to Manchester seem to be an ongoing problem; Mrs. Stipkovich. Staff has been contacting the users along that rail line. One of the biggest impediments is the railroad company. Staff is trying to determine how many users would have to use that spur line. If there is some way to abandon that line, it would raise the value of the property in the area and make it more suitable for residential. The process has been started. Council Member Lopez. In the Center Street Promenade area, he would like to see better signage to find the existing restrooms. Council Member Tait inquired about the welfare-to-work center in Anaheim; Mrs. Stipkovich. The Job Training Program (JTP) has been given an award to do a pilot project. Marge Pritchard, JTP Manager. The City has received $135,000 to be part of a County-wide effort. She then briefed some of the details of the program. Council Member McCracken. Redevelopment staff has done a tremendous job regarding improvements on Anaheim Boulevard. She asked if anything was being done to work with the businesses to help them improve their image as well. She feels that is the next step; Mrs. Stipkovich. They need to work on how they can give an incentive to the commercial uses. There are certain things they can do to assist the businesses with improving their image. Next year there will be some additional recommendations from staff regarding land use issues and design control that will be a part of a Redevelopment overlay zone. Council Member Lopez asked staff to look into the "eyesore" at the corner of Broadway and Anaheim Boulevard (S/E corner). Something has to be done to achieve regular maintenance; Mrs. Stipkovich stated she would refer the matter to Code Enforcement. Mayor Daly. The City's agreement with Disney with the expansion of the Disney Resort and the improvements of the whole Anaheim Resort neighborhood includes at least $5 million toward the rehabilitation and improvement of the Jeffrey-Lynne neighborhood. He asked what will take place in the coming fiscal year on that project. Lisa Stipkovich. There is a physical plan that they know will work but do not know how they would finance the plan and the type of participation they will get from the owners in the area. The challenge in the next year or two is to devise a plan and then to come up with the financing perhaps looking at that $5 million as one resource. She knows it is a high priority and part of the overall objective in terms of areas they need to focus on for rehabilitation. Mayor Daly. Two other projects are also of great interest. He asked how far along is staff on improvements to the Lincoln Avenue corridor between Harbor and the 1-5. Lisa Stipkovich. Staff has analyzed the best route and the improvements they believe would make a big difference in terms of land use changes. Public Works has applied for some funding to see if they could get acquisition funds to straighten out Lincoln all the way to West Street and so far have been unsuccessful. 3 CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 10, 1997 Mayor Daly. He asked that they make another attempt to see if funding is available, either County, State or Federal. It is an important stretch for the downtown area and there are many abandoned properties involved. It seems like an ideal time to try to do something. Lisa Stipkovich. They will work with Public Works on that again to see if they can apply for some additional funding. They have also had several discussions with the School District in terms of a master plan for Anaheim High School. Mayor Daly. Perhaps Mrs. Stipkovich and the City Manager's Office can report back to the Council on the status of that stretch of West Lincoln and also the potential of a partnership between the School District and the City for the master planning and the buildout of the Anaheim High School property; Lisa Stipkovich. She will work on that issue with the City Manager's Office. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Daly moved to adjourn the Adjourned Regular Meeting of June 3, 1997 (held June 10, 1997). Council Member Lopez seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (3:30 P.M.) (See continuation of the Budget Workshop/Departmental presentations - Regular Meeting of June 10, 1997 which was convened at 3:30 P.M.). Zi4Ok A. -4 ANN M. SAUVAGEAU ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 0 4