Youth 2017/10/05MINUTES YOUTH COMMISSION Downtown Community Center, 250 E. Center Street, Anaheim, California COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Avalos, Daisy Flores, Marc Flynn, Graeme Galang, Aldwin Gomez, Jessica Guerrero, Alyssa Hernandez, Isabel Jasso, Siobhan Ly, Dayton Mai, Britney Mascareno, Gisselle Mikail, Michael Nguyen, Jasmine Padilla, Erika Pham, Jessica Retana, Alexandra Saldivar, Juan Sandoval, Kathleen Truong, Annie Urrea, Denisse COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Valentin, Damar October 5, 2017 STAFF PRESENT: Joe Perez, Community Services Superintendent Brian Chwan, Community Services Supervisor Beth Lapkowski, Administrative Assistant AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 1. CALL TO ORDER: The Youth Commission meeting was called to order at 4:35 p.m.by Joe Perez 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Marc Flores led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE PRESIDENT: a) Joe Perez entertained nominations for the position of chair and asked if any Youth Commissioners were interested in nominating themselves or one of their peers for the chair position. The following commissioners nominated themselves: Jasmine Nguyen, Michael Mikaila, Alexandra Retana, Aldwin Galang, Graeme Flynn, Marc Flores, and Kathleen Sandoval. Joe called for a vote for each of the nominated commissioners and Kathleen Sandoval was elected as the new Youth Commission chair. b) Joe Perez moved forward entertaining nominations for the position of vice -chair and asked Youth Commissioners to nominate themselves or one of their peers for the vice -chair position. The following commissioners nominated themselves: Denise Urrea, Annie Truong, Erika Padilla, Michael Mikail, Dayton Ly, Alyssa Guerrero, Graeme Flynn, and Chair Kathleen Sandoval nominated Alexandra Retana. Joe called for a vote for each of the nominated commissioners and Alexandra Retana was elected as the new vice -chair. 4. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: None 5. SCHEDULED COMMUNICATION: None 6. CORRESPONDENCE: None 7. Approval of Minutes: None Youth Commission Minutes October 5, 2017 8. BUSINESS: a) City of Anaheim Community Services Department -Youth Services: Joe Perez provided Youth Commissioners with a presentation on the programs, services, activities and events offered by the City to youth and families in the community. 9. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: a) Joe Perez shared information about the upcoming "Day of the Dead" event taking place on Friday, November 3, 2017, hosted by the Community Services Department. Joe shared that the community event will include mariachi entertainment, ballet folklorico dance, Aztec dancer performance, and participation by Junior High School and High School students whom will be hosting project altars. Joe encouraged Youth Commissioners to help market the event. b) Commissioner Marc Flores proposed a motion to create three separate subcommittees to address any issues and/or ideas related to youth. Youth Commissioner Galang seconded the motion. During discussion, Commissioner Graeme Flynn recommended that the commission wait till city staff completed their pre -planned presentations on the existing level of programs and services currently offered to children and youth so that commissions have a better understanding before forming subcommittees to discuss ideas and next steps. Commissioner Sandoval called for a vote on the motion; the motion failed. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Sandoval adjourned the meeting at 5:35 p.m.