Golf 2004/06/24GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 24, 2004 - 4:00 P.M. Community Services Department Large Conference Room COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Schultz Vice -Chairman Gaby Commissioner Raab Commissioner Wright COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Kresal i3l oc; CITY STAFF PRESENT: John Kudron, Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen and Linda Harrah VALLEY CREST GOLF: Bill Houlihan, Superintendent CALL TO ORDER Chairman Schultz called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Chairman Schultz requested the following corrections to the May 27, 2004 Minutes: Page 3, paragraph 2, to read "...demonstration date information be sent to him and he would email the Golf Club regarding the event. Also, he asked if such events could be..." Commissioner Wright requested the following corrections: Page 3, paragraph 1, to read "...Commissioner Wright reported the Travis Ranch School PTA..." and paragraph 5 to read "...she asked the Starter to call for a Player Assistant when the group in front of her..." The Golf Commission Minutes for March 25, 2004 and May 27, 2004 meetings were approved as corrected on a Motion made by Commissioner Gaby and seconded by Commissioner Raab. ACTIVITY REPORT A. Superintendent's Update Jack Kudron reported the Notice for Completion for the Anaheim Hills Clubhouse was authorized on June 23, 2004. There are some warranty and non -warranty items still open. An example of a non- warranty item is the lighting on the back of the building which staff has received numerous complaints about from the clubhouse neighbors. Many of the lights were turned off and two special kits have been ordered to lower the wattage and avoid substantial changes. The cost is $450 per light and there are 32 lights. Jack Kudron stated the lights are 100W metal halide which is equal to a 500W regular light. Each fixture has a ballast which won't allow for simple replacement of the light GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 24, 2004 Page Two bulbs. The kits contain a fluorescent bulb which will be tested on the north side of the building. Funds were withheld out of the contract to correct such items as this. Commissioner Wright asked if half the lights could be put on one circuit and the other half on another circuit so at the end of an event one of the circuits could be turned off and half of the lights would be turned off. Jack stated the evening events at the clubhouse would require lighting. Michael Lautenbach stated there are currently only five lights on and staff continues to receive complaints. Jack Kudron reported staff is researching a new GPS system by Par View for Anaheim Hills. The Par View system has large color monitors located in the roof of the golf car, and has many more features than the current system and as such is more expensive. However, it does allow for advertising on it which could be one of the ways to pay for the system. It could also allow the golfer to order food and beverages for the 9'h Tee. Orin Abrams may be interested and be responsible for that module of the system. Commissioner Wright stated this is a great system and is used at Cross Creek. Commissioner Gaby asked what percentage of golfers use the GPS system? Michael Lautenbach stated between 60-65% of the golfers elect to use the system. Chairman Schultz asked what would the projected cost would be to the golfer? Jack Kudron stated the cost would be the same considering the recent fee increase. Staff is looking for ways to accomplish this including the vendor reconsidering its cost. Jack Kudron reported that Michael Lautenbach has been working on a Point of Sale system (POS) for the golf shops. Michael reported Integrated Loyalty Program has a membership type system where each member would receive a number and a card for purchases at the golf course. A point value would be assigned to purchases (but not all) at the golf courses. The points can be redeemed for golf or golf shop items. Jack Kudron stated the City has an agreement with the Anaheim Union High School District for parking at Savanna High School for use by the Dad Miller golfers. The current agreement is up for renewal and it does not appear there will be any problem in amending the agreement for additional 20 year term. In exchange for use of the parking lot, the high school golf teams pay at a flat fee of $350 per team. When the course modifications are completed, this lot will provide the primary parking for the new golf driving range. Michael Lautenbach stated the drinking fountains to be installed at Anaheim Hills will cost $1,100.00 each. One fountain will be installed by the #10 Tee and replace the one on the upper level of the Driving Range. Staff is waiting for the quotes for the installation of the fountains. Dave Johansen stated the preliminary figures to dig into and repair the cart paths and construct the pads for the fountains is about $4,000.00, plus the labor cost from Valley Crest, the total will be about $7,000.00. Chairman Schultz asked what is the configuration of the drinking fountain? Michael Lautenbach stated they have a fountain and spout to fill a water bottle/jug with no cooling. