Golf 2004/01/22GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 22,2004- 4:00 P.M. Community Services Department Large Conference Room COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Schultz Vice -Chairman Gaby Commissioner Kresal Commissioner Wright COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Raab CITY STAFF PRESENT: John Kudron, Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen and Linda Harrah VALLEY CREST GOLF: Bill Houlihan, Superintendent CALL TO ORDER Chairman Schultz called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Commissioner Wright requested to restate the first sentence in the Financial Report, Item A, third paragraph to read "...resident green fee should include "does not include cart." The Minutes were approved, as amended on a Motion by Vice -Chairman Gaby and seconded by Commissioner Kresal. ACTIVITY REPORT Michael Lautenbach stated that he had no additional information to report. A. Course Conditions Re ort Dave Johansen stated the dredging of the lake on #2 at Anaheim Hills has been completed. Chairman Schultz asked if the City contracts with a company to retrieve golf balls? Dave Johansen stated the City does not have a contract. Bob Johns, Director of Golf, stated that balls are irretrievable because the lake behind #13 has a liner. There is a contract at Dad Miller due to the asphalt base of the lake which makes it safer to retrieve. Bob Johns stated the cost of range and golf balls so inexpensive there is no profit. Dave Johansen stated the landscaping has been completed at #5 Tee at Dad Miller. Chairman Schultz asked why the lake on #13 at Anaheim Hills had been drained, sits empty, and smells bad. Dave stated there have been problems with the fountain pump. Valley Crest had a company fix it and then it went out again. Chairman Schultz stated the overall conditions of the greens at Anaheim Hills are pretty good. The overall conditions of the fairways are not in good shape with the numerous divots. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 22, 2004 Page Two Chairman Schultz stated that only 5% of the golfers take out a bottle of sand to repair the turf. He suggested there should be sandbox between the #4 through #9 holes. Chairman Schultz stated that before their club meetings, the members would take several bottles of sand and they would go through the course and fill-in every hole they came across. Jack Kudron explained the sand protects the roots by retaining the moisture level and aids in the regrowth of the grass. When the roots dry out or are exposed to the elements then the divots will not grow back. Chairman Schultz also asked why the drinking fountains are not working on the course. Jack Kudron stated the water line had to be cut as part of the clubhouse project. Michael Lautenbach stated the line needs to be found from the old clubhouse to connect to the drinking fountains. The fountains work on the back nine. B. Director Of Golf s Rpport Bob Johns distributed to the Commissioners a letter of apology from one of the participants in the vandalism that took place on November 12, 2003 at Anaheim Hills Golf Course. Bob Johns stated each participant will be charged with a misdemeanor by the City of Anaheim. Bob Johns and Scott Stubbs met with the letter writer and his parent who stated that all the parents involved would pay for all damages. Chairman Schultz suggested that Bob Johns if given the option for the participants to perform community service at the golf course then perhaps the charges could be reduced. Jack Kudron clarified the City of Anaheim not the Golf Course is pressing charges as stated in the letter. FINANCIAL REPORT A. November/December Financial Summaries Jack Kudron stated rounds were up 1,000 during November and the December figures were great even with the 5 days of rain. Commissioner Gaby asked if there were any specials that would contribute to the increased play. Jack Kudron stated the only promotion is for Seniors at Anaheim Hill for weekday play. Jack Kudron stated he had not heard any complaints about the fee increase that went into effect January 1, 2004. OLD BUSINESS A. Clubhouse Update Jack Kudron stated there have been some delays due to an error at the carpet mill. Some of the rooms the carpet was double ordered and other rooms not enough was ordered. There is a 3 — 4 week delay to receive the balance of the carpet. The other delay which continues is the tile subcontractor's workers walked off the job due to lack of pay. KPRS, the general contractor, replaced the tile contractor only to find not enough tile was ordered to complete the j ob. Until the floor is completed the final inspections can not be performed. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 22, 2004 Page Three Michael Lautenbach reported he attended a construction meeting early in the day and the backordered tiles had been delivered and the job is scheduled to be completed by January 28, 2004. Still unresolved is the delivery date of the stonework for the rotunda and the main lobby. Most of the tile comes from the east coast. The phones will be switched late afternoon on February 9, 2004 to start operations on February 10, 2004. Jack Kudron reported the clubhouse preview reception and community dedication are scheduled for February 20 and 21, 2004 respectively. The preview reception is on Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The Dedication will be Saturday at 11:00 a.m. for the ribbon cutting and dedication. From Noon to 4:00 p.m. will be the community open house. On Saturday, the banquet room will be decorated to show a