Golf 2004/07/22GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 22, 2004 - 4:00 P.M. Community Services Department Conference Room #1 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Vice -Chairman Gaby Commissioner Kresal Commissioner Raab Commissioner Wright COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Chairman Schultz CITY STAFF PRESENT: John Kudron, Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen and Linda Harrah VALLEY CREST GOLF: Bill Houlihan, Superintendent CALL TO ORDER Vice -Chairman Gaby called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Commissioner Wright asked that her statement on page two, paragraph one, first sentence be stated "Commissioner Wright asked if half the lights could be put on one circuit and the other half on another circuit so at the end of an event one of the circuits could be turned off and half of the lights would be turned off." On a Motion by Commissioner Wright and second by Commissioner Raab, the Golf Commission Minutes for the June 24, 2004 meeting were approved as amended. ACTIVITY REPORT A. Superintendent's Update Jack Kudron stated there were no further items to add to the report. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked if all the smallware and furniture had been delivered to the Anaheim Hills clubhouse. Michael Lautenbach stated all the smallware had been received. Jack Kudron stated there are still a handful of issues to complete. Funds are available in the project budget to complete the items that were not included in the project but are needed to complete the clubhouse. One of these projects is to install an alarm system on the banquet room doors. By City of Anaheim Fire Code, the banquet doors cannot be propped open. Staff has found a system that can be installed to hold open the doors and is tied into the fire alarm system. If the alarm goes off the doors would release and close automatically. The system costs approximately $10,000.00 to rewire the doors and alarm system. Funds will also be used for additional accessories in some of the rooms and to resolve outside lighting problem. A2 0 0 GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 22, 2004 Page Two Vice -Chairman Gaby asked about the status of the outside lighting. Michael Lautenbach reported the two fluorescent kits were installed however they did not resolve the problem. Further studies are being done between the metal halide and fluorescent lighting as far as the lumen levels. B. Course Conditions Report Dave Johansen reported both courses are in good condition even with the last 10 days of hot weather. At Anaheim Hills the fairways and tees are being aerified as well as the greens at Dad Mille. C. Director Of Golf s Report Bob Johns reported he received a check from the County of Orange regarding the vandalism at Anaheim Hills course earlier in the year. Commissioner Raab asked if the amount of the check covered the total costs to repair the damages? Bob Johns stated the funds will cover the damages as he listed which includes costs that will be paid to Valley Crest for repairs to the course. FINANCIAL REPORT A. June Financial Summaries Jack Kudron stated the June Financial report provides a preliminary look at the figures for FY2003/04. In June there was a slight loss of rounds at both courses, at Dad Miller it could be attributed to the construction. The comparison between last years's to this year's bottom lines, shows an increase in the number of rounds and revenues in all categories. The fiscal year-end financials will be available for the next Golf Commission meeting. A new report is included which reflects the food and beverage figures. The increases in March through June are primarily from Anaheim Hills The gross revenue at Anaheim Hills for the first month was $97,000, the 2nd month was $127,000, the 3rd month was $188,000 and the 4th month was $187,000. These figures far exceed staffs initial expectations. Commission Wright asked how much does the City receive? Jack Kudron stated the agreement is a rental fee of $5,000 per month, then a graduated percentage of the revenues. For example, the first $1 million it is 3%, 4% for $1.3 million, and 5% for $1.6 million. Initial projections were the City would receive about $200,000 per year in revenue after two years into the contract, however, it appears it could be occurring during the first year. 0 • GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 22, 2004 Page Three OLD BUSINESS A. Tiger Woods Learning Center Update/Dad Miller Course Modifications Jack Kudron reported 95% of the shaping had been completed, the concrete edge for the lake is complete and the liner has been installed. Next to start are the drainage systems for the two greens, the irrigation, tree planting and then the greens will be seeded. The project is a behind schedule. The goal is to have the greens seeded and growing by the end of August. Commissioner Wright asked how long does it take for the greens to be ready? Jack Kudron stated it takes from three to six months dependent on the weather conditions and the rounds of play at the course. Phase II cannot be started until Phase I has been accepted by the City. Jack Kudron stated the #15 hole will bean interesting hole, using some creativity in getting by the new lake. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked since there were a number of trees remove if there will be more in the next phase. Jack Kudron stated there were quite a few removed on #15 during Phase I. The City will receive a 2 for 1 mitigation on any tree that was removed. Dave Johansen and Carl Heimberger from the Park Planning section of the Parks Division are developing a list of tree types to be planted. The new trees will follow the same types of trees used throughout the course, but will be 24 -inch box trees with an initial height of 8 to 10 ft. