Golf 2003/03/27MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBER ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT W GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES March 27, 2003 - 4:00 p.m. Community Services Department 4"' Floor Conference Room Chairman Ed Klein Commissioner Jerry LeMar Commissioner Bill Martin Vice -Chairman Howard Bartholomew Jack Kudron, Bob Johns, Michael Lautenbach, Dave Johansen, and Gail Barruga VALLEY CREST GOLF: Don Hoos, General Manager of Maintenance, Southwest Region Chairman Klein called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. The minutes of the February 27, 2003 meeting were approved on a Motion by Commissioner Martin and seconded by Commissioner LeMar. There were no questions regarding the Minutes from the Commission. ACTIVITY REPORT Jack Kudron referenced the copy of the Staff Report and Ordinance regarding the Golf Commission passed by the City Council on March 25, 2003. The City Clerk confirmed the current terms for the Golf Advisory Commissioners will end June 16, 2003. The City Clerk will be sending a letter to each Commissioner further explaining the action taken by the Council. Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commissioners. COURSE CONDITIONS REPORT Dave Johansen reported the several rain storms in February delayed the major projects scheduled for the two courses. The greens were aerified and top dressed at Dad Miller. At the Hills, the greens to be aerified and top dressed were delayed due to the rain storms until after the City Championship during the first week of May. Also at The Hills a new drain line was installed on hole #1. Jack Kudron reported he met with the members of the Nohl Villas homeowner's association, the condominiums along the left side of hole #1. They have expressed concerns about the high number of golf balls that end up on their property and create broken roof tiles. Michael Lautenbach and Jack attended an association's board meeting and also met with members on site to further discuss options to reduce the problems. r-111 r', Golf Advisory Commission Minutes March 27, 2003 Page Two Staff will immediately install signs informing the golfers of the homes to the left of the tee. Jack suggested to lowering the out of bounds area on the left side, by removing the turf on the hill and replace it with shrubs and increase the penalty. Dave Johansen and Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commissioners. DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT Bob Johns reported Chris Nelson, Dad Miller's Golf Pro, now has a computer up and running and he will be receiving training on the various programs. Scott Stubbs, The Hills Golf Pro, is assisting Chris in improving the Golf Shop to increase merchandise sales. Dad Miller's driving range is in the process of changing over to a new accounting system for dispensing buckets of balls. This program will be operating by the first week of April 2003. Bob Johns answered questions from the Commission. FINANCIAL REPORT A. February Financial Summary Jack Kudron reported that statistics for February were impacted by the rain storms and flooding at Dad Miller. It took a week to clean up the course at Dad Miller to play 18 holes. The promotions at The Hills are doing quite well. The promotions were timed with the installation of the temporary facilities and construction of the new clubhouse. Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commission. OLD BUSINESS A. Clubhouse Update Jack Kudron reported that construction was delayed by 16 days due to the rain. The grading inspection was to be conducted then the rain storms hit. The grading was passed after a week's delay to let the area dry out. Trenching for the utilities and the foundation has begun. The contractor is stating that they will be able to make up the lost days. Staff continues to work with Orin Abrams, the food and beverage concessionaire in determining the items for the Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) to be purchased by the City. Also, Mr. Abrams has submitted the banquet menu and pricing so that he can begin marketing the clubhouse. W Golf Advisory Commission Minutes March 27, 2003 Page Three The menu and pricing was reviewed and approved by the Christopher K. Jarvi, Director of Community Services as required by the contract. Mr. Abrams is developing the grill and bar menu and pricing and will submit that at a later date. He is also setting up a website to market the clubhouse. Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commission. B. Tiger Woods Learning Center Update Jack Kudron stated he facilitated a meeting between the Tiger Woods Foundation and Valley Crest to discuss the possibility of Valley Crest performing maintenance at the Learning Center and the development at the course. Valley Crest was requested to provide specifications and costs for the various projects. Staff is working on the formal agreement between the City and the Tiger Woods Foundation further refining the areas of responsibility. The Tiger Woods Foundation will be conducting a community meeting on Wednesday, April 2° at the Brookhurst Community Center to introduce the project to the residents around the golf course. The groundbreaking ceremony for the Tiger Woods Learning Center is Wednesday, April 16th at 11:00 a.m. There will be a press conference, announcement of corporate sponsors, the groundbreaking ceremony with will include area students, the City's Mayor and Council Members, and members of the County's Board of Supervisors. Lunch will follow the ceremony. This ceremony will necessitate the closing of the driving range from Monday through part of Thursday. Jack reviewed the tentative plans for the reconfiguration of some of the holes and placement of the new driving range at Dad Miller Golf Course. Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commission C. City Tournament Michael Lautenbach reported that 112 entries have been received for the handicapped flight, 38 for the Men's Championship and 48 for the Seniors Tournament. The deadline is April 1St to meet the printing of the program that is due to the printers by April 8th. A large ad for the tournaments was run in the Orange County Register today, March 27, 2003. Michael stated that he will contact the Commissioners as to their availability for the awards ceremonies. There were no questions from the Commission Golf Advisory Commission Minutes March 27, 2003 Page Four NEW BUSINESS A. Golf Cart Bid Opening Michael Lautenbach reported that the bid opening was Wednesday, March 26th and bids were received from EZ Go, Club Car and Yamaha. The per cart charge ranged from $85 to $107. Staff will be evaluating the bids, then make a recommendation to City Council for a three year agreement. An alternative to the bid requested the bidders to provide the cost for a GPS system on their cart. However, there are certain contractual issues with the current vendor that need to be resolved. Michael answered questions from the Commissioners. B. Dad Miller Break -In Bob Johns and Michael Lautenbach reported on the break-in and destruction of golf carts in the cart barn. When the vandals broke into the Golf Shop, the alarm was set off. The Anaheim Police caught the three young men and staff has since provided the courts with the total costs of the damages. The first court date is scheduled for March 28th. The estimated total will be $20,000. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. The next Golf Advisory Commission meeting will be held Thursday, April 24, at 4:00 p.m. in the Civic Center 4th Floor Conference Room.