MOTHER COLONY HOUSE 1995/11/13MOTHER COLONY HOUSE ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 1995 PRESENT: Marion Harvey, Peggy Hoag, George Florence Mitchell, Doug Renner REGRETS: Harold Bastrup, Dixie Edwards F F:C` ALSO PRESENT: Jane Newell, Recorder; William J. Griffith, Library Director 1. CALL TO ORDER The regular was held on the Anaheim meeting was meeting of the Mother Colony House Advisory Board Monday, November 13, 1995 in the Conference Room of Public Library. As there was a quorum present, the called to order at 10:18 A.M. by Chair Peggy Hoag. 2. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the September 11, 1995 meeting were read and approved as mailed by general consent. 3. REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE Newsletters from the Orange County Historical Society and the Federation of Orange County Historical Organizations for the months of October and November were circulated among the board members. 4. REPORT OF THE LIBRARY LIAISON Jane Newell reported the statistics for September and October 1995. There was one group touring the Mother Colony House with a total of 28 visitors. The Anaheim History Room had 3 tours with 69 visitors, 253 patrons and 1,909 questions. Mr. Griffith announced that he has been reassigned from his position as Library Director to the City Manager's Office effective December 1, 1995. The Assistant City Manager, Dave Morgan, will be responsible for overseeing the Library operation during an interim period in which a long-term organizational plan for the Library will be completed. The board was invited to a Good Luck party in Mr. Griffith's honor to be held in the Library on November 30th from 2:00 to 5:00 P.M. 5. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Griffith addressed the Board regarding the feasibility study on relocating the Mother Colony House. After his reassignment, he will continue to head this project. So far the library staff has examined the available vacant sites within the original township boundaries. Additional sites outside this area will also be examined. Doug Renner suggested the current site of the George Washington Community Center, which is scheduled to be demolished after the new center is built. Mr. Griffith assured his that this was already one of the sites under consideration. Doug mentioned that Chris A ,. Continued Mother Colony House Advisory Board November 13, 1995 Jarvi, Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services, had mentioned to him that the site is scheduled to become an open neighborhood park, but Doug stated that it should be pursued as an option. Doug Renner reported that the Redevelopment Office has requested CDBG funding to finish the historic building survey, including overlay zones and guidelines. 6. NEW BUSINESS Doug Renner and Jane Newell updated the board members on the partnership between the City and the Anaheim Museum, Inc. Jane met with Charlotte Brady to identify areas that still need to be addressed. 7. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST George Maclaren announced that the Historical Society is meeting on Thursday night at 7:00 P.M. at the Anaheim Museum for a program on antique fans by Esther Kirk. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:53 A.M. L cn Peggy Hoag, Chairperson JanA Newell, Recorder Ott,, Date