wedding reception set up. Jack Kudron reported every Saturday from May to October has a wedding booked. On a recent weekend, the food concessionaire had 21 appointments with brides to be and booked 13 weddings. Chairman Schultz asked since the Pro Shop is located close to the first tee, has any consideration been made regarding the announcements of tee times. Bob Johns stated the Pro Shop staff can see the first tee to avoid any disturbances in play. Commissioner Wright suggested using the same system as Dad Miller's. Jack stated staff would review this procedure at the Hills. Chairman Schultz asked if the camera is fixed on the first tee? Dave Johansen stated that it is working. B. Tiger Woods Learning Center Update Jack Kudron reported that progress continues to be made. On February 10, 2004, the master agreement between the Tiger Woods Foundation and the City of Anaheim would be on the City Council Agenda which outlines the parameters for the modifications on the golf course and what the City is providing to the Foundation. Once the agreement is approved and signed the Foundation will be able to apply for $lmillion Park Bond funds. The plans are at the 90% level for the golf course. The revised start date is March 2004. The 15th and 16th greens will be under construction first. The Foundation has hired Valley Crest Construction as their contractor. The City of Anaheim is also providing the Foundation with a $400,000 grant. Commissioner Gaby asked if starting the project at the beginning of summer is a good idea. Jack Kudron stated the agreement states there must be 18 holes open at all times. From a grow -in perspective the timing is excellent. During the summer the grow -in time is between 90 — 120 days instead of much longer during the winter months. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 22, 2004 Page Four NEW BUSINESS A. Commission Golf Outings Jack Kudron stated Commissioner Wright requested to have more outings during the year. Jack Kudron stated it is difficult to have the entire staff in attendance for more outings. Commissioner Wright agreed if the outings were limited to once or twice per year, but suggested that if there were four outings per year then there would be a better chance of their attendance. Commissioner Wright suggested having an outing during the different seasons and at alternating courses and a good opportunity for team building. Chairman Schultz stated fragmented outings are not productive and there needs to be a reason for the outing. Chairman Schultz suggested having a Golf Commission meeting be scheduled at each golf course so that certain areas of the course could be inspected and staff could answer questions. Jack Kudron suggested that a combination of the two ideas could be proposed with two outings per year and two meetings at alternating courses. If the meeting is at 4:00 p.m. then the Commissioners and staff would meet at 2:30 p.m. to inspect the course. Commissioner Wright stated her concern would be not to interfere with the golfers during the longer daylight hours. Chairman Schultz suggested touring some of the areas "behind the scene" such as the maintenance area at the courses. Commissioner Wright stated further discussion was needed. B. New Department Head — Terry Lowe Jack Kudron reported Terry Lowe is the new Community Services Director and Jack had returned to the Superintendent Parks and Golf position. Chairman Schultz asked if the Commission would be able to meet with Terry. Jack stated that he would be invited to a future meeting. Chairman Schultz requested staff review the option of putting an ice machine and drinking water dispenser at the new clubhouse convenient to players with cups. They are provided at other courses and work well. Jack Kudron stated staff would research this item and provide cost information. Chairman Schultz stated slow play is a problem and the course Marshals do not do a good job of hustling the players along. Michael Lautenbach stated it is not their role to aggravate players. Chairman Schultz stated then staff cannot complain about slow play. Commissioner Wright related a story about a Marshal who tactfully asked if the group in front of them quit? When she stated no, he said there was an opening between you and the next group. She stated it got the point across in a pleasant manner. Chairman Schultz suggested the Marshals have the authority to ask the slow group to move ahead one hole. Michael Lautenbach stated that team play is a contributor to the slow play issue. Other teams have a person assigned to enforce the slow play rule. Chairman Schultz stated he has suggested to the USCGA Representative for a specific person who puts the groups on a time clock, if they fall behind, the Marshal will move them ahead and the match will be scored a draw. Jack agreed to the suggestion of having the home team provide a proctor/official to make the call. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 22, 2004 Page Five Chairman Schultz asked why the Marshals do not report to the head Pro. Jack Kudron stated it is at the request of the City Auditors primarily because they conduct audits of the string tags which are always issued sequentially as are the golf carts. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a Motion was made by Commissioner Raab, seconded by Commissioner Gaby and unanimously approved to adjourn the Golf Commission meeting to Thursday, February 26, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. in the Civic Hall East 4th Floor Conference Room. The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.