MOTHER COLONY HOUSE 1996/09/06MOTHER COLONY HOUSE ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES 110 SEPTEMBER 6, 1996 Ofi; 3 og C/T y Or Ajy,l E �'ti PRESENT: Harold Bastrup, Dixie Edwards, Marion Harvey, Peggy Hoag, George MacLaren, Florence Mitchell REGRETS: Doug Renner ALSO PRESENT: Jane Newell, Recorder 1. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Mother Colony House Advisory Board was held on Friday, September 6, 1996 in the Conference Room of the Anaheim Public Library. As there was a quorum present, the meeting was called to order at 10:06 A.M. by Chairperson Peggy Hoag. 2. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the July 8, 1996 meeting were read and approved as mailed by general consent. 3. REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE The September newsletter from the Orange County Historical Society was circulated among the board members. 4. REPORT OF THE LIBRARY LIAISON Jane Newell reported the statistics for July and August 1996. There were 16 groups touring the Mother Colony House with a total of 435 visitors. The History Room had 3 tours for 35 visitors, 374 patrons and 1,777 questions. Jane distributed copies of a police report dated July 12, 1996 regarding the discovery of a vagrant living in the crawlspace in the concrete foundation of the Mother Colony House, as well as copies of the notice of a permanent meeting date change for the Advisory Board. Jane reported that the extended hours on Monday evenings in the Anaheim History Room have been very successful. Jane distributed copies of an article which appeared in the Napa Valley Register on September 1, 1996 about Rudy Boysen. The Anaheim History Room is cited as a major contributing source. J r Continued MOTHER COLONY HOUSE ADVISORY BOARD September, 6, 1996 5. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business 6. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. 7. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST The board members observed a moment of silence in memory of Elizabeth J. Schultz, who passed away in July 1996. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 A.M. 11 *Peggy' a C airperson Date Jane ewell, Recorder