Library 2017/11/13500 West Broadway Anaheim. CaMornia 92805 TEL (714) 765-1880 FAX (714) 765-1731 www,anahehm,net City of Anaheim COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Anaheim Public Library November 13, 2017 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Per ARTICLE IX. APPOINTIVE BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS, Section 908, of the Anaheim City Charter - The Anaheim Public Library Board shall have the power and duty to: "Within sixty days after the close of each fiscal year, report to the City Council on the condition of the libraries for the preceding fiscal year and on such other matters deemed expedient by the Library Board." The Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees is pleased to have the opporttlnity to present comments regarding the condition of the Anaheim Public Library System for Fiscal Year 2016/17. Anaheim Public Library (API.) promotes literacy, lifelong learning, and a love of reading through traditional print materials as well as virtual services. Anaheim Public Libraries are community gathering places that foster a more informed and connected community. In FY 2016/17, the ten -outlet Library system had 981,637 visitors, 226,429 customer service interactions at the Public Service desks and IJ 17,096 check outs ofmaterial at the Circulation Desks, Bookmobile, and Books on the Go. In addition, they had 4,507 programs, serving 142,098 children, teens and adults. In FY 2016/17, patrons made extensive use of the virtual library. Patrons checked out 30,953 eBooks and 12,755 downloadable audiobooks, used online resources 101,384 times, searched in the mobile app 5,134 times, visited the webpages 150,446 times, and renewed library materials online 50,317 times. The nature of public librarianship is continuing to change as societal information needs and information ecologies evolve. Nationwide, libraries are redefining their roles within communities to continue to provide core services and create new services to support residents. According to the Federal Institute of Museurn and Library Services, "Libraries are offering more programs and the public's participation in those programs is increasing. For many communities, public programs fulfill critical K-12 learning as well as lifelong informational needs related to digital and financial literacy, employment and job training and healthcare and wellness. Libraries increasingly enhance their learning programs by linking them to Community support services. There is also a long-term increase in the number of children and young adults attending library programs. In addition to story hours and summer reading prograrns, children's libraries provide an increasing number of programs to foster early learning, school readiness and Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) learning." ITEM NO. 05 Report to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries November 13, 2017 Page 2 Anaheim Public Library has become more partner -focused, collaborating with other organizations to provide services to the community (i.e. The Muckenthaler Cultural Arts Center, Altrusa, Community Action Partnership of Orange County, Fullerton College, OC Office on Aging, etc.). APL has focused on outcome -based programming, which is driven by Community needs and goals. As residents value round-the-clock access to eBooks and interactive content, they have enhanced their online resources. They are actively Identifying Community needs for target groups, starting with millennials, using social media and public spaces. APL continually evaluates nationwide and local trends and proactively research best practices to provide exceptional community support. CURRENT YEAR ACHIEVEMENTS Capital Projects Euclid/Sunkist Renovation The newly renovated Libraries include a Marketplace with a Welcome/Answers desk which consolidates the information and checkout functions into a single service point. Restrooms were completely redone to make them ADA compliant. Both Libraries also have new computers and furniture for the public, designated Children's and teen spaces, and comfortable seating areas for adults. Mother Colony House The following work was completed including reinforcing walls for seismic activity, foundation repairs, porch repairs, electrical rewiring, roof replacement, and interior repairs and repainting. Weather -proofing and repainting of the exterior are expected to be completed in Winter 2017. Woelke-Stoffel House The following work has begun including restoration of 2'd floor, including repair damaged ceilings, refinish/restore damaged hardwood floors, rernove plumbing and fixtures in bathroom and kitchenette, wallpaper and paint throughout with the expected completion in Spring 2018. Report to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries November 13, 2017 Page 3 Grant Funding; for the FY Total funds awarded from a variety of grants for FY 16117 is $70,168 not including; the E -rate funding below. "NEA Big Read: Fahrenheit 451" The Library collaborated with Altrusa Club of Anaheim to offer the second "One Book, One City" in Anaheim. "The Big Read" was designed to encourage everyone in the City of Anaheim to read `Fahrenheit 451' by Ray Bradbury. The Library offered a month long of activities, including the first AnaCon' — Comics & Sci-fi Convention that drew 1,400 people. The "Big Read Programs were funded by $5,000 in community support and a $15,000 NEA grant. Mental Health First