Golf 2003/02/27MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES February 27, 2003 - 4:00 p.m. Community Services Department 4th Floor Conference Room Chairman Ed Klein Vice -Chairman Howard Bartholomew Commissioner Jerry LeMar Commissioner Bill Martin Jack Kudron, Bob Johns, Michael Lautenbach, Dave Johansen, and Linda Harrah VALLEY CREST GOLF: Don Hoos, General Manager of Maintenance, Southwest Region Chairman Klein called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. The minutes of the December 5, 2002 meeting were approved on a Motion by Commissioner LeMar and seconded by Vice -Commission Bartholomew. There were no questions regarding the Minutes from the Commission. ACTIVITY REPORT Jack Kudron referenced the Golf Inc. article on American Golf which states that the new owners will sell many of their properties, among the local courses that have already been sold are Westridge and Sea Cliff. There were no questions from the Commissioners. COURSE CONDITIONS REPORT Dave Johansen reported that during December the fairways were aerified at The Hills, drains and bunkers on the #2 green were finished and the solar panels and parking lot light bulbs were cleaned. At Dad Miller the #14 Tee drinking fountain was replaced. The rain flooded the course on December 17th and took three days to clean-up. January weather brought several wind storms which resulted in the loss of 13 trees; eight at Dad Miller and five at the Hills, including the large oak to the left of the cart path on 18. Applications of Primo and Proxy began to regulate growth and head at both Dad Miller and The Hills. Temporary restrooms facilities have been installed as a result of shutting the water off at the clubhouse. A new irrigation controller has been installed to water the slope. Dad Miller tees were aerified, the irrigation lake was drained, channels cleaned, and a new drain pipe and sump pump were installed in the cart barn. Dave Johansen answered questions from the Commissioners. Golf Advisory Commission Minutes February 27, 2003 Page Two DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT Bob Johns reported the temporary facilities at The Hills for the Golf Shop are working great. The change in the starting tee (#1 with #6, etc.) is working well with the customers. The initial four carts dedicated to take customers to and from the driving range, has been increased to eight carts due to its popularity. At Dad Miller the ball dispensing operation is being updated for better control, by installing a system that has an accurate counting system which counts the type and number of buckets that will be balanced against the cash register report. Bob Johns reported that the reservation system was converted from the familiar computerized system to pencil and paper. This was necessary due to the clubhouse demolition the telephone company did not have a T1 line available that is necessary for the computerized system. Jack Kudron stated that the current IVR system that routes the calls and updates the menu for both courses tee sheets is less than reliable. Staff is researching the available options which include stand alone computers for each course but no computer in Golf Operations at City Hall. The main drawback is that Michael Lautenbach reviews the tee sheets and offers specials via the email club if there is space available. Other options include a staffed call center, and possibly utilizing the Internet to make reservations. Bob Johns answered questions from the Commission. FINANCIAL REPORT A. November/December/January Financial Summary Jack Kudron reported that the numbers remain down 5%. The upward spikes at the courses are primarily due to the specials offered to the golfers. The playership is coming back but the per capita revenue figure per golfer is lower. Staff will continue to develop promotions, and player loyalty etc. Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commission. OLD BUSINESS A. Clubhouse Update Jack Kudron stated the old clubhouse has been removed and grading has started which is a three to four week process. Staff is developing two sets of bids, one for the food concessionaire items and the second for the interior furnishings. Golf Advisory Commission Minutes February 27, 2003 Page Three There has been one small design change due to the Health Department requirement to dedicate more space to dry goods storage. To meet their requirement, the architect has had to reconfigure the main storageroom walls to allow for sufficient space for storage. Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commission. B. Tiger Woods Learning Center Update Jack Kudron reported that city staff continues to meet with staff from the Tiger Woods Foundation regarding the design for the renovation of the golf course, the Learning Center's building design for the driving range, the agreement between the City and the Tiger Woods Foundation and the Learning Center's groundbreaking on April 16th at the Driving Range that will be a private media event. Jack presented a conceptual drawing of the proposed renovations to the Dad Miller Golf Course including the new driving range. Foundation staff estimates to be under construction by July 2003 if they are able to complete the preliminary reports such as an Environmental Impact Report and the State Fish and Game requirements because the basin is considered a wetland. Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commission. NEW BUSINESS A. Commission Status Jack Kudron reported that the City Council has proposed term limits for the city's commissions similar to the Council's. The Council will further discuss and possibly voted on this at the next City Council Meeting. B. City Tournament Michael Lautenbach reported that all the Tournament brochures were mailed. Sixty entries have been received via the Internet site as well as the first mailer entries. The Men's Championship scratch flight was moved to the same weekend as the Senior Championship. This allows more players for this Championship. There were no questions from the Commission. Golf Advisory Commission Minutes February 27, 2003 Page Four C. New Golf Website Michael Lautenbach reported that the new golf website went "live" the end of January. To date, staff has received many positive comments. For example , the website offers more information, daily promotions, and tournament information can be requested. There were no questions from the Commission. D. New Golf Cart bid Michael Lautenbach stated that the current vendor will not be bidding on the next contract for golf carts. Included as an alternate in the bid was the cost of a GPS system as all the golf cart manufactures have teamed up with a GPS system provider. Michael answered questions from the Commission. E. Fee Increases Jack Kudron reported that staff will present for Council approval a proposal to increase Saturday and Sunday fees at both courses effective January 2004. Fees have not been increased in four years. The proposed increase at The Hills is $5.00 for both resident and non-resident. The increase at Dad Miller will be $2.00 for resident and $3.00 for non-residents. There were no questions from the Commission. F. Special Promotions Update Jack Kudron reported that there is an increase in tournaments using the booking promotions that are based on the number of players in the tournament which determines the number of complimentary rounds of golf. The larger tournaments are using them as tee prizes. There is a six month expiration on the offer. Michael Lautenbach referred to a report of the various discounts that have been offered. The report states the number of paid rounds due to the coupon rounds. The most successful promotion is the senior coupon where there is no discount to fees but the age was lowered from 62 to 55. The increased business has resulted in the total rounds for February was 378. Michael Lautenbach answered questions from the Commission. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. The next Golf Advisory Commission meeting will be held Thursday, March 27, at 4:00 p.m. in the Civic Center 4th Floor Conference Room. 4