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked about the status of the Oak tree at Anaheim Hills. Jack Kudron reported it was still on "life support." The grower has asked for another 30 days, staff agreed to a date in September and will re-evaluated the status of the tree then. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked why the number of tees at the driving range is being reduced from 32 to 22 and is it a significant revenue loss? Jack Kudron stated it is due to space limitations and it is a significant revenue loss which was part of the negotiations. Also, the tees at the new driving range will be on mats and not grass. The City will be amending its contract with Bob Johns regarding the range revenue. The City committed to Bob Johns that he would be "made whole" in this situation. The City will be receiving less money from the driving range, but Bob Johns will continue to receive the same amount. In addition, there will be 10 acres less to maintain which staff will notify Valley Crest at a future date for a credit towards the maintenance costs. B. Starter Building Recommendation Jack Kudron stated that included in the Commissioner's packet is a report regarding starter buildings at the courses. Jack stated staff's recommendation is not in favor of starter buildings at the courses. Commissioner Wright provided a model of a starter building as a visual aid for the Commission. Commissioner Raab asked if the building would be 3.5 ft. by 5 ft.? Jack Kudron stated it would be more like 4 ft. x 6 ft. or 6 ft. x 8ft. Staff would need to access how the buildings would be used, what would be stored inside in an effort to identify the correct space required. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 22, 2004 Page Four Jack Kudron stated staff surveyed the player assistants and the results are attached to the report. Commissioner Raab asked if the 19 votes in favor of the building were all Player Assistants? Michael Lautenbach stated there are 31 Player Assistants. Vice -Chairman Gaby stated that of the 31 Player Assistants only 24 responded to the survey and did any of the Golf Operations staff replied to the survey? Jack Kudron stated staff spoke with Bob Johns and his staff. Vice -Chairman Gaby stated she expected to have the results of the survey available at this meeting and then move forward at this meeting. Vice -Chairman Gaby stated she felt the memorandum was a little trumped up when stating "Currently, the Starters are given minimal paperwork, ...large umbrella, ....comfortable stool." The report seemed one-sided. It's just an umbrella not necessarily a large umbrella, and their paperwork is important to the whole running of the course, so to minimize it seemed a little bit trumped up. You give them clothing but so does McDonald's to all its employees. Vice -Chairman Gaby didn't feel it was a fair issue to decide whether or not they needed a starter building or not, but instead gave your own opinion instead of coming back to the Commission before it was put in writing. Commissioner Wright stated she agreed with Vice -Chairman Gaby. Additionally, there is not an exact cost, it is an estimate between $3,000 to $5,000. Commissioner Wright stated she spoke to a personal friend in the construction business who stated the estimate was quite high and thought it could be done for $1,500.00 per building. Jack Kudron stated it was an estimated cost. Commissioner Raab asked how he came to the cost figure? Jack Kudron stated based on current construction projects it was figured on a $100 to $150 per square foot plus any additional cost such as electricity. Commissioner Wright stated regarding what the Player Assistants would like to see in a starter building, it is a wish list for everything one would possibly want, and feels some of the requests are a lot and would not be required. Jack Kudron stated he reported exactly what the Player Assistants wrote on their survey. Commissioner Wright stated they would need maybe a drawer for pencils, scorecards and paperwork; they have walkie-talkies so there is no need..(for a telephone). If they want a heater there are propane heaters they can bring on their own and pay for. There is no need for electricity, they don't need a computer. Commissioner Wright stated its just a building, they don't need water, they don't need plumbing, so its just a building with a drawer. Jack Kudron stated the cost estimate was not based on all the items on the wish list. It was staff's best guess knowing what it is going to take to get it structurally sound and aesthetically appealing to some degree. If it is 4ft. x 6ft or 24 sq. ft. at $100 per square foot would equal $2,400. At $100 per square foot would hardly get anything done these days. Also, there would need to be building permits pulled and paid for. Jack Kudron stated his estimate of $3,000 to $5,000 was not based on a "Taj Mahal -type of building" and with some minimal design done and building permits paid for, the building inspections, he could get one done for a minimum of $3,000.00. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 22, 2004 Page Five Vice -Chairman Gaby asked why the survey was done. Jack Kudron stated it was done at the request of the Golf Commission. Vice -Chairman Gaby stated it is because they came to the Commissioners It is part of their job on the Commission to provide these things. It is like our hands are tied. Commissioner Wright stated she agreed with Vice -Chairman Gaby, if you don't do the job yourself then you have to rely on those who do the job. The people working in the clubhouse, behind the counter, working the cash register, are not out there doing this person's job. It would be no more than the Starter deciding what they should have in the clubhouse to do their job. They are the ones out there doing the job, they are the ones that are really your ambassadors to the public and if this is something they feel they would like to have, then she cannot see why it cannot be done. They are the one's selling your product out there on the golf course as well as the people in the clubhouse answering the phones. Jack Kudron stated he does get paid for his opinions and recommendations and did not look on this lightly, and it is staff's recommendation and as the liaison to the Commission to not recommend not to go forward with this idea. Jack Kudron stated the Commission could either accept the recommendation or not accept the recommendation. Staff has thought this through and there is no overriding benefit to our business. Player Assistants during their interview process are told this is an outside job, and they are a Starter one day and the next they are in the golf cart out on the course. There are no guarantees about the weather and they accept that when they accepted the position. Staff feels we would be creating the wrong attitude on the 1St tee, and sometimes our Starters don't do the job we want done. We want them to approach the customer and engage them in conversation and in the course of conversation to take care of some of their basic duties. One of which is to check the string tags, so at the very minimum the player assistants are going to be walking back and forth from the starter building to every group anyway. It doesn't seem practical and it doesn't seem to add anything and could contribute to a decrease in customer service approach instead of an increased customer service approach. That is primarily the basis on which the recommendation is built, we don't see this overriding benefit to golf operations and to our business. Commissioner Raab asked how the survey was conducted. Jack Kudron stated staff mailed a confidential survey form. Commissioner Raab asked if they had to sign it? Jack Kudron stated no. Commissioner Raab suggested to speak to someone at golf courses that have starter building to see what they think its an awful idea, but can't get rid of it because they have it and is it a drawback? Jack Kudron stated staff has spoken to some courses but a complete survey has not been completed. There are a couple of issues: 1) some of the courses that have starter shacks have 1St tees that cannot be seen from the golf shop so they have a control point to make sure the golfer has paid their money. Some of the courses that are older and have starter shacks and hardly use them. They are still there, but only use them at certain times during the year. Jack Kudron stated he doesn't know of any new courses that are including starter buildings in unless they are needed for as a control point. Neither one of our courses have that requirement because one can see from the clubhouse. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 22, 2004 Page Six Michael Lautenbach stated he worked as a Starter. Commissioner Raab asked where he had worked where the weather was worse. Michael Lautenbach stated his two prior jobs were at Tustin Ranch and Empire Lakes in Rancho Cucamonga. Commissioner Raab asked Michael Lautenbach if he thought it wasn't necessary? Michael Lautenbach stated he agreed with the recommendation, it doesn't give an added benefit that would be needed. He sees a very likely decrease in customer service. Commissioner Raab stated that would not be good. Commissioner Wright asked why? Michael Lautenbach stated the Starter will disappear into the building and will wait for the customer to approach them. Commissioner Wright stated he did not know that is exactly what is going to happen. Michael Lautenbach stated he was asked for his opinion and he does not see any real benefit. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked Commissioner Kresal if he had any comments on the topic. Commissioner Kresal stated the most recent place he played that had a starter shack was at River Ridge in Oxnard. The Starter came out to let the golfer know when to tee off. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked if he thought at Dad Miller should have a starter building. Commissioner Kresal stated no. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked if he thought it was a benefit to the golfer. Commissioner Kresal state no. Jack Kudron asked if the starter building at River Ridge is a distance from the clubhouse? Commissioner Kresal stated yes. Jack Kudron stated the people whose first tee is a long distance from the clubhouse needed to have a starter building. Again, we do not see that connection to our operation because of the way the golf shops are designed in relationship to the lst tee. Vice -Chairman Gaby stated she heard the recommendation and understands but felt frustrated because the player assistants came to the Commissioners, we didn't go to them. They are in the business and she doesn't feel like all the issues such as the building could obstruct the view, well could maybe not, and at the same time we didn't get a full vision of what we wanted. Vice - Chairman Gaby stated she didn't think enough steps were taken to say it's not going to work. I think we needed to come back to this meeting with the survey results and then look at the costs, not the costs are to high, or this is the building, no it won't fit, we can't do it. I think we just jumped into something and said no. She likes to give everyone something. Commissioner Wright stated the fact that 19 out of 24 stated this is something they would like to have and it would benefit them doing their job and have been asking for it for a long time. Jack Kudron stated staff had never received a request from the player assistants for a starter building. The first time staff heard about this request was from the Commissioners at a Golf Commission meeting. Commissioner Wright stated Dave Johansen had but it was more like a joke. Dave Johansen stated when the construction began on the new clubhouse, one of the Starters asked if they were going to get a new starter building too? Jack Kudron stated staff meets regularly with the player assistants for staff meetings and training purposes and it has never come up at one of their meetings. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 22, 2004 Page Seven Commissioner Wright made a Motion, to appeal to the Terry Lowe, Director of Community Services at the next meeting. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked if the bottom line is still going to be no. Jack Kudron stated the Commission had appeals all the way to the City Council. Commissioner Kresal seconded. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked if Terry Lowe would come to the next Golf Commission meeting and the Commission could ask him questions and has he already read the staff's recommendation. Jack Kudron answered yes he would answer any of the Commission's questions and he has already read the staff recommendation. The Director receives the Commission packet for each Commission's meeting. Motion passed, 4-0. C. Water Cooler Jack Kudron reported on Commissioner Wright's request to revisit the suggestion of installing a water cooler at the Snack Bar at Anaheim Hills with the food and beverage operator, Orin Abrams. Jack Kudron stated he spoke with Orin and he is agreeable to installing water coolers around but not near the Snack Bar because that is a point of sale location and is counter-productive to his sales of other beverages. Jack Kudron stated that the City of Anaheim is in a contractual, legal agreement with Orin. Jack Kudron stated water coolers can be placed on the golf course but there are water fountains on the course. Staff has operational issues with coolers, and staff's solution is to provide drinking fountains on the course. Michael Lautenbach reported staff has received a quote from Valley Crest to install two new water fountains, one at the #10 tee and second to replace the existing fountain at the Driving Range. Staff received a quote for $9,000.00 for the two fountains. Staff will discuss the quote and change the request to just the fountain at the #10 tee and leave the existing fountain at the Driving Range. Jack Kudron stated in Valley Crest's quote, the concrete work alone is $4,000.00. Michael Lautenbach stated the concrete work is for the pad, 3 ft. x 3 ft. that is poured for the fountain and repairing the cart paths. Jack Kudron stated he will ask Valley Crest to review their quote, or quote on just the one fountain, and/or get another quote from another vendor. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked is there water on the course. Jack Kudron stated there is water on #9 Tee, #11 Tee, #15 fairway, and the player assistant on the course has ice water in a cooler and is instructed on hot days to ask every group if they want some water. He has cups for that use. D. Future Improvement Projects at Courses Jack Kudron asked the Commissioners if there were any additional suggestions to be added to the list so that staff could add them and cost them out. Jack Kudron stated this would be continued to the next meeting. There were none. 0 0 GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 22, 2004 Page Eight Michael Lautenbach reported regarding Commissioner Wright's comment that the Player Assistants are not engaging each group of golfers on the course. Michael Lautenbach stated as a permanent agenda item at each staff meeting is making eye or verbal contact with each golf group. Otherwise the perception from the golfer's viewpoint is that there are no player assistants on the course. Michael Lautenbach stated he is in the process of developing a form for the player assistants where each cart number and noting the time for every fourth or fifth group on the course. For example, cart number 24 and 25 were on the 5th hole at 8:45 a.m. This is to confirm the player assistants are getting around the course. During the weekends, the player assistants are assisting with the slower golf groups and not with those who are not presenting a problem at the course and therefore may not be seen as much by all the golfers. NEW BUSINESS A. Election of New Golf Commission Officer for July 2004 — June 2005 Jack Kudron stated at the July meeting of the Golf Commission the election of officers for the next one year term are to be conducted. Since the Chairman Schultz is not present, the Commission may put off until the next Golf Commission meeting. There are not restrictions, the same people may be re-elected for their same positions. Jack Kudron stated Chairman Schultz stated at the last meeting the election could take place without him and he wouldn't object to remaining as Chairman. Commissioner Wright made a Motion to nominate Vice -Chairman Gaby for the position of Chairman. Commissioner Raab seconded the Motion. Motion passed. Commissioner Raab made a Motion to nominate Commissioner Wright for the position of Vice - Chairman. Vice -Chairman Gaby seconded the Motion. Motion passed. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:12 p.m. The next Golf Commission meeting will be held on Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 4:00 p.m., City Hall East, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 4th Floor Conference Room 91.