Aid Grants The Library received a Mental Health First Aid grant through LSTA, the Library Services and Technology Act, and also received funds to purchase print resources for each branch. Every branch received mental health books in English and/or Spanish. APL was successful in receiving a second mental health grant to fund a licensed mental health worker. Anaheim Public Library was one of 13 libraries in California to receive an LSTA Mental Flealthcare Worker grant. This grant award of $22,400 will provide educational outreach workshops for Anaheim residents during the summer of 2017. These workshops will be on a variety of mental healthcare topics including resiliency and coping skills to manage depression, stress and anxiety.: E -rate One of the sources of funds API, receives comes from a Universal Service Charge that appears on phone bills, which is then turned around and used to provide Internet and telecommunications access to schools and libraries. This is known as E -bate and comes in the form of discounts for services provided by the vendors. Over the years, the Anaheim. Public I:.,ibrary has received discounts on T-1 lines, network hardware and cabling between the network hardware and the computers. The total accumulation of the awards to the Anaheim Public Library System since FY 2005106 for these services exceeds $500,000. For the current fiscal year, APL has been awarded $4,714.80. Nasally Library Grant Anaheirn Public Library is one of 75 libraries nation-wide to receive the NasaCMy Library Grant. NASAgMy Library is made possible through the support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Report to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries November 13, 2017 Page 4 Science Mission Directorate as part of its STENT Activation program. The science based kits will be used by all ages for STEM programming at all of our Anaheim Public Library locations. Virtual Reality Experience Project Anaheim Public Library Ila-, been selected to participate in the Virtual Reality Experience Project by the California State Library. The Library Virtual Experience Project is an opportunity to receive a free virtual reality enabled computer with pre -loaded education programs, plus Oculus Rift head gear, Included in this opportunity is assistance with installation, training, and access to a web portal that will include resources for successful virtual reality programming as well as the ability to purchase additional computers and head gear at discounted prices. Life Skills for Teens A grant from the California State Library funded three workshops for teens: Happy and Healthy Life, Get a Job and Higher Education. Partners included Project SAY, YWCA Youth Employment Center, SoCal Credit Union, Cypress College, and Fullerton College. There were 45 teens in attendance at the workshops, they learned new skills and felt empowered. Programs Year Round Reading Incentive Programs The Library provided Reading Incentive Programs lor children and teens throughout the City. Programs included 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, Summer Reading Fun, In -N -Out's Cover to Cover, and Winter Reading Programs. The first Anaheim Public Library 'AnaCon' Anaheim Public Library held the first 'AnaCon' —Comics & Sci-fi Convention. In response to the dystopian theme of the book this year's, 'Big Read' — Fahrenheit 451, Central Library showcased its first 'AnaCon' event on Saturday, February I 8th . The free event featured science fiction authors, comic book Illustrators from DC, a professional movie make-up demo, robots built by Anaheim I ligh School students, and costumed Star Wars characters with green screen photo opportunities! Attendance is estimated at a whopping 1,400 people! Summer STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math) The Anaheim Public Library Bookmobile hosted six and the Haskett Library hosted one three-hour long Summer STEAM Saturday events in which Report to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries November 13, 2017 Fuge 5 children and their families were immersed in science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics (STEAM). Each week children from priority neighborhoods (high density and low income) were introduced to hands on science and art projects in order to motivate and encourage further exploration. Continuation of Project ACES — A Card for Every Student This partnership with Anaheim Union High School District and Servite High School ensures that junior high and high school students in Anaheim can access APL's online resources. Over 32,000 students currently have digital access through their student IDs. Indie Author Day The Anaheim Public Library participated in Indie Author Day on October 8, 2016. The event began with a live webcast of industry leaders sharing publishing tips. Twenty-three Change County authors attended and staffed their book fair tables, sharing their knowledge, books, and autographs with members of the public. California Listens: Digital Storytelling Project Anaheim Public Library invited community members to share their family or personal experiences and learn the basics of :Digital Storytelling. This free, two-day workshop was held August 3-4, 2016 as part of California Listens, a summer -long program sponsored by the California State Library and led by Berkeley -based StoryCenter. ® Welcome Back" Letter--- Phase I As an enticement to encourage patrons that are inactive patrons for at