Golf 2004/05/27t GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 27, 2004 - 4:00 P.M. Community Services Department Large Conference Room COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Schultz Vice -Chairman Gaby (arrived at 4:30 p.m.) Commissioner Kresal Commissioner Raab Commissioner Wright CITY STAFF PRESENT: John Kudron, Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen and Linda Harrah VALLEY CREST GOLF: None CALL TO ORDER Chairman Schultz called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Due to a lack of a quorum of the Commissioners in attendance from the February Commission meeting, a vote on the February 25, 2004 Golf Commission Minutes was postponed until the next meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT Ted Cramer, 320 S. Mohler Drive, Anaheim, a resident for 35 years and is a member of the SCGA was present to address the Commission. Jack Kudron stated a copy of Mr. Cramer's letter is included in the Commission packet along with an information sheet that he has also shared with Mr. Cramer. Mr. Cramer stated the City of Anaheim is in business to provide services to it youth and seniors, and is not doing its resident senior golfers justice. He requested the City to offer a resident senior golf rate and preferential tee times at the golf courses such as other cities within the County as well as and other cities across the country. Mr. Cramer referenced the City of San Clemente which charges only $12.00. Mr. Cramer stated he has discussed this with Jack Kudron, but does not agree that the City of Anaheim's prices are competitive with other cities in the County. Also, Mr. Cramer does not believe the City should be in competition because it is the business of providing a service. Jack Kudron stated Anaheim resident card holders have the ability to make a tee time 14 days in advance instead of 7 days for the general public. This is not a senior resident privilege but available to all Anaheim residents. This was established by the City Council when the resident/non-resident rate structure was put in to effect. Prior to the implementation of the new fee structure, the players on the courses were 70% non-resident and 30% resident. Now it has reversed and is now 70% resident play and 30% non-resident play. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 27, 2004 Page Two Chairman Schultz stated the City of Anaheim's golf courses maintains its courses not from tax payers' monies but from the revenue generated from the courses. Jack Kudron stated additionally, $2 million is transferred to the City's General Fund for programs and services throughout the city. In the past 10 years, this amount has not been less than $2 million each year. Chairman Schultz stated the Golf Commission is an advisory council and can only make recommendations to City Council on rate changes. Chairman Schultz asked for comments from the Commission. The Commissioners were in agreement with the current rate structure and felt it was in line with comparable golf courses. Chairman Schultz reaffirmed the fee structure is reviewed as to its competitiveness and ability to contribute to the General Fund. Chairman Schultz stated Mr. Cramer has the opportunity to address the City Council on this matter if he wishes. Chairman Schultz thanked Mr. Cramer for his attendance at the meeting and bringing the issue and his concerns to the Commission. Chairman Schultz stated the consensus of the Commission is that the rates remain as currently stated. ACTIVITY REPORT A. Superintendent's Update Jack Kudron referred to a letter of appreciation to Tina Stenning for her food and beverage service at Anaheim Hills Golf Course especially during construction of the new clubhouse. Tina's staff had the opportunity to interview with the new food and beverage concessionaire, and many were hired. Jack Kudron stated the food and beverage operations at both facilities were doing well. B. Course Conditions Report Dave Johansen reported April was a busy month at both courses in preparation for the City's Championship Tournament weekends. The greens at both courses have been aerified. The Tiger Wood golf course modifications at Dad Miller have begun. The new entrance signs at Anaheim Hills have been installed. Chairman Schultz asked if there will be lights on the new monument signs. Jack Kudron stated the sign will have upward lights installed. C. Director Of Golf s Report Bob Johns reported the Chamber of Commerce tournament with 132 players was held on May 26th and was a very successful event. The golfers were very impressed with the new clubhouse and the course received tremendous reviews. Bob Johns stated many more bookings are utilizing all the services available at Anaheim Hills golf course and clubhouse such as the smaller 60-80 player shotgun tournaments which start early and then stay for lunch and their awards ceremonies. Bob stated he has booked several more of the small shotguns for June and even a 100 player shotgun tournament at 2:00 p.m. on a Friday afternoon at $65 per person. Since the opening of the new clubhouse, every aspect of the golf operation has increased. