Parks and Recreation 2017/05/24MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Ryan Balius, Chairman James Cook Lynn Cudd Craig Farrow Alfonso Rodriguez Nichole Rupp COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Samantha Navarro, Vice Chairman May 24, 2017 STAFF PRESENT: Brent Dennis, Director Lawrence J. Pasco, Deputy Community Services Director Sjany Larson -Cash, Community Services Manager Pamela Galera, Principal Project Planner JJ Jimenez, Associate Project Planner Eleanor Granflor —Sr. Secretary AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 1. CALL TO ORDER: Larry Pasco called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Larry Pasco led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: None. 4. NEW BUSINESS: a) Election of Chair and Vice Chair: Commissioner Farrow nominated Commissioner Balius for Chair. A vote was taken and Ryan Balius was elected Chair with five votes in favor and one abstention. Samantha Navarro will remain as Vice Chair. 5. SCHEDULED COMMUNICATION: None. 6. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chairman Balius presented the March 22, 2017 Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. Discussion was held regarding the approval of the minutes due to Commissioners not in attendance of the March 22°d meeting. Approval of the minutes will be tabled until the June 281h meeting. 7. REPORTS a) Parks Activity Report — March/April: Larry Pasco gave background on the purpose of the Parks Activity Report and presented the report. Commissioner Rodriguez questioned if the East Anaheim Little League and the high schools pay a fee to use the fields. Sjany Larson -Cash stated that non-profit youth leagues pay no rental fees only a nominal one-time permit fee to use the fields. The City has a Joint Use Agreement with the Anaheim Union High School District that allows free use of City Facilities for most of the district's activities. Chairman Balius questioned if the handles have been replaced at La Palma Dog Park. Larry Pasco stated the City will be replacing the handles through a different vendor. Chairman Balius stated there was standing water that sat between the pickleball court and the sidewalk for two days after it rained at Twila Reid Park. Larry Pasco stated any areas of water are blown off by contract staff and he will look into the drainage situation at Twila Reid Park and address any chronic drainage problems. b) Park Ranger Patrol Statistics Report —April: Sjany Larson -Cash gave background on the purpose of the Park Ranger Report. Sjany presented the report and highlighted the number of patrols, patrons, and public contacts made. There has been slight increases from the March report. Staff has encountered various situations in April that include colonies of bees in a number of parks, encounters with minors smoking and drinking in the parks, broken fencing at Imperial Park, riding of a dirt bike in the park, facility doors that are found unlocked, and findings of syringes at the parks. Commissioner Rodriguez stated that minors are seen smoking marijuana outside the Downtown Anaheim Youth Center. Sjany Larson -Cash stated the Anaheim Police Department is aware of the situation and is working with staff to resolve the issue. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes May 24, 2017 Commissioner Rupp questioned why smoking is not a section in the report. Sjany Larson -Cash stated smoking is allowed at City parks, except for within 25 -feet of the playground areas. Commissioner Cudd stated she walks the trail at Anaheim Coves often and commended the Park Ranger patrols at the site. c) Parks Capital Project Progress Report: Pamela Galera gave background on the purpose of the Capital Projects Progress Report. Pamela reported the Bikeway Master Plan was approved at the City Council meeting on May 23rd. Commissioner Cudd requested for more information on the Bikeway Master Plan. Pamela Galera stated the project analyzes safe routes to schools, employment centers, libraries and other facilities. The Bikeway Master Plan is connected to the Anaheim Outdoors General Plan. The City has received grant funds from the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) to update the Bikeway Master Plan. Commissioner Rupp requested for grant funding to be added to the report. Pamela Galera stated grant funding can be added. Chairman Balius recommended that Commissioners attend a KaBOOM! Build Day event. The next KaBOOM! build will be at Willow Park. Pamela Galera stated the Design Day will be on June 281h, with a Build Day on September 23rd Commissioner Farrow shared that Anaheim was awarded a Playful City USA for 2017. Larry Pasco stated this is the fourth year the City is receiving the award. Chairman Balius questioned if the lighting will be evaluated during the camera installation at Twila Reid and Maxwell Parks. Larry Pasco clarified the funding for this project is not provided by the Community Services Department — camera funding is provided by the Anaheim Police Department and the lighting funding is provided by the Finance Department. Larry Pasco stated he will contact Public Works and look into it. Larry Pasco explained to the Commission that certain work completed at parks is performed by Facility Maintenance/Public Works Department. 8. NEW BUSINESS (continued): a) Recreation and Human Services Fees for FY2017/18: Sjany Larson -Cash presented the Recreation and Human Services Fees for FY2017/18. There is a proposed fee increase for the Tiny Tots Daily Sessions and a proposed new fee for a commercial photography permit usage per hour at Oak Canyon Nature Center. Commissioner Cudd made a motion to approve the proposed fee increase for the Tiny Tots Daily Sessions and the proposed new fee for a commercial photography permit usage per hour at Oak Canyon Nature Center, seconded by Commissioner Rodriguez. There being no further discussion, Chairman Balius accepted the motion. b) FY 2017/18 Proposed Budget Summary: Larry Pasco presented the FY 2017/18 Proposed Budget Summary. Larry Pasco clarified the staff report and attachments given to the Commission. Commissioner Rodriguez made a motion to receive and file the FY 2017/18 Proposed Budget, seconded by Commissioner Farrow. There being no further additions or corrections, Chairman Balius accepted the motion with one abstention by Chairman Balius. 9. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Sjany Larson -Cash shared the Activity Guide and Concerts in the Canyon flyer. A Dog Expo will be held on June 3rd at Olive Hills Dog Park, July 41h festivities will take place at Canyon Hills and Peralta Park, and a Flag Day event will be held on June 111h at Pearson Park. Larry Pasco shared the Planning for Parks flyer. Larry recommended for the Commission to complete a survey online and invite others to complete it as well. The information received from the surveys will compile a report to submit to the City Council. An update will be shared with the Commission each month. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Balius adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m.