least two years with clear records we sent a "Welcorne Back" email on December 20t", 2016. This letter was sent to 24,463 patrons that were identified who had not visited any Anaheim Library location or used online services in two years or more, This initiative produced the following results: 27 patrons redeemed their free DVD rental coupons, of 24,463 patrons who were inactive 2 or more years, 958 visited or used online services in the 3 months following the Welcome Back email message. This represents about a 5% return rate, estimating that 20,442 email messages went out. TOP PRIORITIES FOR THE NEW FISCAL YEAR Key Performance Indicators With the societal shift to using smartphones and personal digital devices, corresponding use of the Library services and space has changed. More Deport to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries November 13, 2017 Page 6 residents use library facilities as a location to connect with others, use our collections online and access our Wi-Fin This year, the Central Library has served as a proof of concept' measuring session usage to reflect this monumental shift. API., has begun noting the digital use of library resources in our Key Performance Indicators. Supporting Districts Goals As City-wide needs assessments and initiatives determine district goals, the Library will provide programming support, marketing and information to support the goals. The City-wide goals already identified and associated with the Library include: increase residents' literacy opportunities, build and enhance school district partnerships to support a more educated and informed. public, enhance multi -cultural programming opportunities for residents, and improve and modernize City public use facilities. Continue to Expand Services to Youth Focus is on providing hands-on opportunities through STEAM programs, workshops, and volunteer programs; promoting literacy and learning with Teen head Week, author visits, and Money Smart Week.; and building community through events like AnaCon, Transgender Day of Visibility, and game days. I°or younger children, APL will offer an expanding set of age- appropriate prograrnming and literacy engagement opportunities like year- round reading incentive programs and book clubs. Marketing/Social Media Anaheim Public Library has been developing marketing strategies to highlight. our resources and services to the community. The revival of their social media accounts have immensely increased their virtual presence and activity online. Since January there were 11,871,461 impressions on Facebook, 19,563 on Instagram, and 59,693 on Twitter. The Anaheirn Public Library Foundation will be funding APL's newest social. media initiative to purchase online ads for targeted marketing campaigns. To better reach the community and non -library users APL is developing advertisement campaigns with. Google AdWords in both English and Spanish. Additionally, they will be using Social Media advertising to market special library events to targeted segments of the community. The Library's reach will be based on user preferences, demographics and location. They will be able to track overall advertisement strategy and performance by using Google Analytics to track data for website activity. This data will not only measure Deport to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries November 13, 2017 Page 7 the effectiveness of our marketing strategies but will provide important statistics on community use. This strategy will guide more traffic to the website and allow staff to track goals such as library card sign-ups, program attendance, and community engagement. The Anaheim Public Library's very first Zinc Fest The Orange County community is invited to meet 100 zine vendors at the 4tn annual OC .Zine Fest that will be hosted at the Anaheim Public Library (Anaheim, Calif) on Saturday, August I 91 from I 1 00am — 5:00pm. The CMC :Gine Fest will create connections between zine makers and the community to discover zines as an alternative form of expression and publication. Flans for the second annual Anaheim Public Library `AnaCon', Anaheim Public Library's 2n' annual AnaCon — Sci-fi and Comics Convention will be held Saturday, February 10, 2018 at the Central Library. The event will include talks and signings with authors and illustrators, photo booths, comics and sci-fi books for sale, food, music, hands-on activities for all ages, and much more. MANNED P110JF,CTS Integrated Library System In 2018 the Library anticipates the arrival of the new Integrated Library System, which is the infrastructure software system that powers the Anaheim Public Libraries. The RFP will be issued in the second half of FY 2017, with a contract ready to go to City Council during the first half of FY 2018. Implementation is expected to occur approximately six months after the contract is approved. Wi-Fi Proof of Concept. During 2017, Central Library partnered with HP Enterprise Services for a Proof of Concept of the Aruba Wi-Fi access. Another Proof of Concept is planned for the Hask.ett Library with Cisco hardware. For 2018, plans are to purchase new Wi-Fi hardware for whichever of the two products proves superior in performance and reporting capabilities for the rest of the Library system. Security for the Library System Additional security cameras will be installed to record incidents to ensure a safe and welcoming environment to the people that visit the facilities in a large urban