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 27, 2004 Page Three Commissioner Wright reported the Travis Ranch School PTA held their awards ceremonies at the new clubhouse and she received a lot of positive feedback about the facility, the food service, and staff. Chairman Schultz asked if there was any advertising for the vendor demonstration held the weekend of May 22"d and it appeared the vendor was not at the clubhouse for very long. He asked future demonstration date information be sent to him and he would email the Golf Club regarding the event. Also, he asked if such events could be scheduled later in the morning. Jack Kudron commended both Bob Johns and Orin Abrams, food concessionaire at the Hills, for their combined efforts to make sure the tournaments and the food and beverage services are tied into each other's operations. Chairman Schultz received a complaint about the Anaheim Hills scorecard which still indicates the drop area on 13, but it does not exist. Michael Lautenbach stated he would review the scorecard. Commissioner Wright stated while playing golf at Anaheim Hills recently, she did not see a Player Assistant (Golf Marshal) until the group in front of her was taking excessive number of strokes to complete the hole. She understood the Player Assistants were to make contact with each group. Jack Kudron stated the Player Assistants are constantly reminded about public contact with golfers on the course as well as other important duties. FINANCIAL REPORT A. April and May Financial Summaries Jack Kudron reported the rounds continue to increase over those from last year. This indicates golf is on an upswing, the economy is better, and the rates and courses are attractive. The statistics are up 10% in almost every category. B. Third Quarter Financial Summary Total revenues are up 2%, expenses are down 1%, and overall profit is up 1%. Jack Kudron stated he has reviewed the preliminary figures for April and the profits are much higher. OLD BUSINESS A. Tiger Woods Learning Center Update Jack Kudron reported Phase I of the golf course modifications have begun at Dad Miller with a lot of grading to the north/left side of #15 fairway and #16 tee. Also, several trees were removed. The #17 tee has been temporarily modified to 280 yards. Survey stakes have been placed for the new #16 par 3 hole. Weekly construction meetings will be held during the project between Tiger Woods Foundation, Valley Crest, and City staffs. Phase I is scheduled to be completed in October 2004 which includes the grow -in period for the turf. Phase II includes the new driving range and removal of the existing lake on #16. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 27, 2004 Page Four Vice -Chairman Gaby asked if any of the trees removed were saved and used elsewhere. Dave Johansen stated they were demolished and will be replaced on a 2 for 1 basis. The size of the new trees will be 24 -inch box. Any palms are to be transplanted on site. Chairman Schultz asked if there were any architectural renderings. Michael Lautenbach stated there is one in the display case at Dad Miller. B. Fiscal Year FY04/05 Golf Operations Budget Jack Kudron stated it is the Golf Commission's annual responsibility is to review the proposed budget and take an action of support or non-support of the budget which is reported to the City Council. Chairman Schultz asked if there were any fee increases or any reductions in services or other fees that may be charged that are not charged currently. Jack Kudron stated there were none. Jack Kudron stated this budget reflects the start of the debt service payment on the new clubhouse and the flat $2 million contribution to the General Fund. If the profits fall short, the debt service will be paid, and the contribution to the General Fund would have to be decreased. Chairman Schultz asked about the annual payment from Valley Crest for capital improvements at the courses. Jack Kudron stated in the past few years when golf was in its decline, the funds were used to balance the bottom line. Michael Lautenbach stated $60,000 is earmarked for improvement projects Valley Crest will perform. Staff and Valley Crest are developing a list of future improvement projects and will be presented to the Commission for its input. Chairman Schultz asked if the insurance rates increased due to the break-ins at the courses during the past year. Jack Kudron stated the City is self-insured up to $1 million and all City Departments share in the premium costs. Michael Lautenbach stated restitution is made by the individuals involved whenever involved. Commissioner Wright made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Raab to accept the budget as presented. The Motion passed 5-0. C. City Tournament Update Michael Lautenbach reported the tournament went well overall, but was about 15% smaller than past years. Jack Kudron thanked Vice -Chairman Gaby and Commissioner Wright for assisting with the awards presentation, and Chairman Schultz for his services. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 27, 2004 Page Five D. Starter Building Chairman Schultz asked Commissioner Wright about her suggestion and history about the installation of a Starter building. Commissioner Wright stated it would give the Starters a place to get out of the elements and would consist of a one person building with no plumbing or electricity. Commissioner Wright suggested since funds are tight, this could be a project for an Eagle Scout, at no cost to the City. Chairman Schultz stated there are very few days when the weather interferes with golfers playing the courses and a Starter building is actually required. Chairman Schultz stated the space the building would require especially at Anaheim Hills the first tee is very limited and to withstand the occasional high winds would need to be anchored and large in size. Commissioner Wright stated prior