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 24, 2004 Page Three Commissioner Wright asked to revisit the issue of installing a water/ice cooler by the snack bar. Michael Lautenbach stated having a cooler of this type is not allowed per the terms of the Food and Beverage contract terms who provides all the food and beverages. Commissioner Wright stated she thought those golfers who wanted to purchase bottled water would continue to do so. Jack Kudron stated that Orin Abrams has the exclusive right in his contract approved by the City Council to reject anything regarding food and beverage items. The reason why drinking fountains are allowed is that they were there prior to his contract. Jack will ask Orin if he will allow a cooler at the snack bar. Jack Kudron reported the patio furniture had been delivered for the main terrace. Commissioner Wright asked about the sewage odor at the new clubhouse. Jack Kudron stated it is one of the warranty items and the contractor is responsible to repair this item. . Staff traced down the sewage odor to be near the dishwasher and in and near the employee restroom in the back of the kitchen. Staff in the meantime has purchased charcoal filters to put on the roof vent pipes. The odor still occurs, not as bad, but still there at variable times. A log is being kept by staff when the odor is present as it is not a constant occurrence. Commissioner Wright stated that the Concourse Bowling Center has a similar problem two years ago. They replaced the vents and pour bleach in the traps three times per day. Chairman Schultz asked about the Oak tree installed in the front of the clubhouse. Jack Kudron stated it is in "intensive care." The tree is under warranty by the grower who has hired an Arborist to evaluate the tree and wants a 30 day recovery period. Jack Kudron reported that he recently reviewed the tree's condition and there is no new growth although there are some green leaves and when the bark is scratched there is green wood underneath. Jack stated this type of tree could be "living on" starches that it had in its system, but really isn't alive. If the tree isn't well enough by the end of the 30 days it will be removed and either another Oak will be replanted or another type of tree. The Oak tree was selected because they are natural for the area. When a tree of this size is transplanted it has a 50/50 chance of surviving. B. Course Conditions Report Dave Johansen reported the courses are in good conditions. Valley Crest hired a consultant to thoroughly evaluate each course and make recommendations for improvements at the courses beneficial to both the City and Valley Crest. Anaheim Hills will be evaluated in July. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 24, 2004 Page Four At Anaheim Hills the summertime leaching program began early this year due to the lack of rain during the winter months. Leaching is done to lower the salinity levels on the greens. An experiment was conducted on the #7 green which has poor drainage and soil conditions. Aerification holes were drilled 12 inches deep and then the holes are filled with a sand that is kiln dried. Leaching is conducted every two weeks. Chairman Schultz asked about the status of the fountain in the lake. Dave Johansen stated the part to repair the fountain was installed the prior week. Jack Kudron stated in a closed lake system the purpose of a fountain is to aerify the water so it will not become stagnant and develop algae. C. Director Of Golf s Report Bob Johns reported he is currently recruiting for a Manager for the Dad Miller. In discussions with Chris Nelson and the future demands of the position at the Dad Miller Golf Course, Chris to remain as a teaching professional at both courses. Bob Johns stated he, along with Chris and Scott Stubbs are currently developing a program of golf instruction at both courses which will include club fitting and other programs to enhance the courses. In the interim, Scott and Bob will be spending more time at Dad Miller and updating the shop. FINANCIAL REPORT A. May Financial Summaries Jack Kudron reported the figures for May were down, but not by much, when compared to the past six months. Staff is extremely happy with the food and beverage figures for Anaheim Hills. In March 2004, the first full month of operation, Orin grossed $97,000.00; in April, $127,000.00 and May, $188,000.00. Commissioner Gaby asked if there is a lot of repeat customers? She had received a complaint from someone who was not satisfied with either the service or the food. Jack Kudron stated he had not heard any negative comments and asked Commissioner Gaby to have the customer contact him. Jack stated that after each event an evaluation form is mailed to the coordinator for their comments. OLD BUSINESS A. Tiger Woods Learning Center Update Jack Kudron reported grading for #15 hole has been completed and just the fine grading is left on the #16 hole. The construction schedule for Phase I has been revised with a completion date in November 2004. Phase II includes the completion of the driving range and the new lake. Jack Kudron stated the switch over from the old to new lake is most critical due to the irrigation of the 0 0 GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 24, 2004 Page Five course comes entirely from the lake. Dad Miller has its own well on site and the cost to water the course per year is $27,000 as compared to $200,000.00 for Anaheim Hills. The course has been modified, #16 over to the lake is now shorter because part of the new lake intrudes into the old #16 Tee and #17 is now a par 4, 290 yards instead of par 5, 600 yards. To date there has not been a drop off in rounds played. Project meetings are each Monday. Commissioner Gaby asked if the Tiger Woods Clinic is still schedule for late August? Jack Kudron stated the Tiger Woods Clinics is scheduled for August 28, 2004, by invitation only. The public portion of the clinic will take place on the existing Driving Range and bleachers for 2,500 will be installed. Tiger Woods is scheduled to conduct a private clinic in the morning with a selected 10-12 children on the 17th or 18th hole, for security purposes. The clinic will be at Noon. The Tiger Woods Foundation will also hold a fund raiser at The Pond that evening. B. Starter Building Update Jack Kudron reported at the Commission's direction, Staff developed a Starter Building survey and mailed it