library system. This assists the Anaheim Police Department as there were - 96 dispatches to the Central. Library in 2016 including a fight and Report to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries November 13, 2017 Page 8 suicide attempt in the Library. Staff uses the cameras in investigations and report writing by providing visual evidence of events that have occurred in the Libraries. The Library will work with the City Networking Team for the expansion of the security camera system, and in the transition to new security camera software. A supplemental had been submitted so this project can proceed. In addition, the historical home in Founders' Park was heavily damaged by vandalism in December 2016. There is now a $120,000 project to bring security cameras to Founders' Park, which includes (and depends on) $75,000 for the installation of fiber optic cable to bring this park onto the City of Anaheim network. Staff has applied for CDBG funds to pay for this project. The Central Library Outdoor Space The Central Library Outdoor Space is a capital project funded by CDBG to develop a Children's Play and Learn space that will be used to help develop early literacy skills, gross motor skills, and social skills through interactive, dramatic play and arts programs. This outdoor space will also be used for teen and adult programming and events. This project will either be scaled back or delayed as a large portion of funding has been shifted to replacing the Anaheim Public Library's Bookmobile. Expansion of Project ACES — A Card for Every Student Staff is moving forward with a Memorandurn of Understanding with the Anaheim Elementary School District to expand access to more students. "NEA Big Read: Into the Beautiful North" Anaheim Public Library has received a $16,000 NEA Big Read Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to fund a month of programming based around the book "Into the Beautiful North" a novel by acclairned author Luis Alberto Urrea. They are partnering with Altrusa, North Orange County Community College District's English as a Second Language/Citizenship Program, Project Save Anaheim's Youth, the City of Anaheim's Neighborhood Services, and Casa de Familia, as well as nonprofit programming groups like Girls Rock OC, and local ballet folklorico and rriariachi groups. 60"' Anniversary Celebration of Bookmobile Service Bookmobile service began February 14, 1958, A "Love your Bookmobile" celebration will kick off on February 14, 2018 Report to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries November 13, 2017 Page 9 AREAS OF CONCERN Replacement of Bookmobile The Anaheim Public Library system needs to replace the existing high maintenance 2005 CNG Bookmobile with a new gas powered Bookmobile that can reliably serve the public. It will cost approximately $405,000 to purchase a replacement Bookmobile to replace the current 35 foot CNG Bookmobile. The current vehicle is 12 years old. The average lifespan of Bookmobile is only 15 years. In order to keep this valuable community resource available to serve the youth and their families in the City's priority neighborhoods, staff has begun the planning stages for securing funding to purchase a new vehicle. CDBG capital funding in the amount of $300,000 was approved by City Council on July 25, 2017, to purchase a new vehicle. Given that $400,000 total funding is needed, Library staff is actively applying for a grant and seeking community partners to reach the needed amount. Once funding is secured, it is approximately a two -yeas process from start to finish getting a new vehicle on the road. (i.e. developing specifications, RFP, bidding process, custom built vehicle which can take a year to build, transport and readying the vehicle for service, etc). With no down time the Bookmobile operates year-round, four days a week (Monday — Thursday) with occasional Saturdays. The Bookmobile is closed for legal holidays. Even if the Bookmobile is out of service, staff still go out to stops and provide limit service out of a van. • In the 2015/16 fiscal year, the Bookmobile was out of service for repairs for over four months. Circulation and patron count suffered greatly. ® In addition to serving 14 of Anaheim's priority neighborhoods including Anna Drive, Guinida Lane, and Alameda/Brownwood, Bookmobile serves 5 elementary schools. Both schools and neighborhoods felt the impact the extended downtime. ® In 2015/16, when Bookmobile missed a third of the year, we only circulated 58,852 items with 32,323 patron visits, compared to 2016/17 which circulated 77,597 and had 40,992 patron visits. • When the Bookmobile is down for repairs, staff diligently provide limited service to neighborhoods out of City van with bins of books on the sidewalk and a small table with a laptop to check out. "Phis in no way replaces all the resources available on a fully stocked Bookmobile. Staff counts these van stops in our hours open as they are still proving some service. Deport to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries November 13, 2017 Page 10 Unfortunately, when the Bookmobile is out of service, school stops have to be cancelled. At each school, they average 8 to 14 classes at each stop and cannot accommodate all those classes out of a van. Having to cancel school stops greatly impacts hours open as they are at schools longer than neighborhood stops. The Bookmobile is part of the Neighborhood Improvement Program effort to improve