Golf 2006/02/23COMMISSIONERS PRESENT CITY STAFF PRESENT: VALLEY CREST: CALL TO ORDER GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES February 23, 2006 - 5:00 p.m. Chairman Wright Vice -Chairman Schultz Commissioner Gaby Commissioner Kresal Commissioner McCulloch Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen, and Gail Barruga Kevin Neal, Golf Course Superintendent Chairman Wright called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT None. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Vice Chairman Schultz made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Gaby, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of January 26, 2006. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Manager Dave Johansen presented the report and answered the Commissioners questions. Commissioner Schultz requested that the Commission have the opportunity to review the golf cart specifications prior to the mailing to vendors. Michael Lautenbach stated he will email the specifications to the Commissioners for their review and comments after his meetings with the Purchasing staff. Chairman Wright asked if the new GPS system will be installed in the current vendor's golf carts and then again in the new golf carts if a new vendor is selected. Michael Lautenbach reported in the new agreement with ProLink will be on the March 7, 2006 City Council Agenda for approval. In the agreement, the City has the option to transfer the GPS system to the new golf carts, at no cost, when a vendor is selected. The installation of the new GPS system could be as early as two weeks after approval of the agreement. Commissioner Gaby asked for additional information regarding the Loyalty Program. Michael Lautenbach reported this will be in conjunction with the Anaheim Resident Card. A photo identification card will be available for $15.00 each. The program is based on points earned, i.e. if you pay $59.00 for greens fee, the cardholder will earn 59 points. At specified levels the points can be redeemed for rounds of golf. B. Golf Course Superintendent Dave Johansen reviewed the report with the Commission. Vice -Chairman Schultz asked if there is equipment or another way, than manually, to sand the golf course. Kevin Neal stated manually is the best way. Each cart has a bottle of sand for the golfers to use; it is educating the golfer to fill their holes as they proceed through the course. Dave Johansen stated both courses will be aerified in March; Dad Miller is scheduled for the 13th and 14th, and Anaheim Hills on the 20th and 21St. ITEM # 08 • GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES February 23, 2006 - 5:00 p.m. C. Director of Golf • Bob Johns stated his new agreement with the City has been approved and goes through December 2011. Preparations have begun for this year's City Championship Tournament scheduled for April 291h and 30th. The new driving range at Dad Miller is very popular at night. The range is open until 10:00 p.m. The golf shop has an employee there until 9:00 p.m. to serve golfers. Many golfers have purchased a card to use in the ball machine at the driving range. Bob Johns stated that the new range is becoming a "night-time" driving range because of better lighting. Bob Johns reported, Mark Flowers is the new golf instructor at Dad Miller. He had previously worked at the Paradise Range in Fullerton. Vice -Chairman Schultz about the Cleveland's demo day was successful. Bob Johns stated it was quite successful, unfortunately the company's new club wasn't available, but still the golfers enjoyed the day. FINANCIAL REPORT A. January Financial Summaries Dave Johansen reviewed the financial reports with the Commission. Chairman Wright asked how the food and beverage concessionaire is doing at Anaheim Hills. Michael Lautenbach stated the operation is up from the first year with projections for this year at $2.3 million. OLD BUSINESS A. Tiger Woods Learning Center Dedication Michael Lautenbach report the Tiger Woods Learning Center Dedication was well attended and quite successful. B. Anaheim Hills #4 Fairway and #11 Tee Fence Commissioner Schultz thanked staff for their immediate response to his suggestion of closing the #4 fairway at Anaheim Hills. However, he has noticed golfers are driving around the ropes and he suggested a sign be posted in addition to the ropes. Commissioner Gaby suggested the Player Assistants remind the golfers the area is closed. Michael Lautenbach stated the #11 fence can not be altered due to City liability issues. Michael Lautenbach stated the next option would be to declare the area "under repair." NEW BUSINESS A. Golf Commission Out Dates Michael Lautenbach asked the Commission to suggest dates for a golf outing to coincide with the Golf Commission meeting. The Commissioners agreed to bring their suggestions to the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT Vice -Chairman Schultz made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner McCulloch, to adjourn the meeting to March 23, 2006, in the Conference Room #1 at 5:00 p.m. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center 2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: MINUTES February 22, 2006 — 5:30 p.m. Chairman Baldwin Commissioner Crawford Commissioner Herschler Commissioner Navarro Vice -Chairman Skinner Commissioner Knapil Commissioner Vadodaria CITY STAFF PRESENT: Larry Pasco, Parks Superintendent Steve Swaim, Recreation/Human Services Superintendent Richard Mayer, Sr. Community Services Project Planner Gail Barruga, Sr. Secretary CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Baldwin called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Baldwin led the Pledge of Allegiance. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Written Communication — None B. Unscheduled Oral Communication from the Public Ms. Trish Hachten, a resident of Anaheim, requested the Commission establish a dog park within the city. Ms. Hachten stated she had attended the City Council meeting the previous night making the same request, and was invited to attend the Park and Recreation Commission meeting. Ms. Hachten presented photographs of all the dog parks within the County along with copies of websites for the dog parks. Ms. Hachten stated she would volunteer on any committee to establish a dog park. Ms. Hachten stated that each user of the facility is responsible to clean up after their dog; the cities maintain the dog park facility. Most dog parks have areas of grass, but it soon turns to dirt because of high usage. Chairman Baldwin thanked Ms. Hachten for attending the meeting and accepted her photographs and documents provided to the Commission. Steve Swaim stated there is interest within the County of Orange for dog parks to be located at some of the Regional Parks. Steve Swaim stated the City Council's priority has been to build sports fields to meet the high demand from youth sports groups. Steve Swaim stated a study had been done on dog parks and could provide this information to the Commission. • 0 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes February 22, 2006 Page Two APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Baldwin requested in the section, Report of Others, the last paragraph should include CERT volunteers primary responsibilities include vacation home checks and visiting shut-ins in addition to the items stated. Chairman Baldwin accepted the minutes as amended. DEPARTMENT PRESENTATION Nancy Lerner -Boone introduced Jennifer Motes, Recreation Specialist, who gave a presentation to the Commission on the various classes and programs offered by the city. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Recreation and Human Services Division Steve Swaim provided information on the Respite Care Program. Steve stated this program is a half-day program, once a month on a Saturday, for parents of foster and adopted children. The program is funded by a County Grant that will unfortunately end in June. Nancy Lerner -Boone provided information on the City's new on-line registration program for the recreation classes offered this spring. Anyone will be able to register for a class 24/7 and pay by credit card. Mail in registrations and telephone registration will continue to be accepted. Steve Swaim and staff answered questions from the Commissioners. B. Parks Capital Project Progress Summary Richard Mayer provided a status on several projects throughout the City including Ross Park, stating the City is getting closer to final negotiations with the property owners. The fence project will extend the fence around Manchester to Santa Ana Street. West Anaheim Youth Center cabling is in progress and the RFP for FF&E will be out to bid soon. There was a slow down due to some issues with fire proofing. At Maxwell Park, Edison and staff have resolved the grading issues. East Anaheim Gym, block walls are going up and it is really taking shape. Energy Field, staff received Utilities' comments and will send corrected plans to consultant. Canyon High School lighting project, an agreement is being finalized between the District and the City to access the power to the field. At Canyon Rim, staff is meeting with vendors for a cell tower which will be added to the lighting fixtures. Pearson Park Amphitheatre Restroom during excavation came across a 10 ft. x 20 ft. cement foundation that was not in any of the city's plans. The contractor will begin jack -hammering the foundation to remove. The new fence for the Cactus Garden will be installed the week of March 6, 2006. Carbon Creek Bridge is on the fast track, staff has received funding approval from the County for the County to transfer a portion of its 2002 State Park Bond Act funds to the City. The City will then process a graph application to the State for the funding. It was hoped this project would be completed at the same time as the West Anaheim Youth Center, but appears it will take several more months to complete. The first task force meeting took place on February 15, 2006 for the Mountain Park Development. A second meeting is scheduled in March. • Park and Recreation Commission Minutes February 22, 2006 Page Three C. Unfinished Business None D. New Business • Chairman Baldwin asked about the Tiger Woods Learning Center Dedication. Steve Swaim reported that Terry Lowe had attended the dedication. The Tiger Woods Foundation is responsible for the maintenance of the facility and running the programs for the Learning Center. E. Information None F. Report of Others Richard Mayer provided information to Commissioner Knapil's suggestion of building sports fields on the parcel next to the Lowe's Hardware at Lemon and the 91 freeway. Mr. Mayer stated the parcel had three owners and was zoned for commercial buildings. Chairman Baldwin request a presentation from Golf Operations could be scheduled for a future Commission meeting. G. Miscellaneous 1. Next Meeting - The next meeting is scheduled for March 22, 2006 2. Adjournment - Chairman Baldwin adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m.