Parks and Recreation 2017/09/27MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Ryan Balius, Chairman James Cook Lynn Cudd Craig Farrow Nichole Rupp COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Samantha Navarro, Vice Chairman Alfonso Rodriguez September 27, 2017 STAFF PRESENT: Brent Dennis, Director Larry Pasco, Deputy Community Services Director Sjany Larson -Cash, Community Services Manager Pamela Galera, Principal Project Planner Eleanor Granflor —Sr. Secretary AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Balius called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chairman Balius led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: None. 4. SCHEDULED COMMUNICATION: None. 5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chairman Balius presented the August 23, 2017 Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. Chairman Balius made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Cudd. The motion was approved with a unanimous vote; Chairman Balius accepted the minutes. 6. REPORTS a) Parks Activity Report — July/August: Larry Pasco presented the reported and answered questions regarding the La Palma Dog Park renovation, and the new walkway bridge at Twila Reid Park. Brent Dennis highlighted the KaB00M! playground build at Willow Park that took place on September 23rd. b) Park Ranger Patrol Statistics Report — August: Sjany Larson -Cash presented the report and answered questions regarding patrols at Anaheim Coves, and curfew and alcohol violations at Willow Park. A presentation by the Park Ranger Program will be given at the next Commission meeting. c) Parks Capital Project Progress Report: Pamela Galera presented the report and introduced Naomi Gruenthal, Associate Project Planner. Questions were answered regarding the Anaheim Coves Northern Extension, the Cactus Garden at Pearson Park, the Founders' Park Shade Structure/seismic upgrades to Mother Colony House, and the Planning for Parks project. Chairman Balius asked for a status on the restroom refurbishments at various City parks. Larry Pasco stated the restroom refurbishments have been prioritized and the project is behind schedule. Commissioner Cudd asked for a status on the Ball Road Basin property. Larry Pasco stated the City was considered in the top three for the selection of the property to be sold to. City staff is working with OCWD with the proposed development of the property. 7. PREVIOUS BUSINESS: a) Planning for Parks Update: Brent Dennis stated the survey period has come to a close. Staff received almost 7,000 park surveys. The Technical Advisory Committee met on September 271h. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes September 27, 2017 8. NEW BUSINESS: a) Park Safety Discussion: Chairman Balius stated he requested for this item to be added to the agenda. Chairman Balius recommended the Commission have a discussion and come up with some ideas to present to the City Council to make City parks safer. A discussion was held by the Commission in regards to the safety at parks. Commissioner Rupp recommended to table further discussion until after the Park Ranger presentation is given to the Commission. Chairman Balius made a motion to have staff evaluate if there are current staff at community parks. Motion failed. Chairman Balius made a motion to have the Commission begin a document of ideas to be presented at a future Commission meeting. Commissioner Rupp recommended for the Commission to wait until the Planning for Parks report becomes available to compare the report to the ideas brought up and Commissioner Farrow recommended that staff also bring back information to present to the Commission in concurrence with the Commission's safety ideas. Chairman Balius tabled the item until the next Commission meeting. b) Approval of Master Plan for Barton Park: Naomi Gruenthal presented the Master Plan and answered questions. Chairman Balius made a motion to approve the Master Plan of Barton Park, seconded by Commissioner Cook. The motion was approved with a unanimous vote; Chairman Balius accepted the motion. 9. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: a) Park Surveillance Camera Update: Larry Pasco reported on the camera surveillance camera project and answered questions. The project continues to be overseen by the Finance Department. Staff was notified the electrical upgrades have continued at Brookhurst, Maxwell and Twila Reid Park and should be complete within a week. The camera installation company has installed some cameras and preliminary tests have been made. The surveillance cameras are scheduled to go live in October. Brent Dennis reminded the Commission that this is a pilot project. The Park Rangers will still patrol the parks and the Police Department will also continue to patrol parks. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Balius adjourned the meeting at 8:01 p.m.