quality of life in the City's priority neighborhoods. In addition to offering a wide range of materials for check-out, the Bookmobile offers a thorough compliment of programming supporting STEAM/STEM (science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math), literacy, education, class visits and school outreach, and community events. They offer annual reading programs. Summer reading program participation averages 550 children, teens, and adults. "IThe last winter reading program had 128 elementary school age participants and the 1,000 Books before Kindergarten program had 1.3 children under the age of 5 participating. The Anaheim Public Library Bookmobile is the only bookmobile currently operating in Orange County and only one of 49 in the State of California. Support for Library materials In the past four years, donations from support groups have been used to start and develop new collections, such as e -Books and downloadable audiobooks, as well as supplement the book budget. However, there is an expectation among Anaheim community support groups, such as the Kiwanis of Greater Anaheim, Anaheirn Arts Council, Anaheim. Public Library Foundation, Friends of the Anaheim Public Library, and Friends of the Canyon Hills Library that the City provide continuing support for these integral services for Anaheim residents. Library eBooks provide 24/7 accessibility on any device - used by all ages. Use of library eBooks has increased by 74% and collection expanded to Spanish language, children's titles, and audio eBooks. Cost for eBooks for one year is $37,000. The Library also needs stable City funding to replace aging books, promote literacy, and support local school systems. Over the last decade, the collection size has shrunk by 27%, Anaheim's literacy has been ranked in the lowest quartile of 77 largest cities in USA. Fiscal Year Collection ,Sire Collection itemper capita 2008/09 670,546 1.9 2010/11 651,316 1.9 2012/13 577,570 1.7 2016/17 487,978 1.4 Report to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries November 13, 2017 Page I I Hours of Operation In FY 2007/08 the Library had seven facilities offering 389 weekly hours of service. After rounds of budgetary cuts Library facilities hit an all-time low of 295 weekly hours of service in FY 2009/10. In FY 2012/13 the Ponderosa - Joint Use Library was opened, even with an additional branch, weekly hours of service were only 315. To meet public demand the Library restored one hour in the morning at Central Library and Saturday hours at Canyon Hills Library. The Library currently offers 326 service hours which, even with an additional branch, this is still a 16% reduction of weekly service hours from 2007/08. The Library Board would like to see Saturday hours restored at the Euclid and Sunkist Libraries. To ensure the safety of staff and patrons this would require an additional full-time staff member be restored to the Anaheim Public Library as well additional part-time staffing hours. A complete cost analysis can be provided to the City Council by the City Librarian upon request. Stable Library Workforce - Recruitment and retention of part-time employees With 87% of our staff being part time, we are experiencing an annual 19% part time turnover rate as they find full time employment. We need to ensure a stable, well trained, and experienced Library staff. This is hindered by lack of retention of the PT staff. With the economic recovery, it is more difficult to retain the Library's 139 part time employees. Many want a full time job and benefits and use their experience at Anaheim as a launching pad to a full time job. We incur significant costs through testing, interviewing, qualifying, hiring, training, and mentoring new staff. As a large urban library system, it is important to maintain a safe and welcoming atmosphere for the 1.2 million people who come through our doors annually. At the Central Library alone last year, there were 4 building evacuations, 96 Police responses, several Fire dispatches for patrons stuck in elevators or fire alarms, and 3 patron accidents that required paramedic assistance - including an attempted suicide. The City's liability risk increases if any of these emergencies or accidents are mismanaged. The City needs to stabilize the staffing so staff can be properly trained to manage accidents, behavioral interventions with disruptive patrons, building evacuations, communication with Anaheim Police Department, Fire Department, Facility Maintenance, Risk Management; document and input work orders, accident Report to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries November 13, 2017 Page 1.2 reports, and incident reports. Staff also have initiated a meeting with HRU to streamline and accelerate the recruitment process. ,All of these concerns are arnplified by the fact that there is no full time staff at Ponderosa Joint -Use Library and split full time Librarian staff at Euclid and Sunkist Libraries. Fiscal Year Staff — FT Staff - PTE Total FTE Staff Per Capita 2008/09 60 68.21 128.21 .037 2010/11 42 47.82 89.82 .026 2012/1331 42.27 73.27 .021 2016/17 _ 32 51.77 82.77 .024 The Library Board is very proud of the many accomplishments of the .Anaheim Public Library for Fiscal Year 2016/17, particularly the partnerships they have established to benefit the community. We look forward to the exciting programs and services that are planned in Fiscal Year 2017/1 S. Respectfully submitted: David Laviguer, Chai