Parks and Recreation 2018/01/24MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 Crescent Ave., Anaheim, California COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Ryan Balius, Chairman James Cook Lynn Cudd Craig Farrow Nichole Rupp COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Samantha Navarro, Vice Chairman Alfonso Rodriguez January 24, 2018 STAFF PRESENT: Brent Dennis, Director Larry Pasco, Deputy Community Services Director Sjany Larson -Cash, Community Services Manager Pamela Galera, Principal Project Planner Eleanor Granflor — Sr. Secretary AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Balius called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chairman Balius led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: Scott Barnes, Anaheim Resident, introduced himself and spoke on possible right-of-way improvements along the Southern California Edison easement at Maxwell Park. Mr. Barnes spoke on the desire for outdoor exercise equipment that can be installed along the walking trail. Ameera Basmadji, representing Access California Services, introduced herself and spoke on the need for services and recreation that can bring the community together at a park facility. Nahla Kayala, also representing Access California Services, introduced herself and spoke on the need for a new facility for the services the organization can provide to the community. Esther Wallace, Magnolia School District Ex -Officio and WAND representative, introduced herself and spoke on the importance of open space/park land and her thoughts against giving park land away to build a facility. Sally Chase, also representing Access California Services, introduced herself and spoke on how the program helped her personally and that the organization has programs for all Anaheim residents. SCHEDULED COMMUNICATION: None. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chairman Balius presented the December 6, 2017 Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. Chairman Balius made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Cook. The motion was approved with four votes in favor and one abstention by Commissioner Cudd; Chairman Balius accepted the minutes. 6. REPORTS a) Recreation, Human & Neighborhood Services Activity Report — October/November: Sjany Larson -Cash presented the report and highlighted the programs at Oak Canyon Nature Center and the Howl -O -Ween Dog Party at La Palma Dog Park. Sjany answered questions regarding the Adult Soccer League and youth sports leagues in West Anaheim. b) Parks Activity Report — November/December: Larry Pasco presented the report and highlighted woodchip installation at Rio Vista Park and restroom renovation at Pearson Park. Larry answered questions regarding the Pearson Park restroom renovation, bridge renovation at Twila Reid Park, funding used for park improvements, and lighting around playground at Brookhurst Park. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes January 24, 2018 c) Park Ranger Presentation and Report — December: Sjany Larson -Cash reported the Park Ranger Patrol Statistics and answered questions regarding skate boarding, the number of patrons at a park, curfew at parks and park hours, and the approximate time of restrooms being unlocked at parks. d) Parks Capital Project Progress Report: Pamela Galera presented the report and shared that the Grand Opening of Ponderosa Park Family Resource Center and Gymnasium will be on January 27th. Pamela Galera and Larry Pasco answered questions regarding a Tribal Monitor and Paleontologist on the Anaheim Coves Northern Extension project site, Brookhurst Park playground renovation, the Logan Wells Skatezone, remodel of the existing Wagner House, the plans of the Anaheim Family YMCA for the Ross Park Expansion, and the Lincoln Park parking lot and sign. PREVIOUS BUSINESS: a) Planning for Parks Update: Brent Dennis and Larry Pasco provided an updated on the Anaheim Parks Plan and answered questions. The Anaheim Parks Plan Work Group, Technical Advisory Committee, and Steering Committee will meet in the next couple of weeks. A presentation of the Plan will be made at the Neighborhood District meetings in February. The recommendation for the Anaheim Parks Plan is scheduled to go to City Council for approval in April. b) Park Surveillance Camera Update: Larry Pasco provided at an update on surveillance cameras project and answered questions. The cameras are currently operational, they are being monitored as needed, and the speaker capability is being used. Larry stated Police Department staff will be providing a presentation at the next Commission meeting. NEW BUSINESS: a) Access California Services Discussion: Chairman Balius gave a brief overview of the proposed project of Access California Services. The Commission had a discussion regarding the proposed project. Commissioner Farrow made a motion that further information and discussion is necessary before a vote is made for the proposed project, seconded by Commissioner Cook. The motion was approved with a unanimous vote; Chairman Balius accepted the motion. 9. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Brent Dennis reported on the homeless along the Santa Ana River. There will be extra security provided by Lyons Security for four months as a pilot project and five parks have been identified for surveillance. This pilot project will coordinate closely with the Park Rangers and Code Enforcement. Commissioner Rupp stated the Pearson Park Playground Build will be on February 24. Chairman Balius requested for the Commission packet be emailed and mailed to the Commissioners, provided items to be added to the agenda for the next meeting, and discussed the absence policy of a Commissioner. Sjany Larson -Cash stated the Ponderosa Park Family Resource Center and Gymnasium Grand Opening will be on January 27. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Balius adjourned the meeting at 8:17 p.m.