MOTHER COLONY HOUSE 1996/07/08• • MOTHER COLONY HOUSE ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES r'y JULY 8, 1996 E f C' i y� SEP 10 PRESENT: Dixie Edwards, Marion Harvey, E-eW4� H g, George MacLaren, Florence MitchgIFI:,E Pp,;ggv RpnRer CITY of NAF{El44 REGRETS: Harold Bastrup ALSO PRESENT: Jane Newell, Recorder 1. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Mother Colony House Advisory Board was held on Monday, July 8, 1996 in the Conference Room of the Anaheim Public Library. As there was a quorum present, the meeting was called to order at 10:15 A.M. by Chairperson Peggy Hoag. 2. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the May 13, 1996 meeting were read and approved as mailed by general consent. 3. REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE Newsletters from the Orange County Historical Society and the Federation of Orange County Historical Organizations for the months of May and June were circulated among the board members. By general consent, Jane Newell was directed to update and return the information for the 1997 Federation of Orange County Historical Organizations directory. 4. REPORT OF THE LIBRARY LIAISON Jane Newell reported the statistics for May and June 1996. There were 10 groups touring the Mother Colony House with a total of 277 visitors. The History Room had 4 tours for 70 visitors, 278 patrons and 1,815 questions. Jane distributed flyers advertising the extended Monday hours, which will be available at all the branches, as well as the Central Library. Board members were invited to view the four oversize photographs, donated by the Anaheim Historical Society, which have been framed and hung in the hallway leading into the History Room. Copies of an Anaheim Bulletin article on Professor Vollmer, a visiting researcher from Germany, was distributed. Jane also reported on the Mother Colony House fence project. 5. OLD BUSINESS Peggy Hoag reported that a formal copy of the letter regarding the proposed relocation of the Mother Colony House was sent to the City Council. (Copies were mailed with the agenda.) Thanks were extended to Doug Renner for drafting the letter. Continued MOTHER COLONY HOUSE&VISORY BOARD July 8, 1996 6. NEW BUSINESS A motion was made by Peggy Hoag, and seconded by George MacLaren, to permanently change the date of the bi-monthly meetings from 10:00 a.m. on the second Monday of every other month (January, March, etc.) to 10:00 a.m. on the first Friday of every other month (January, March, etc.) effective with the September 1996 meeting. The motion carried. 7. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST Doug Renner reported on the Anaheim Museum's coverlet project. Jane brought one of the coverlets in for the members to view. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:47 A.M. Peggy I�6,% Chairpern C', -o-� 1r)- ---) ��1- � L Jane Newell, Recorder gll-lC� �p Date