to all the Player Assistants asking if this facility would it make their job easier or not.. The results of the survey will be available at the next Golf Commission meeting along with staff s recommendation. Jack Kudron addressed the suggestion of completing this type of project by an Eagle Scout. Staff is concerned with the aesthetics of the facility after the City spent $6.0 million on the new clubhouse and doesn't want a facility that does not match. If this facility is to be added, staff will be requesting a design and professionally done. Jack Kudron asked for the Commissioner's input as to the image, size, etc., of a Starter Building. Commissioner Wright stated a one person building, slightly larger than a telephone booth and open, windows on all sides (Plexiglas), no door, but a doorway, no plumbing or electricity, a shelf for paperwork and in keeping with the aesthetics of the new building. Chairman Schultz stated in speaking with several of the Player Assistants, their primary complaint is their paperwork gets wet during rainy weather. Chairman Schultz stated with the climate in Southern California, suggested using a white pop-up tent similar to the ones used during the City Tournaments. Chairman Schultz stated the tent would only be used when needed and be more cost effective. He would not want to use the course improvement funds to build a Starter Building. Commissioner Wright stated the Eagle Scout program requires the project to be first approved by the Eagle Scout Board, plans approved, and believes they could do a very professional job. • 0 GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 24, 2004 Page Six Chairman Schultz stated that electricity would need to be included, because on overcast days it would be very dark in the building. Commissioner Wright suggested having Plexiglas on all four sides. Jack asked if she envisioned the sides to be totally transparent? Commissioner Wright stated that would be okay, or half way up would match the decor of the clubhouse and then upper portion glass/Plexiglas and the roof would match the clubhouse. NEW BUSINESS A. Commission New Officer election for Jules Jack Kudron stated that on the next Commission meeting's agenda, will include the election of the Commission Officers. There are no restrictions, the Commission may elect the same Officers in their same positions. Chairman Schultz stated he would not be in attendance at next month's meeting. B. Commission Comments — Facility our Chairman Schultz stated the tours are scheduled well in advance and involves many staff members. It was unfortunate that only two Commissioners were available for the tour today. Jack Kudron stated staff is available to tour the Commission any time at its request. Chairman Schultz asked if the Commission could tour Dad Miller after the meeting? Jack Kudron agreed to this suggestion. Chairman Schultz suggested the tour take place before the Commission Meeting for the October 28, 2004 at Anaheim Hills. Commissioner Wright suggested to change the location of the October 28, 2004 golf outing will be moved to Dad Miller from Anaheim Hills. There were no objections. Staff will notify the respective courses of the change. Commissioner Wright asked when the Tiger Woods Learning Center would be opening and when would the golf course be back in full operation with all construction completed? Jack Kudron stated there are three phases to the project: Phase I modifications to the golf course and is scheduled for completion by November 2004; Phase II is the Driving Range and the lake switchover and is scheduled for completion in May/June 2005; and Phase III the construction of the Tiger Woods Learning Center will begin in September/October 2004 and is an 18 -month construction project. Jack Kudron provided each Commissioner an Improvement Master Plan for each golf course. Jack Kudron stated that these are not complete documents and are from the viewpoint of staff as to what is needed to improve our courses and the funding required for all the proposed projects. Jack asked the Commissioners to review the list and add projects to it. At a future meeting staff and Commissioners will set a project priority list for each course. Jack Kudron stated there is $60,000 approved in the budget for course improvements. r GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 24, 2004 Page Seven Dave Johansen stated in conjunction with moving the lake at Dad Miller required moving the pump station. One of the items on this list is the pump station which is in need of repair. Staff is obtaining cost estimates for its repair/move and would require some of the funds available for this fiscal year. Chairman Schultz asked Michael Lautenbach if the large screen television in the Anaheim Hills clubhouse has been replaced? Chairman Schultz stated it not watchable because of the glare from the lighting inside and outside. Michael stated that is suppose to have a non -glare screen and will find out if that is what was delivered. Cominissioner Wright stated the snack window is too low at Anaheim Hills and are there any plans to change it? Jack Kudron stated the window will be replaced with one that has a speaker hole in it. Chairman Schultz asked if there were plans for a tournament board at the Hills? Bob Johns reported he spoke to the owner of Modular Display Systems located in the Anaheim Hills area and a host for an upcoming charity tournament about purchasing portable tournament boards. After discussing the requirements they will be able to build the two tournament boards. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:23 p.m. The next Golf Commission meeting will be held on Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 4:00 p.m., City Hall East, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 4h Floor Conference Room #1.