to the start of the project the Eagle Scout needs to obtain all the necessary permits and get approval from City Council. Chairman Schultz stated he would want the project drawings to be reviewed by the Commission before he would agree to the project. At Anaheim Hills with the new clubhouse on a bad weather day the Starter could work from the Pro Shop. Jack Kudron stated, based on the prior Eagle Scout projects involving the Parks Division, it has not been necessary to go to City Council or the Planning Commission, but it would need to be reviewed by the Building Division to obtain a building permit. Chairman Schultz stated at Anaheim Hills, a lot of work was done to keep the view open from the clubhouse and other views from the course. Commission Wright made a Motion, seconded by Vice -Chairman Gaby, to have the staff explore the possibilities and different ways for construction of a Starter building at the two courses. Chairman Schultz asked for comments. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked if this is needed and do the Starters want this, before work is done on a project that may not be needed. Jack Kudron stated Commissioner Wright previously stated she is responding to conversations she had with Player Assistants. When the Player Assistants are interviewed and hired, it is explained the position is an outdoor position. The City provides uniforms, hats, heavy jackets, umbrellas, etc. Jack Kudron asked the Commission to consider what impact this would have on the golfer from a customer services aspect. As earlier stated, it is difficult for the Player Assistants to make contact with each group, if there is a building, and the Starter stays in it, does he expect the golfers to come to him to check-in. This would be taking steps backwards customer service -wise. There was no #1 Starter program prior to Golf operations reporting to Community Services Department. It was implemented to provide more customer service and information to the golfer at the #1 Tee such as the "Keep Pace" program. Jack Kudron asked if this would be creating a situation where we might make it a little better for the Starter, but might hurt our customer service. Chairman Schultz stated as part of the Starter's responsibility is to interact with the golfer, checking tags, etc., and insure the golfers tee off when they should. This requires the Starter to be in motion quite a bit. A building would be a hindrance based on the Starter's responsibilities. If the weather is bad, the Starter could work from the Pro Shop. 0 GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 27, 2004 Page Six Commission Raab asked if there was a huge turn -over in this position and are they leaving because of the elements? Jack Kudron stated there is very little turn -over in the Player Assistant position because of the golf benefit. The only reason Player Assistants leave is due to illness and they cannot perform the position. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked if there are other courses with these type of buildings. Chairman Schultz stated he has not seen a Starter building unless there are several courses at one location requiring a central location for fee collection. Most courses perform the services through the Pro Shop. There being no further discussion, Chairman asked for a vote on the Motion. The Motion passed 3-2. NEW BUSINESS A. Anaheim Resident Senior Rate Refer to Public Comments. B. June 24th Golf Commission Meeting and Outing at Dad Miller Jack Kudron stated the tee off is at 11:00 a.m. Chairman Schultz requested the Commission tour the "behind the scenes" operations of the golf course. Vice -Chairman Gaby suggested the Commission meet at 10:00 a.m. for the tour of the operations. Chairman Schultz asked about water availability at Anaheim Hills Golf Course. Michael Lautenbach stated that Valley Crest began excavation to determine the location of water lines from the clubhouse to the water fountain at the driving range. A line was found but it would be a costly project to connect the lines. Staff has developed an alternative which would install a drinking fountain by the #10 tee box, next to the #1 Tee, a central location that is passed by golfers three times; #1 Tee, after 5th hole and the 9th hole. On the back nine, the fountain at #13 is also passed three times. Chairman Schultz asked if this will be cooled water? This would be a non -chilled fountain otherwise, electrical lines would need to be run to the fountain, which may be too costly. Chairman Schultz suggested the fountain be equipped with a spigot to fill a water bottle. Michael stated since he is installing new fountains this would be possible. Chairman Schultz asked if the fountain at the #9 tee is going to be replaced. Staff will check the water pressure and adjust as necessary. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked if a container of ice water could be made available. Michael Lautenbach stated the cost of a lockable container is very costly. Jack Kudron stated staff will proceed with the installation of these drinking fountains. Then staff will provide the Commission with the costs associated with drinking fountains, drinking fountains with electricity, lockable water containers. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a Motion was made by Arlene Raab, seconded by Vice -Chairman Gaby to adjourn the Golf Commission meeting to the Dad Miller Golf Course on Thursday, June 24, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. The Motion passed 5-0.